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System.Text.Json deserializing of object[bool] does not produce boolean #29960

radek7210 opened this issue Jun 20, 2019 · 33 comments
area-System.Text.Json enhancement Product code improvement that does NOT require public API changes/additions json-functionality-doc Missing JSON specific functionality that needs documenting


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I understand that the System.Text.Json is still in development. However, I would like to point out that the new deserializer produces very different results than the previous one.


public class MyRequest
  public string ParamName { get; set; }
  public object ParamValue { get; set; }

Controller method:

public ActionResult<string> Post([FromBody] MyRequest myRequest)
  return Content($"Type of '{myRequest.ParamName}' is {myRequest.ParamValue.GetType()}; value is {myRequest.ParamValue}");

Posting this json:

  "ParamName": "Bool param",
  "ParamValue": false

In .net core 2.1, the false value deserializes as boolean:
Type of 'Bool param' is System.Boolean; value is False

However, in .net core 3.0 preview 6, the false value deserializes as System.Text.Json.JsonElement:
Type of 'Bool param' is System.Text.Json.JsonElement; value is False

Will there be any chance to make the new deserializer work the same as in 2.1?

Note: we declare the ParamValue as object, as in the real app the values are of several different types, and so far the deserializer handled all them for us without issues. In 3.0, all this functionality is broken.


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Current functionality treats any object parameter as JsonElement when deserializing. The reason is that we don't know what CLR type to create, and decided as part of the design that the deserializer shouldn't "guess".

For example, a JSON string could be a DateTime but the deserializer doesn't attempt to inspect. For a "True" or "False" in JSON that is fairly unambiguous to deserialize to a Boolean, but we don't since we don't want to special case String or Number, we don't want to make an exception for True or False.

With the upcoming preview 7, it is possible to write a custom converter for object that changes that behavior. Here's a sample converter:

public class ObjectBoolConverter : JsonConverter<object>
    public override object Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type type, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.True)
            return true;

        if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.False)
            return false;

        // Forward to the JsonElement converter
        var converter = options.GetConverter(typeof(JsonElement)) as JsonConverter<JsonElement>;
        if (converter != null)
            return converter.Read(ref reader, type, options);

        throw new JsonException();

        // or for best performance, copy-paste the code from that converter:
        //using (JsonDocument document = JsonDocument.ParseValue(ref reader))
        //    return document.RootElement.Clone();

    public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Directly writing object not supported");

Used like

var options = new JsonSerializerOptions();
options.Converters.Add(new ObjectConverter());

object boolObj = JsonSerializer.Parse<object>("true", options);
bool b = (bool)boolObj;
Debug.Assert(b == true);

object elemObj = JsonSerializer.Parse<object>(@"{}", options);
Debug.Assert(elemObj is JsonElement);

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sounds good, I'll use the custom converter. Thanks.

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@steveharter Json and Javascript don't have many type, but boolean is known one.
System.Text.Json should map json known'd type to clr type directly without custom converter

json clr
boolean bool
number double
string string
null null
undefined null

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@John0King I provided the rationale previously. Automatically mapping number to double won't work for large decimals.

What are the scenarios for using system.object instead of the strong type (double, string, bool)?

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Mike-E-angelo commented Jun 21, 2019

FWIW, using an object/dynamic property for message deserialization is a security consideration and should be handled with care:

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you are right, In many scenarios , handle JsonElement is much easier than an unknow/dynamic object type . it's just different than Json.Net that will break many people

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GSPP commented Jul 26, 2019

Maybe it's better to throw instead of deserializing as JsonElement. That way the decision can still be made in the future on how to deserialize to type object. Now, we're locked in to JsonElement.

I have personally wanted to deserialize to object a few times in the past with JSON.NET. I always wanted the "obvious" deserialization to bool etc.

If I want to deserialize to JsonElement then I can make the property a JsonElement.

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nick2893 commented Aug 8, 2019

So, regarding dictionary<string,object>, what is this supposed to look like? The following throws an exception.

        if (reader.TokenType == System.Text.Json.JsonTokenType.StartObject) 
            var conv = options.GetConverter(typeof(Dictionary<string, object>)) as System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter<Dictionary<string, object>>; 
            if (conv != null) 
                return conv.Read(ref reader, type, options); 
            throw new System.Text.Json.JsonException(); 

Regarding the design choices;
What can be used to represent an Object other than dictionary?
What can be used to represent an Array other than array?

I can appreciate abstraction, but somebody has the make the final implementation decision. The current design completely ignores people who happened to stumble upon a Json file as a job requirement, and most likely need to use Json and System.Text.Json once and never again. For those folks, something that reasonably easily generates dictionarys and arrays and strings (Json files are one big string, right?) with little effort (such as System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer), and some (any?) reasonable default deserialization decisions/assumptions would make life so much easier.

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I don't really like this design. You are making the most common use cases for a parser an impenetrable mess to serve the general correctness. To serve the 2% edge cases, you are making this yet another unusable .NET Json API for the 98% use cases. You have an options bucket, use it to OPT into the generally correct, but unhelpful behavior, not have it be the default.

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@gmurray81 can you explain your scenario for using System.Object (instead of just a bool) and what other values it may hold other than a bool?

Since JsonElement would still be used for non-bool types (e.g. objects, arrays, numbers) how would having a special case for bool make the code easier to consume?

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In most cases when I've seen this, it has been an anti-pattern. object is rarely what people want, and have seen far too many model.Foo.ToString() from people who didn't realize they shouldn't be using object.

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The JSON->POCO auto-generator in VS creates object members when it sees null, so this behavior breaks anyone migrating from such a thing.

But in most cases, this is again people just letting the default give them a bad model when they should be fixing what it gives them.

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John0King commented Sep 25, 2019

suggest to add a new strategy :PreferRawObject:true to use default object mapping

json clr
boolean bool
number double
string string
null null
undefined null
Date(string with TimezoneInfo) DateTimeOffset
Date(string without TimezoneInfo ) DateTime

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steveharter commented Sep 25, 2019

suggest to add a new strategy :PreferRawObject:true to use default object mapping

Yes some global option is doable.

However, it is actually fairly easy to create a custom converter to handle the cases you show above. Earlier I provided the sample for bool and here's a sample for bool, double, string, DateTimeOffset and DateTime. I will get the sample added to

private class SystemObjectNewtonsoftCompatibleConverter : JsonConverter<object>

private class SystemObjectNewtonsoftCompatibleConverter : JsonConverter<object>
    public override object Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.True)
            return true;

        if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.False)
            return false;

        if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.Number)
            if (reader.TryGetInt64(out long l))
                return l;

            return reader.GetDouble();

        if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.String)
            if (reader.TryGetDateTime(out DateTime datetime))
                return datetime;

            return reader.GetString();

        // Use JsonElement as fallback.
        // Newtonsoft uses JArray or JObject.
        using (JsonDocument document = JsonDocument.ParseValue(ref reader))
            return document.RootElement.Clone();

    public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Should not get here.");

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steveharter commented Sep 26, 2019

See the SystemObjectNewtonsoftCompatibleConverter sample class in

private class SystemObjectNewtonsoftCompatibleConverter : JsonConverter<object>
for semantics similar to Json.NET (except for objects and arrays).

@msftgits msftgits transferred this issue from dotnet/corefx Feb 1, 2020
@msftgits msftgits added this to the Future milestone Feb 1, 2020
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Is JsonElement now a new type for POCO?

Any news about this issue?

I am trying to deserialize a response with a value-list as object.
expected values types are dynamic and i made a List property in my model.

Currently with dotnet 3.1 the System.Text.Json Serializer is putting the values as JsonElement
into the List, but there is no option to cast the object instance to anything.
Not even to a string

(string)model.Values[0]; //will fail
(DateTimeOffset)model.Values[1]; //will fail
(double)model.Values[2]; //will fail

The only option what i see is to change from Object[] to JsonElement[]

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Is JsonElement now a new type for POCO?

It's a struct that holds the JSON itself and provides ways for you to walk the document object model (DOM), programmatically.

I am trying to deserialize a response with a value-list as object.
expected values types are dynamic and i made a List property in my model.

You can cast the object model to JsonElement and then get the values you need.


object model = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<object>("[\"str\", \"2020-02-22T05:50:46.3605858+00:00\", 25.5]");
if (model is JsonElement element)
    string str = element[0].GetString(); // returns "str"
    DateTimeOffset date = element[1].GetDateTimeOffset();
    double num = element[2].GetDouble(); //returns 25.5

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@ahsonkhan Thx for your answere, but it is not answering it.
Because there is no generic option to cast/read the value from JsonElement,
the consumer of the POCO need to know about the JsonElement Type
and so it would be a new POCO type.
This would be somehow against the naming of Plain-Old-CLR-Object.

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johnwc commented Apr 30, 2020

For those looking to convert JSON object to Hashtable, feel free to use my example. It should cover all JSON types. But, I have not tested it thoroughly, only for what we are needing it for. I have not used the write either, as we are only reading.

var options = new JsonSerializerOptions();
options.Converters.Add(new JsonHashtableConverter());
var obj = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Hashtable>(object, options);

public class JsonHashtableConverter : JsonConverterFactory
	private static JsonConverter<Hashtable> _valueConverter = null;

	public override bool CanConvert(Type typeToConvert)
		return typeToConvert == typeof(Hashtable);

	public override JsonConverter CreateConverter(Type type, JsonSerializerOptions options)
		return _valueConverter ?? (_valueConverter = new HashtableConverterInner(options));

	private class HashtableConverterInner : JsonConverter<Hashtable>
		private JsonSerializerOptions _options;
		private JsonConverter<Hashtable> _valueConverter = null;

		JsonConverter<Hashtable> converter
				return _valueConverter ?? (_valueConverter = (JsonConverter<Hashtable>)_options.GetConverter(typeof(Hashtable)));

		public HashtableConverterInner(JsonSerializerOptions options)
			_options = options;

		public override Hashtable Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
			if (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.StartObject)
				throw new JsonException();

			Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();

			while (reader.Read())
				if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject)
					return hashtable;

				// Get the key.
				if (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.PropertyName)
					throw new JsonException();

				string propertyName = reader.GetString();

				hashtable[propertyName] = getValue(ref reader, options);
			return hashtable;

		private object getValue(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, JsonSerializerOptions options)
			switch (reader.TokenType)
				case JsonTokenType.String:
					return reader.GetString();
				case JsonTokenType.False:
					return false;
				case JsonTokenType.True:
					return true;
				case JsonTokenType.Null:
					return null;
				case JsonTokenType.Number:
					if (reader.TryGetInt64(out long _long))
						return _long;
					else if (reader.TryGetDecimal(out decimal _dec))
						return _dec;
					throw new JsonException($"Unhandled Number value");
				case JsonTokenType.StartObject:
					return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Hashtable>(ref reader, options);
				case JsonTokenType.StartArray:
					List<object> array = new List<object>();
					while (reader.Read() &&
						reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.EndArray)
						array.Add(getValue(ref reader, options));
					return array.ToArray();
			throw new JsonException($"Unhandled TokenType {reader.TokenType}");

		public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, Hashtable hashtable, JsonSerializerOptions options)

			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in hashtable)

				if (converter != null &&
					kvp.Value is Hashtable)
					converter.Write(writer, (Hashtable)kvp.Value, options);
					JsonSerializer.Serialize(writer, kvp.Value, options);


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thinkards commented May 7, 2020

Edit: Added in write ability for json objects being deserialized (returned) from the controller actions as well. I omitted the extension methods for isIntegerType etc... for brevity. I agree with @gmurray81 that I expected this to be a fairly common use case to serialize/deserialize basic primitives in an object property. It was a 2 hour detour for me today to solve this problem, and I'm not even sure if I solved it the right way (it works, but I'm open to feedback on better ways). Multiply that by all the developers out there who have and will continue to stumble through this problem, coming up with their own clunky workarounds.

For others wanting to do something similar...

I needed an object property that accepts bool, number, or string for binding through ASP.NET core controller actions:

    public class MyConverter : JsonConverter<object>
        public override object Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type type, JsonSerializerOptions options)
            long longValue = 0;
            Decimal decimalValue = 0.0M;

            if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.Number)
                if (reader.TryGetInt64(out longValue))
                    return longValue;
                    if (reader.TryGetDecimal(out decimalValue))
                        return decimalValue;
            else if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.True)
                return true;
            else if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.False)
                return false;
            else if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.String)
                return reader.GetString();
            throw new JsonException($"Invalid type {reader.TokenType}");


            public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
                if (value.IsString())
                else if (value.IsFloating())
                else if (value.IsInteger())
                else if (value.IsBoolean())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Directly writing object not supported");

            public override bool CanConvert(Type typeToConvert)
                return typeToConvert.IsObjectType() || typeToConvert.IsIntegerType() || typeToConvert.IsFloatingType() || typeToConvert.IsBooleanType() || typeToConvert.IsStringType();

Which I applied to my model for ASP.NET core binding:

    public class MyModel
        public object Value { get; set; }

And used in my Controller Action:

        public async Task Create([FromBody]MyModel model)
            await DoWork(model);

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Microsoft docs now has section Deserialize inferred types to object properties w/ an example JSON object converter.

When using Bind(IConfiguration, Object) with JSON provider, it will deserialize as a string, i.e. 1 as "1" & true as "True".

@eiriktsarpalis eiriktsarpalis modified the milestone: Future Feb 25, 2021
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Banyc commented Mar 7, 2021

Is there a concrete solution for the controllers in ASP.NET Core? The object in parameter IDictionary<string, object> request is always JsonElement, which does not support a typecast.


The solution is to set this line to startup.cs:

services.AddControllers().AddJsonOptions(options =>
    options.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new SystemObjectNewtonsoftCompatibleConverter())

SystemObjectNewtonsoftCompatibleConverter is copied from the code in the previous discussions.

After that, the object in the parameter will be castable:

public async Task<IActionResult> PostAsync(IDictionary<string, object> requestModel)
    // ...

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steveharter commented Jul 8, 2021

As mentioned above, the current design avoids deserializing JSON string and bool to CLR string and bool because this would not be consistent with how JSON numbers are deserialized (since we don't know the CLR number type and don't want to "guess").

Imagine having a CLR object[] property and if the JSON has mixed values (strings, bools, numbers), some array elements would be are CLR string, some bool and the numbers would be JsonElement -- that would be more confusing IMHO. Also, Newtonsoft deserializes JSON string sometimes as a GUID or DateTime, which can also be confusing and\or unexpected.

So if we want to add a Newtonsoft custom converter that is possible, but we can't change the default behavior in any case since that would break backwards compat.

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layomia commented Jul 8, 2021

Per comments above, I'll close this issue. Changing the default behavior would be a breaking change, and there are workarounds described in System.Text.Json documentation:

@layomia layomia closed this as completed Jul 8, 2021
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johnwc commented Jul 8, 2021

@steveharter there was a few shared examples in these comments that gave you great examples of how to test if a JavaScript Number type can safely be deserialized as a valid CLR type.

As for the bool type you keep through into the mix with Number, what other bool type is there in JavaScript and CLR other than Bool? Why are you not at least converting bool types to valid CLR bool type? I can somewhat see your point about Number type; even though there is simple ways to test for valid serialization, but I don't get the reason for not allowing to do one-to-one bool type.

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steveharter commented Jul 9, 2021

@johnwc can you share some scenarios where the CLR type is System.Object for numbers and why it can't be strongly typed as System.Decimal or System.Double?

JavaScript Number type can safely be deserialized as a valid CLR type.

If the only known JSON producer\consumer is JavaScript, then I recommend using a custom converter that converts to double only.

The two main issues with using double for JSON numbers:

  • Loss of precision when dealing with multiple monetary values (such as adding several values and doing an Equals() -- example below).
  • Very large or small integers should be converted to decimal or BigNumber or lose precision.

Neither Utf8JsonReader or JsonElement automatically perform JSON number conversions (it leaves it up to the user to explicitly call GetDouble(), etc), so the serializer follows that same logic and doesn't "guess". However, it does support using a custom converter (in a relatively easy manner) to do this in whatever fashion is appropriate.

To avoid precision loss when dealing with monetary values, decimal should be used, not double. If JSON numbers are converted to double (when the CLR type is unknown via System.Object) that means the corresponding user logic will need to use double which may cause various precision issues:

using System;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      Double[] values = { 10.0, 2.88, 2.88, 2.88, 9.0 };
      Double result = 27.64;
      Double total = 0;
      foreach (var value in values)
         total += value;

      if (total.Equals(result))
         Console.WriteLine("The sum of the values equals the total.");
         Console.WriteLine("The sum of the values ({0}) does not equal the total ({1}).",
                           total, result);
// The example displays the following output:
//     The sum of the values (27.639999999999997) does not equal the total (27.64).

Note Newtonsoft behavior; not exactly intutitive IMHO:

    object oDouble = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject("1.0");
    Console.WriteLine(oDouble.GetType()); // "System.Double
    object oLong = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject("1");
    Console.WriteLine(oLong.GetType()); // System.Int64
    object oBigInteger = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(decimal.MaxValue.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine(oBigInteger.GetType()); // System.Numerics.BigInteger

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johnwc commented Jul 9, 2021

@steveharter again, you keep focusing on doubles and Number type. Use decimals... or use doubles... but not to some arbitrary JsonElement object. It really does not matter what it converts it to, when there is a way to have the ability to overwrite it for exactly how you need it to be outside of the default. Truthfully, I think you're getting caught up on something that is not really an issue for 99% of use cases. As most will not be using an object type for when needing to do math or working with monetary values. With the way it is now, you are forcing the 99% to now write more custom functionality, instead of just using OoB functionality.

Can you please answer the main part of the comment that was about Bool types not being deserialized?

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steveharter commented Jul 9, 2021

Can you please answer the main part of the comment that was about Bool types not being deserialized?

Here's what I mentioned prior:

Imagine having a CLR object[] property and if the JSON has mixed values (strings, bools, numbers), some array elements would be are CLR string, some bool and the numbers would be JsonElement -- that would be more confusing IMHO

Thus if we auto-convert JSON bool to System.Boolean the doc and behavior would be somewhat ambiguous: "When the CLR type is System.Object then all JSON values are converted to JsonElement except a JSON bool which is converted to System.Boolean".

And if we do that one-off behavior, the next question is what about JSON string (System.String), JSON arrays (System.Array), JSON objects (Dictionary<string, object>) and then of course numbers.

Going forward, since we can't break default behavior, here are options to address:

  1. Add values to the JsonUnknownTypeHandling enum (which is set on JsonSerializerOptions to make this easier such as:
  2. Provide a "SystemObjectPrimitiveConverter" or "SystemObjectNewtonsoftCompat" custom converter that must be manually added to JsonSerializerOptions.
  3. Do nothing; users add an appropriate custom converter either from samples or hand-written based on requirements.

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FWIW the new JsonNode may help in certain scenarios since it at least allows explicit casts to primitives:

// If you can use JsonNode\JsonArray in the signature:
JsonArray nodes = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonArray>("[1,1.1,\"Hello\"]");
long l = (long)nodes[0];
double d = (double)nodes[1];
string s = (string)nodes[2];

If you must have System.Object, you can still leverage nodes:

JsonSerializerOptions options = new();
options.UnknownTypeHandling = JsonUnknownTypeHandling.JsonNode;
object[] objects = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<object[]>("[1,1.1,\"Hello\"]", options);

long l = (long)(JsonNode)objects[0];
// or alternatively:
l = ((JsonValue)objects[0]).GetValue<long>();
double d = (double)(JsonNode)objects[1];
string s = (string)(JsonNode)objects[2];

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johnwc commented Jul 9, 2021

I was under the assumption that strings were actually being deserialized as CLR strings, and that only bool and Number types were for some reason being left as JsonElement.

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Is there a reason for that JsonElement has no explicit cast operators implemented?

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Per comments above, I'll close this issue. Changing the default behavior would be a breaking change

In fact , I think you can not break anyone who use .net to build their application, because no one use System.Text.Json ,
unless, they are writing demos 🤣.

and for the scenario that use System.Text.Json in Authentication, well , you already break us before , why you so afraid to break us again ? and beside , break change comes anyway , if it's not here, then it will be there .

so breaking change should not effect what we talk here, we should talk about what does it should be (the best practice)

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so breaking change should not effect what we talk here, we should talk about what does it should be (the best practice)

Best practice IMO is to be explicit on the CLR type. This mean either:

  • Change the consuming code to use an explicit type and not System.Object. This avoids the ambiguity (and is faster).
  • Use the current explicit behavior of JsonElement \ JsonNode to obtain the appropriate CLR type from the JSON primitive, possibly calling helper methods to parse the string if the Type is not directly supported:
  • JSON bool: Boolean
  • JSON string: String, DateTime, Guid, Uri, etc
  • JSON number: Long, Ulong, Decimal, etc

@ghost ghost locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Aug 11, 2021
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area-System.Text.Json enhancement Product code improvement that does NOT require public API changes/additions json-functionality-doc Missing JSON specific functionality that needs documenting
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