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416 lines (355 loc) · 23.5 KB

Nullable Reference Types

Reference types may be nullable, non-nullable, or null-oblivious (abbreviated here as ?, !, and ~).

Setting project level nullable context

Project level nullable context can be set by using "nullable" command line switch: -nullable[+|-] Specify nullable context option enable|disable. -nullable:{enable|disable|warnings|annotations} Specify nullable context option enable|disable|warnings|annotations.

Through msbuild the context could be set by supplying an argument for a "Nullable" parameter of Csc build task. Accepted values are "enable", "disable", "warnings", "annotations", or null (for the default nullable context according to the compiler). The Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets passes value of msbuild property named "Nullable" for that parameter.

Note that in previous preview releases of C# 8.0 this "Nullable" property was successively named "NullableReferenceTypes" then "NullableContextOptions".


In source, nullable reference types are annotated with ?.

string? OptString; // may be null
Dictionary<string, object?>? OptDictionaryOptValues; // dictionary may be null, values may be null

A warning is reported when annotating a reference type with ? outside a #nullable context.

Metadata representation

Declaration warnings

Describe warnings reported for declarations in initial binding.

Flow analysis

Flow analysis is used to infer the nullability of variables within executable code. The inferred nullability of a variable is independent of the variable's declared nullability. Method calls are analyzed even when they are conditionally omitted. For instance, Debug.Assert in release mode.


Describe set of warnings. Differentiate W warnings. If the analysis determines that a null check always (or never) passes, a hidden diagnostic is produced. For example: "string" is null.

Null tests

A number of null checks affect the flow state when tested for:

  • comparisons to null: x == null and x != null
  • is operator: x is null, x is K (where K is a constant), x is string, x is string s
  • calls to well-known equality methods, including:
    • static bool object.Equals(object, object)
    • static bool object.ReferenceEquals(object, object)
    • bool object.Equals(object) and overrides
    • bool IEquatable<T>.Equals(T) and implementations
    • bool IEqualityComparer<T>.Equals(T, T) and implementations

Some null checks are "pure null tests", which means that they can cause a variable whose flow state was previously not-null to update to maybe-null. Pure null tests include:

  • x == null, x != null whether using a built-in or user-defined operator
  • (Type)x == null, (Type)x != null
  • x is null
  • object.Equals(x, null), object.ReferenceEquals(x, null)
  • IEqualityComparer<Type?>.Equals(x, null)

All of the above checks except for x is null are commutative. For example, null == x is also a valid pure null test.

Some expressions which may not return bool are also considered pure null tests:

  • x?.Member will change the receiver's flow state to maybe-null unconditionally
  • x ?? y will change the LHS expression's flow state to maybe-null unconditionally

Example of how a pure null test can affect flow analysis:

string s = "hello";
if (s != null)
    _ = s.ToString(); // ok
    _ = s.ToString(); // warning

Versus a "not pure" null test:

string s = "hello";
if (s is string)
    _ = s.ToString(); // ok
    _ = s.ToString(); // ok

Invocation of methods annotated with the following attributes will also affect flow analysis:

  • simple pre-conditions: [AllowNull] and [DisallowNull]
  • simple post-conditions: [MaybeNull] and [NotNull]
  • conditional post-conditions: [MaybeNullWhen(bool)] and [NotNullWhen(bool)]
  • [DoesNotReturnIf(bool)] (e.g. [DoesNotReturnIf(false)] for Debug.Assert) and [DoesNotReturn]
  • [NotNullIfNotNull(string)]
  • member post-conditions: [MemberNotNull(params string[])] and [MemberNotNullWhen(bool, params string[])] See

The Interlocked.CompareExchange methods have special handling in flow analysis instead of being annotated due to the complexity of their nullability semantics. The affected overloads include:

  • static object? System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref object? location, object? value, object? comparand)
  • static T System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange<T>(ref T location, T value, T comparand) where T : class?

When simple pre- and post-condition attributes are applied to a property, and an allowed input state is assigned to the property, the property's state is updated to be an allowed output state. For instance an [AllowNull] string property can be assigned null and still return not-null values.

Enforcing nullability attributes within method bodies:

  • An input parameter marked with [AllowNull] is initialized with a maybe-null (or maybe-default) state.
  • An input parameter marked with [DisallowNull] is initialized with a not-null state.
  • A parameter marked with [MaybeNull] or [MaybeNullWhen] can be assigned a maybe-null value, without warning. Same for return values. Same for a nullable parameter marked with [NotNullWhen] (the attribute is ignored).
  • A parameter marked with [NotNull] will produce a warning when assigned a maybe-null value. Same for return values.
  • The state of a parameter marked with [MaybeNullWhen]/[NotNullWhen] is checked upon exiting the method instead.
  • A method marked with [DoesNotReturn] will produce a warning if it returns or exits normally.

Note: we don't validate the internal consistency of auto-properties, so it is possible to misuse attributes on auto-props as on fields. For example: [AllowNull, NotNull] public TOpen P { get; set; }.

Enforcing nullability attributes when overriding and implementing: In addition to checking the types in overrides/implementations are compatible with overridden/implemented members, we also check that the nullability attributes are compatible.

  • For input parameters (by-value and in), we check that the widest allowed value by the overridden/implemented parameter can be assigned to the overriding/implementing parameter.
  • For output parameters (out and return values), we check that the widest produced value by the overriding/implementing parameter can be assigned to the overridden/implemented parameter.
  • For ref parameters and return values, we check both.
  • We check that the post-condition contract [NotNull]/[MaybeNull] on input parameters is enforced by overriding/implementing members.
  • We check that overrides/implementations have the [DoesNotReturn] attribute if the overridden/implemented member has it.
  • We check that members used in [MemberNotNull(...)] or [MemberNotNullWhen(...)] are not null upon exit, by assuming they had maybe-null state on entry.


If T is a reference type, default(T) is T?.

string? s = default(string); // assigns ?, no warning
string t = default; // assigns ?, warning

If T is a value type, default(T) is T and any non-value-type fields in T are maybe null. If T is a value type, new T() is equivalent to default(T).

struct Pair<T, U> { public T First; public U Second; }
var p = default(Pair<object?, string>); // ok: Pair<object?, string!> p
p.Second.ToString(); // warning
(object?, string) t = default; // ok
t.Item2.ToString(); // warning

If T is an unconstrained type parameter, default(T) is a T that is maybe null.

T t = default; // warning


Conversions can be calculated with ~ considered distinct from ? and !, or with ~ implicitly convertible to ? and !. Given IIn<in T> and IOut<out T>, with ~ distinct:

  • T! is a T~ is a T?
  • IIn<T!> is a IIn<T~> is a IIn<T?>
  • IOut<T?> is a IOut<T~> is a IOut<T!> Most conversions are considered with ~ implicitly convertible to ? and !.

Describe warnings from user-defined conversions.


For x = y, the nullability of the converted type of y is used for x. A warning is reported if there is a mismatch between top-level or nested nullability comparing the inferred nullability of x and the declared type of y. The warning is a W warning when assigning ? to ! and the target is a local.

notNull = maybeNull; // assigns ?, warning
notNull = oblivious; // assigns ~, no warning
oblivious = maybeNull; // assigns ?, no warning

Local declarations

Nullablilty follows from assignment above. Assigning ? to ! is a W warning.

string notNull = maybeNull; // assigns ?, warning

The nullability of var declarations is the nullable version of the inferred type.

var s = maybeNull; // s is ?, no warning
if (maybeNull == null) return;
var t = maybeNull; // t is ? too

Suppression operator (!)

The postfix ! operator sets the top-level nullability to non-nullable. Conversions on a suppressed expression produce no nullability warnings.

var x = optionalString!; // x is string!
var y = obliviousString!; // y is string!
var z = new [] { optionalString, obliviousString }!; // no change, z is string?[]!

A warning is reported when using the ! operator absent a NonNullTypes context.

Unnecessary usages of ! do not produce any diagnostics, including !!.

A suppressed expression e! can be target-typed if the operand expression e can be target-typed.

Explicit cast

Explicit cast to ? changes top-level nullability. Explicit cast to ! does not change top-level nullability and may produce W warning.

var x = (string)maybeNull; // x is string?, W warning
var y = (string)oblivious; // y is string~, no warning
var z = (string?)notNull; // y is string?, no warning

A warning is reported if the type of operand including nested nullability is not explicitly convertible to the target type.

sealed class MyList<T> : IEnumerable<T> { }
var x =  new MyList<string?>();
var y = (IEnumerable<object>)x;  // warning
var z = (IEnumerable<object?>)x; // no warning

Method type inference

We modify the spec rule for Fixing to take account of types that may be equivalent (i.e. have an identity conversion) yet may not be identical in the set of bounds. The existing spec says (third bullet)

If among the remaining candidate types Uj there is a unique type V from which there is an implicit conversion to all the other candidate types, then Xi is fixed to V.

This is not correct for C# 5 (i.e., it is a bug in the language specification), as it fails to handle bounds such as Dictionary<object, dynamic> and Dictionary<dynamic, object>, which are merged to Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic>. This is an open issue that we anticipate will be addressed in the next iteration of the ECMA specification. Handling nullability properly will require additional changes beyond those in that next iteration of the ECMA spec.

When adding to the set of exact bounds of a type parameter, types that are equivalent (i.e. have an identity conversion) but not identical are merged using invariant rules. When adding to the set of lower bounds of a type parameter, types that are equivalent but not identical are merged using covariant rules. When adding to the set of upper bounds of a type parameter, types that are equivalent but not identical are merged using contravariant rules. In the final fixing step, types that are equivalent but not identical are merged using covariant rules.

Merging equivalent but not identical types is done as follows:

Invariant merging rules

  • Merging dynamic and object results in the type dynamic.
  • Merging tuple types that differ in element names is specified elsewhere.
  • Merging equivalent types that differ in nullability is performed as follows: merging the types Tn and Um (where n and m are differing nullability annotations) results in the type Vk where V is the result of merging T and U using the invariant rule, and k is as follows:
  • if either n or m are non-nullable, non-nullable.
  • if either n or m are nullable, nullable.
  • otherwise oblivious.
  • Merging constructed generic types is performed as follows: Merging the types K<A1, A2, ...> and K<B1, B2, ...> results in the type K<C1, C2, ...> where Ci is the result of merging Ai and Bi by the invariant rule.
  • Merging tuple types (A1, A2, ...) and (B1, B2, ...) results in the type (C1, C2, ...) where Ci is the result of merging Ai and Bi by the invariant rule.
  • Merging the array types T[] and U[] results in the type V[] where V is the result of merging T and U by the invariant rule.

Covariant merging rules

  • Merging dynamic and object results in the type dynamic.
  • Merging tuple types that differ in element names is specified elsewhere.
  • Merging equivalent types that differ in nullability is performed as follows: merging the types Tn and Um (where n and m are differing nullability annotations) results in the type Vk where V is the result of merging T and U using the covariant rule, and k is as follows:
  • if either n or m are nullable, nullable.
  • if either n or m are oblivious, oblivious.
  • otherwise non-nullable.
  • Merging constructed generic types is performed as follows: Merging the types K<A1, A2, ...> and K<B1, B2, ...> results in the type K<C1, C2, ...> where Ci is the result of merging Ai and Bi by
    • the invariant rule if K's type parameter in the i position is invariant.
    • the covariant rule if K's type parameter in the i position is declared out.
    • the contravariant rule if the K's type parameter in the i position is declared in.
  • Merging tuple types (A1, A2, ...) and (B1, B2, ...) results in the type (C1, C2, ...) where Ci is the result of merging Ai and Bi by the covariant rule.
  • Merging the array types T[] and U[] results in the type V[] where V is the result of merging T and U by the invariant rule.

Contravariant merging rules

  • Merging dynamic and object results in the type dynamic.
  • Merging tuple types that differ in element names is specified elsewhere.
  • Merging equivalent types that differ in nullability is performed as follows: merging the types Tn and Um (where n and m are differing nullability annotations) results in the type Vk where V is the result of merging T and U using the contravariant rule, and k is as follows:
  • if either n or m are non-nullable, non-nullable.
  • if either n or m are oblivious, oblivious.
  • otherwise nullable.
  • Merging constructed generic types is performed as follows: Merging the types K<A1, A2, ...> and K<B1, B2, ...> results in the type K<C1, C2, ...> where Ci is the result of merging Ai and Bi by
    • the invariant rule if K's type parameter in the i position is invariant.
    • the covariant rule if K's type parameter in the i position is declared in.
    • the contravariant rule if K's type parameter in the i position is declared out.
  • Merging tuple types (A1, A2, ...) and (B1, B2, ...) results in the type (C1, C2, ...) where Ci is the result of merging Ai and Bi by the contravariant rule.
  • Merging the array types T[] and U[] results in the type V[] where V is the result of merging T and U by the invariant rule.

It is intended that these merging rules are associative and commutative, so that a compiler may merge a set of equivalent types pairwise in any order to compute the final result.

Open issue: these rules do not describe the handling of merging a nested generic type K<A>.L<B> with K<C>.L<D>. That should be handled the same as a hypothetical type KL<A, B> would be merged with KL<C, D>.

Open issue: these rules do not describe the handling of merging pointer types.

Array creation

The calculation of the best type element nullability uses the Conversions rules above and the covariant merging rules.

var w = new [] { notNull, oblivious }; // ~[]!
var x = new [] { notNull, maybeNull, oblivious }; // ?[]!
var y = new [] { enumerableOfNotNull, enumerableOfMaybeNull, enumerableOfOblivious }; // IEnumerable<?>!
var z = new [] { listOfNotNull, listOfMaybeNull, listOfOblivious }; // List<~>!

Anonymous types

Fields of anonymous types have nullability of the arguments, inferred from the initializing expression.

static void F<T>(T x, T y)
    if (x == null) return;
    var a = new { x, y }; // inferred as x:T, y:T (both Unannotated)
    a.x.ToString(); // ok (non-null tracked by the nullable flow state of the initial value for property x)
    a.y.ToString(); // warning

Null-coalescing operator

The top-level nullability of x ?? y is ! if x is ! and otherwise the top-level nullability of y. A warning is reported if there is a nested nullability mismatch between x and y.


We infer the state after a try statement in part by keeping track of which variables may have been assigned a null value in the finally block. This tracking distinguishes actual assignments from inferences: only actual assignments (but not inferences) affect the state after the try statement. See #34018 and #35276. This is not yet reflected in the language specification for nullable reference types (as we don't have a specification for how to handle try statements at this time).

Type parameters

A class? constraint is allowed, which, like class, requires the type argument to be a reference type, but allows it to be nullable. Nullable strawman 4/25/18

Explicit object (or System.Object) constraints of any nullability are disallowed. However, type substitution can lead to object! or object~ constraints to appear among the constraint types, when their nullability is significant by comparison to other constraints. An object! constraint requires the type to be non-nullable (value or reference type). However, an explicit object? constraint is not allowed. An unconstrained (here it means - no type constraints, and no class, struct, or unmanaged constraints) type parameter is essentially equivalent to one constrained by object? when it is declared in a context where nullable annotations are enabled. If annotations are disabled, the type parameter is essentially equivalent to one constrained by object~. The context is determined at the identifier that declares the type parameter within a type parameter list. 4/25/18 Note, the object/System.Object constraint is represented in metadata as any other type constraint, the type is System.Object.

An explicit notnull constraint is allowed, which requires the type to be non-nullable (value or reference type). 5/15/19 The rules to determine when it is a named type constraint or a special notnull constraint are similar to rules for unmanaged. Similarly, it is valid only at the first position in constraints list.

A warning is reported for nullable type argument for type parameter with class constraint or non-nullable reference type or interface type constraint. 4/25/18

static void F1<T>() where T : class { }
static void F2<T>() where T : Stream { }
static void F3<T>() where T : IDisposable { }
F1<Stream?>(); // warning
F2<Stream?>(); // warning
F3<Stream?>(); // warning

Type parameter constraints may include nullable reference type and interface types. 4/25/18

static void F2<T> where T : Stream? { }
static void F3<T>() where T : IDisposable? { }
F2<Stream?>(); // ok
F3<Stream?>(); // ok

A warning is reported for inconsistent top-level nullability of constraint types. 4/25/18

static void F4<T> where T : class, Stream? { } // warning
static void F5<T> where T : Stream?, IDisposable { } // warning

An error is reported for duplicate constraints where constraints are compared ignoring top-level and nested nullability.

class C<T> where T : class
    static void F1<U>() where U : T, T? { } // error: duplicate constraint
    static void F2<U>() where U : I<T>, I<T?> { } // error: duplicate constraint

What are the rules for annotated (unannotated) type arguments for generic type parameters from unannotated (annotated) types and methods?

[NotNullTypes(false)] List<T> F1<T>(T t) where T : class { ... }
[NotNullTypes(true)]  List<T> F2<T>(T t) where T : class { ... }
[NotNullTypes(true)]  List<T?> F3<T>(T? t) where T : class { ... }
var x = F1(notNullString);   // List<string!> or List<string~> ?
var y = F1(maybeNullString); // List<string?> or List<string~> ?
var z = F2(obliviousString); // List<string~>! or List<string!>! ?
var w = F3(obliviousString); // List<string~>! or List<string?>! ?

A warning is reported for dereferencing variables of type T, where T is an unconstrained type parameter.

static void F<T>(T t) => t.ToString(); // Warn possible null dereference

A warning is reported when attempting to convert a null, default, or potentially null value to an unconstrained type parameter.

static T F<T>() => default; // Warn converting default to T

Object creation

An error is reported for creating an instance of a nullable reference type.

new C?(); // error
new List<C?>(); // ok

Generated code

Older code generation strategies may not be nullable aware. Setting the project-level nullable context to "enable" could result in many warnings that a user is unable to fix. To support this scenario any syntax tree that is determined to be generated will have its nullable state implicitly set to "disable", regardless of the overall project state.

A syntax tree is determined to be generated if meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • File name begins with:
    • TemporaryGeneratedFile_
  • File name ends with:
    • .designer.cs
    • .generated.cs
    • .g.cs
    • .g.i.cs
  • Contains a top level comment that contains
    • <autogenerated
    • <auto-generated

Newer, nullable-aware generators may then opt-in to nullable analysis by including a generated #nullable restore at the beginning of the code, ensuring that the generated syntax tree will be analyzed according to the project-level nullable context.

Public APIs

There are a few questions that an API consumer would want to answer:

  1. should I print a ? after the type?
  2. can I assign a null value to a variable of this type?
  3. could I read a null value from a variable of this type?

Two primitive concepts we wish to expose are: IsAnnotated and NonNullTypes. We may expose some higher-level concepts (to address questions 2 and 3 conveniently) as well.

string? true
int? / Nullable<int> true (needs confirmation)
Nullable<T> true
T? where T : class true
T? where T : struct true (needs confirmation)
string false
int false
T where T : class/object false
T where T : class? false
T where T : struct false
T false