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Add workflow

Add workflow #114

Workflow file for this run

- main
- v*
- cli-v*
Configuration: Release
TreatWarningsAsErrors: true
WarningsNotAsErrors: 1591,NU5128
Deterministic: true
RunCodeAnalysis: false
# common:
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# outputs:
# version: ${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}
# version3: ${{ steps.version.outputs.version3 }}
# cliVersion: ${{ steps.cliVersion.outputs.version }}
# defaults:
# run:
# working-directory: src
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# fetch-depth: 0
# - run: echo ":/github/home/.dotnet/tools" >> $GITHUB_PATH
# - run: dotnet tool install -g GitVersion.Tool --version 5.12.0
# - name: Resolve version
# id: version
# run: |
# dotnet-gitversion > version.json
# version="$(jq -r '.SemVer' version.json)"
# version3="$(jq -r '.MajorMinorPatch' version.json)"
# pr_version="$(jq -r '.MajorMinorPatch' version.json)-$(jq -r '.PreReleaseLabel' version.json).${{ github.run_number }}.${{ github.run_attempt }}"
# if [ "${{ github.event_name }}" = "pull_request" ]; then version=$pr_version; fi
# echo "Resolved version: $version"
# echo "version=${version}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# echo "Resolved version3: $version3"
# echo "version3=${version3}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: Resolve CLI version
# id: cliVersion
# run: |
# dotnet-gitversion /overrideconfig tag-prefix=cli-v > version.json
# version="$(jq -r '.SemVer' version.json)"
# pr_version="$(jq -r '.MajorMinorPatch' version.json)-$(jq -r '.PreReleaseLabel' version.json).${{ github.run_number }}.${{ github.run_attempt }}"
# if [ "${{ github.event_name }}" = "pull_request" ]; then version=$pr_version; fi
# echo "Resolved CLI version: $version"
# echo "version=${version}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - run: dotnet restore Roslynator.sln
# - run: dotnet build Roslynator.sln --no-restore
# - run: |
# dotnet format Roslynator.sln --no-restore --verify-no-changes --severity info --exclude-diagnostics \
# IDE0220 \
# IDE0251 \
# IDE0270
# # IDE0220 - 'foreach' statement implicitly converts type. Add an explicit cast to make intent clearer.
# # IDE0251 - Property can be made read-only.
# # IDE0270 - Null check can be simplified.
# - run: dotnet test Roslynator.sln --no-build
# build_core_and_testing:
# if: github.ref_type != 'tag' || startsWith(github.ref_name, 'v')
# needs: common
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# env:
# Version: ${{ needs.common.outputs.version }}
# defaults:
# run:
# working-directory: src
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# fetch-depth: 0
# - run: dotnet restore Roslynator.CoreAndTesting.slnf
# - run: dotnet build Roslynator.CoreAndTesting.slnf --no-restore
# - run: dotnet pack Roslynator.CoreAndTesting.slnf --no-build -o _nupkg
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: nuget
# path: src/_nupkg/*nupkg
# build_analyzers:
# if: github.ref_type != 'tag' || startsWith(github.ref_name, 'v')
# needs: common
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# env:
# Version: ${{ needs.common.outputs.version }}
# strategy:
# matrix:
# component:
# - name: Analyzers
# propertyName: Analyzers
# - name: Formatting.Analyzers
# propertyName: FormattingAnalyzers
# - name: CodeAnalysis.Analyzers
# propertyName: CodeAnalysisAnalyzers
# defaults:
# run:
# working-directory: src/${{ }}.CodeFixes
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# fetch-depth: 0
# - run: dotnet restore
# - run: dotnet build --no-restore /p:Roslynator${{ matrix.component.propertyName }}NuGet=true
# - run: dotnet pack --no-build
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: nuget
# path: src/${{ }}.CodeFixes/bin/Release/*.nupkg
# build_vs_extension:
# if: github.ref_type != 'tag' || startsWith(github.ref_name, 'v')
# needs: common
# runs-on: windows-latest
# defaults:
# run:
# working-directory: src/VisualStudio
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# fetch-depth: 0
# - run: (Get-Content source.extension.vsixmanifest) -replace 'Version="1.0.0"', 'Version="${{ needs.common.outputs.version3 }}"' | Set-Content source.extension.vsixmanifest
# - run: dotnet restore
# - uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1.1
# - run: msbuild /p:Version=${{ needs.common.outputs.version }},DeployExtension=false
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: vs_extension
# path: src/VisualStudio/bin/Release/net472/*.vsix
if: github.ref_type != 'tag' || startsWith(github.ref_name, 'v')
# needs: common
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1.1
- run: $xxx="abc"
- run: $xxx
- run: vswhere -latest -products * -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VSSDK -property installationPath
# version="$(jq -r '.SemVer' version.json)"
- run: $visualStudioInstallationPath="$(vswhere -latest -products * -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VSSDK -property installationPath)"
- run: echo visualStudioInstallationPath
- run: $visualStudioInstallationPath3="$(vswhere -latest -products * -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VSSDK -property installationPath)"
- run: echo $visualStudioInstallationPath3
- run: $visualStudioInstallationPath2=vswhere -latest -products * -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VSSDK -property installationPath
- run: echo $visualStudioInstallationPath2
- run: $vsixPublisher = Join-Path '$(vswhere -latest -products * -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VSSDK -property installationPath)' 'VSSDK\VisualStudioIntegration\Tools\Bin\VsixPublisher.exe'
- run: echo $vsixPublisher
- run: "& $vsixPublisher"
# build_vs_code_extension:
# if: github.ref_type != 'tag' || startsWith(github.ref_name, 'v')
# needs: [ common, build_analyzers ]
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# defaults:
# run:
# working-directory: src/VisualStudioCode
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# fetch-depth: 0
# - run: dotnet restore
# - run: dotnet build --no-restore /p:Version=${{ needs.common.outputs.version }},DefineConstants=VSCODE
# - run: |
# mkdir package/roslyn/analyzers
# mkdir package/roslyn/refactorings
# mkdir package/roslyn/fixes
# cp bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Roslynator.Core.dll package/roslyn/common
# cp bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Roslynator.Common.dll package/roslyn/common
# cp bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Roslynator.CSharp.dll package/roslyn/common
# cp bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Roslynator.Workspaces.Core.dll package/roslyn/common
# cp bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Roslynator.Workspaces.Common.dll package/roslyn/common
# cp bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Roslynator.CSharp.Workspaces.dll package/roslyn/common
# cp bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Roslynator.CSharp.Analyzers.dll package/roslyn/analyzers
# cp bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Roslynator.CSharp.Analyzers.CodeFixes.dll package/roslyn/analyzers
# cp bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Roslynator.Formatting.Analyzers.dll package/roslyn/analyzers
# cp bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Roslynator.Formatting.Analyzers.CodeFixes.dll package/roslyn/analyzers
# cp bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Roslynator.CSharp.Refactorings.dll package/roslyn/refactorings
# cp bin/Release/netstandard2.0/Roslynator.CSharp.CodeFixes.dll package/roslyn/fixes
# name: Copy DLLs to package
# - run: >
# sed -i 's/"version": "1.0.0"/"version": "${{ needs.common.outputs.version3 }}"/' package/package.json
# - run: npm install
# working-directory: src/VisualStudioCode/package
# - run: npm install -g @vscode/vsce
# - run: vsce package
# working-directory: src/VisualStudioCode/package
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: vs_code_extension
# path: src/VisualStudioCode/package/*.vsix
# - run: ls package
# - run: rm package/*.vsix
# - run: sed -i s/ms-dotnettools.csharp/muhammad-sammy.csharp/ package/package.json
# - run: vsce package
# working-directory: src/VisualStudioCode/package
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: ovsx_extension
# path: src/VisualStudioCode/package/*.vsix
# build_core_cli:
# if: github.ref_type != 'tag' || startsWith(github.ref_name, 'cli-v')
# needs: common
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# env:
# RoslynatorDotNetCli: true
# RoslynatorCliVersion: ${{ needs.common.outputs.cliVersion }}
# Version: ${{ needs.common.outputs.version }}
# defaults:
# run:
# working-directory: src/CommandLine
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# fetch-depth: 0
# - run: dotnet restore
# - run: dotnet build --no-restore
# - run: dotnet pack --no-build
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: nuget
# path: src/CommandLine/bin/Release/*.nupkg
# build_framework_cli:
# if: github.ref_type != 'tag' || startsWith(github.ref_name, 'cli-v')
# needs: common
# runs-on: windows-latest
# env:
# RoslynatorCommandLine: true
# RoslynatorCliVersion: ${{ needs.common.outputs.cliVersion }}
# Version: ${{ needs.common.outputs.version }}
# defaults:
# run:
# working-directory: src/CommandLine
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# fetch-depth: 0
# - run: dotnet restore
# - run: dotnet build --no-restore
# - run: dotnet publish --no-build
# - run: dotnet pack --no-build
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: nuget
# path: src/CommandLine/bin/Release/*.nupkg
# release_nuget_packages:
# needs: [ build_core_and_testing, build_analyzers, build_core_cli, build_framework_cli ]
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# # if: github.ref_type == 'tag'
# steps:
# - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: nuget
# path: nuget
# # - run: dotnet nuget push "*.nupkg" -k ${{ secrets.NUGET_API_KEY }} -s ""
# # working-directory: nuget
# release_vs_code_extension:
# needs: build_vs_code_extension
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# # if: github.ref_type == 'tag'
# steps:
# - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: vs_code_extension
# path: vs_code_extension
# - run: npm install -g @vscode/vsce
# # - run: vsce publish -p ${{ secrets.VSCODE_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
# # working-directory: vs_code_extension
# release_ovsx_extension:
# needs: build_vs_code_extension
# runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# # if: github.ref_type == 'tag'
# steps:
# - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: ovsx_extension
# path: ovsx_extension
# - run: npm install -g ovsx
# # - run: ovsx publish -p ${{ secrets.OVSX_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
# # working-directory: ovsx_extension