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Releases: dotnetcore/BootstrapBlazor


30 Aug 06:34
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Release 2023-08-30 V7.10.0

What's Changed

Break Changes

  • refactor(TableToolbarPopConfirmButton): rename component name by @ArgoZhang in #1952


  • fix(Message): incorrect disappearance order when placement is bottom by @ArgoZhang in #1908
  • fix(Popover): incorrect content when reset Popover content by @ArgoZhang in #1912
  • fix(ImageViewer): can't reload imager after occur error by @ArgoZhang in #1913
  • fix(AutoComplete): dropdown arrow overlap valid icon by @ArgoZhang in #1930
  • fix(Table): Table LineNo no work expected after scroll with virtual scroll by @ArgoZhang in #1946
  • fix(PopConfirmButton): can't trigger onclick event when set TooltipText parameter by @ArgoZhang in #1950
  • fix(Table): clear filter on Virtual mode result incorrect by @ArgoZhang in #1956
  • fix(Table): virtual scroll support ShowLineNo parameter by @ArgoZhang in #1963
  • fix(Upload): md icon incorrect by @ArgoZhang in #1971


Full Changelog: v7.9.0...v7.10.0


31 Jul 03:54
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Release 2023-08-01 V7.9.0

What's Changed


  • fix(Chart): refacting the borderWidth attribute by @azlis in #1474
  • fix(Filter): support used in Modal by @ArgoZhang in #1494
  • fix(Table): trigger sort event when resize column by @ArgoZhang in #1500
  • fix(Table): ShowCheckboxCallback not work on CardView mode by @ArgoZhang in #1504
  • fix(Table): not trigger OnExportAsync callback by @YSMC-W in #1517
  • fix(Modal): remove focustrap function by @ArgoZhang in #1534
  • fix(Live2DDisplay): fix position is not valid by @azlis in #1536
  • fix(Camera): can't preview correctly and obtain the camera list in iOS by @densen2014 in #1526
  • fix(Steps): items always empty by @sanjusss in #1544
  • fix(AddScript): load failed when concurrency request script by @ArgoZhang in #1547
  • fix(Editor): throw exception for dispose tooltip by @ArgoZhang in #1573
  • fix(GoTop): should not throw exception when Target is null or empty by @ArgoZhang in #1594
  • fix(TableColumn): ShownWithBreakPoint not work by @ArgoZhang in #1596
  • fix(Title): not work SetTitle method by @ArgoZhang in #1628
  • fix(AutoComplete): can't input chinese character inside validate form by @ArgoZhang in #1716
  • fix(AutoFill): compatible with inside validate form by @ArgoZhang in #1718


Full Changelog: v7.8.0...v7.9.0


01 Jul 13:40
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Release 2023-07-01 V7.8.0

What's Changed

Break changes


  • fix(Transition): duration parameter not work by @ArgoZhang in #1341
  • fix(EditorForm): custom placeholders are not working in GroupBox by @ArgoZhang in #1342
  • fix(IConfiguration): throw exception use BootstrapBlazor in WinForm/WPF by @ArgoZhang in #1351
  • fix(Camera): stop track failed in dispose by @ArgoZhang in #1358
  • fix(ValidateForm): validate tooltip dispose throw exception by @ArgoZhang in #1361
  • fix(Topology): throw exception on PushData method by @ArgoZhang in #1382
  • fix(Spinner): size not work by @ArgoZhang in #1391
  • fix(Select): trigger OnSelectedItemChanged twice by @ArgoZhang in #1403
  • fix(MenuItem): not expand sub menu when parent menu item set expand by @YSMC-W in #1422
  • fix(Table): column not align when resize column on Fix Header mode by @ArgoZhang in #1427
  • fix(Table): throw exception when resize column by @ArgoZhang in #1465
  • fix(Menu): menu arrow not rotated by @ArgoZhang in #1468
  • fix(Table): can not resize table column when set ShowDetails to true by @ArgoZhang in #1481



Full Changelog: v7.7.0...v7.8.0


01 Jun 12:32
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Release 2023-06-01 V7.7.0

What's Changed

Break changes


  • fix(MultiSelect): value not change when use OnSearchTextChanged as data source by @ArgoZhang in #1196
  • fix(BarCode): throw exception when click Clear button by @ArgoZhang in #1203
  • fix(DateTimeRange): not update display value after click Confirm/Today/Clear buttons by @ArgoZhang in #1206
  • fix(Table): not show the BeforeRowButtonTemplate button in CardView by @ArgoZhang in #1212
  • fix(Select): keyboard not work on ShowSearch mode by @ArgoZhang in #1249
  • fix(Table): tooltip content not updated from the second pages by @ArgoZhang in #1284
  • fix(DialogButton): no restore button icon if set IsAsync to true by @ArgoZhang in #1301
  • fix(AutoFill): does not collapse after clicking the dropdown menu item by @ArgoZhang in #1304
  • fix(Editor): submit button support localization by @ArgoZhang in #1308
  • fix(Validate): tooltip title incorrect by @ArgoZhang in #1331
  • fix(GetVersion) publish to single file get version incorrect #1328 by @densen2014 in #1336


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v7.6.0...v7.7.0


02 May 05:05
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Release 2023-05-02 V7.6.0

What's Changed

Break changes

  • Block: IsShow default value from true to false
  • Captcha: update OnValid to OnValidAsync
  • DialogOption: remove Dialog parameter use CloseDialogAsync method
  • Tab: update OnClickTab to OnClickTabItemAsync
  • JavaScript: remove all javascript file in base folder



  • feat(SwalOption): add CloseAsync method by @ArgoZhang in #977
  • feat(Progress): supports decimals by @azlis in #982
  • feat(Chart): supports DisplayLegend by @azlis in #987
  • feat(Chart): support LegendPosition by @azlis in #990
  • feat(Chart): add ShowLine/ShowScales on ChartOption by @azlis in #994
  • feat(Chart): support chart auto resize by @azlis in #999
  • feat(Captcha): add Max parameter by @ArgoZhang in #1115
  • feat(CountUp): add CountUP component by @azlis in #1021
  • feat(CountUp): add OnCompleted parameter by @ArgoZhang in #1035
  • feat(Chart): update chartOption label default value by @azlis in #1074
  • feat(Chart): do not show scales and grid by default Pie/Doughnut by @ArgoZhang in #1077
  • feat(Rate): support double data type value by @ArgoZhang in #1120
  • feat(Rate): add IsReadonly parameter by @ArgoZhang in #1122
  • feat(Select): add IsClearable parameter by @ArgoZhang in #1132
  • feat(Icon): add ClearIcon for Select component by @ArgoZhang in #1134
  • feat(JSRuntimeEventHandler): add IJSRuntimeEventHandler service by @azlis in #1143
  • feat(BarcodeReader): support for setting camera at initialization by @ArgoZhang in #1150
  • feat(Topology): add canvas height check by @ArgoZhang in #1158
  • feat(GeoLocationService): add IGeoLocationService by @ArgoZhang in #1185
  • feat(NotificationService): add NotificationService by @ArgoZhang in #1187


  • fix(checkbox): color not work when checkbox state is Indeterminate by @ArgoZhang in #967
  • fix(IconTheme): update icon on Tab component by @ArgoZhang in #979
  • fix(Table): ModelEqualityComparer not work with ClickToSelect by @Vision-Zhang in #985
  • fix(SelectTree): do not show the Text when value is not null in first render by @Vision-Zhang in #989
  • fix(Input): can't get Value by press enter key by @ArgoZhang in #1053
  • fix(DateTimeRnage): incorrect EndValue when click confirm button after choose sidebar item by @ArgoZhang in #1073
  • fix(Layout): check authorization at first render by @ArgoZhang in #1103
  • fix(QRCode): support Chinese and Number by @ArgoZhang in #1125
  • fix(Table): throw exception when model include static property by @ArgoZhang in #1183
  • fix(PopConfirmButton): do not pop on wasm mode by @ArgoZhang in #1191

Full Changelog: v7.5.0...v7.6.0


04 Apr 03:22
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Release 2023-04-04 V7.5.0

What's Changed



  • fix(Layout): throw exception when not set AdditionalAssemblies parameter on WASM mode by @ArgoZhang in #595
  • fix(Table): model value not update on Excel mode in OnSaveAsync by @ArgoZhang in #601
  • fix(ValidateBase): value not updated in OnValueChanged callback by @ArgoZhang in #604
  • fix(Modal): modal backdrop HTML tag value is inconsistent with background data by @ArgoZhang in #632
  • fix(Select): the value not update when click Select item by @ArgoZhang in #634
  • fix(Steps): missing icon by @ArgoZhang in #694
  • fix(ListView): IsVertical not work via enable GroupName by @ArgoZhang in #696
  • fix(Switch): missing await keyword on OnValueChanged callback by @ArgoZhang in #700
  • fix(Table): always edit first row in Excel mode by @ArgoZhang in #852
  • fix(Toast): missing Icon on ToastOption by @azlis in #870
  • fix(Textarea): goto top not work by @ArgoZhang in #924
  • fix(Table): should not resize the fixed column by @ArgoZhang in #932
  • fix(Chart): LineChart BorderWidth Property settings are not valid by @azlis in #936

Full Changelog: v7.4.0...v7.5.0


02 Mar 03:41
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Release 2023-03-02 V7.4.0

  • fix(#561): redesign ValidateBase component trigger OnValueChanged OnValueChanged order #561
  • feat(#I6FDPY): Topology component add IsFitView IsCenterView parameters #I6FDPY
  • fix(#502): resolve Dialog component can't drag when set IsScrolling="true" #502
  • feat(#500): add ChildContent parameter on Circle component #500
  • feat(#488): update Tab component OnCloseTabItemAsync Task<bool> #488
  • feat(#568): update SwalOption add OnCloseAsync OnConfirmAsync callback method #567
  • feat(#577): Table component uses Items as the data source's built-in delete save logic require set @bind-Items ModelEqualityComparer #577
  • feat(#581): add new callback method CloseDialogAsync on DialogOption instead of op.Dialog.Close #581
  • feat(#583): add TableToolbarBeforeTemplate TableToolbarAfterTemplate TableExtensionToolbarBeforeTemplate TableExtensionToolbarAfterTemplate parameters on Table component #583
  • fix(#594): resolve can't resize column when enable IsDetail feature on Table component #594

发布时间 2023-03-02 V7.4.0

  • fix(#561): 组件 ValidateBase 更新 OnValueChanged 触发顺序,先触发 OnValueChanged 再触发 ValueChanged 避免代码带来二次刷新 #561
  • feat(#I6FDPY): 组件 Topology 增加 IsFitView IsCenterView 参数 #I6FDPY
  • fix(#502): 修复组件 Dialog 设置 IsScrolling="true" 后无法拖动问题 #502
  • feat(#500): 组件 CirCle 支持自定义内容增加 ChildContent 参数 #500
  • feat(#488): 组件 TabOnCloseTabItemAsync 返回值更改为 Task<bool> #488
  • feat(#568): 组件 SwalOption 增加 OnCloseAsync OnConfirmAsync 回调方法 #567
  • feat(#577): 组件 Table 使用 Items 作为数据源内置 删除 保存 逻辑,需要设置 @bind-Items ModelEqualityComparer #577
  • feat(#581): 组件 Dialog 配置参数 DialogOption 增加 CloseDialogAsync 方法代替 op.Dialog.Close 写法更加简单 #581
  • feat(#583): 组件 Table 工具栏增加四个模板 TableToolbarBeforeTemplate TableToolbarAfterTemplate TableExtensionToolbarBeforeTemplate TableExtensionToolbarAfterTemplate #583
  • fix(#594): 组件 Table 修复明细行时开启 列调整 功能时报错问题 #594


03 Feb 17:18
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发布时间 2023-02-02 V7.3.0


  • feat(#I6ALST): 组件 ListView 增加 CollapsedGroupCallback 参数用于设定分组后默认展开那个分组项,未设置时展开第一个 #I6ALST
  • fix(#I6B1VD): 修复 Modal 组件内置 Dialog 弹窗内工作不正常问题 #I6ALST


  • feat(#I69V9Y): 更新百度语音合成服务增加 Speed 配置项可以自定义朗读语速 #I69V9Y
  • fix(#I69VFA): 更新组件 RibbonTab 修复由于数据源 Items 未设置 IsActive 项,导致二级菜单不显示问题 #I69VFA
  • feat(#I6A0DS): 更新组件 ModalDialog ModalFooter 增加级联参数方便使用 DialogCloseButton 关闭弹窗 #I6A0DS
  • feat(#I6AKUV): add Collapsable/IsAccordion parameter on 更新组件 ListView 增加参数 Collapsable IsAccordion 支持分组数据可折叠以及手风琴效果 #I6AKUV


  • feat(#I69BRZ): 增加 ITableExportContext 接口用于 Table 导出使用 #I69BRZ


  • fix(#I68WEY): 更新组件 TableFilter 修复 ShowInHeader 失效问题 #I68WEY
  • feat(#I69304): 组件 Topology 增加 SupportTouch 参数用于支持树莓派触屏浏览器 #I69304


04 Jan 14:41
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发布时间 2023-01-04 V7.2.0


  • fix(#I68TU8): 修复组件 Table 开启列过滤条件为 DateTime 类型时导致列调整宽度功能报错问题 #I68TU8
  • feat(#I65BIW): 更新组件 DateTimePicker/Range 移除 OnDateTimeChanged 回调方法统一使用 OnValueChanged 回调 #I65BIW


  • feat(#I67CM0): 扩展方法 LocalizationOptionsExtensions 支持相同文化多个 json 配置文件 #I67CM0
  • fix(#I66X16): 组件 TreeView 未设置 AutoCheckParent AutoCheckChildren 时使用数据项的 Checked 值初始化节点选中状态 #I66X16
  • fix(#I65Z0J): 组件 ValilidateForm 禁用回车自动提交后支持 TextArea 组件内的回车换行 #I65Z0J
  • feat(#I68DTI): 组件 DateTimePicker 增加 AutoToday 参数默认为 false 设置 true 可使组件显示 0001-01-01 这种元年数据 #I68DTI
  • feat(#I68JMO): 组件 DropdownWidget 增加 dropdown-center 样式 #I68JMO


  • feat(#I67AK7): 增加组件 FileViewer 可预览 office 文档 #I67AK7
  • feat(#I67BMZ): 组件 Tab 增加 IsLazyLoadTabItem 参数用于设置是否懒加载标签页 #I67BMZ


  • feat(#I668T1): 新增组件 VideoPlayer 用于媒体播放 #I668T1
  • fix(#I66AOU): 修复组件 Drawer 设置 ShowBackdrop="false" 后无法点击后端网页元素问题 #I66AOU
  • feat(#I66EV5): 复组件 Switch 样式变量化 #I66EV5
  • feat(#I66NP7): 组件 Tab 增加 OnCloseTabItemAsync 参数关闭标签页时触发 #I66EV5


  • feat(#I65W4J): font-awesome 更新到 V6.2.1 #I65W4J
  • feat(#I65XNJ): 组件 CardUpload 增加 IconTemplate 参数用于自定义图标 #I65XNJ
  • fix(#I65SSV): 组件 Modal 更新 Toggle 方法 #I65SSV
  • feat(#I658Z5): 组件 Table 增加 HeaderTextWrap HeaderTextEllipsis HeaderTextTooltip ShowHeaderTooltip 参数用于设置表头超长时换行截断等设置 #I65SSV
  • feat(#I664QP): 组件 Drawer 增加 ShowBackdrop 参数用于设置抽屉是否显示遮罩 #I664QP


  • feat(#I65E62): 增加 PDFReader 组件 #I65E62
  • feat(#I65HOU): 组件 Table OnExportAsync 参数 破坏性更新 增加 QueryPageOptions 参数方便调用者获得当前组件过滤搜索条件 #I65HOU
  • feat(#I65LA7): 组件 Anchor 增加 IsAnimation 参数用于控制滚动是否显示动画效果 #I65LA7
  • feat(#I658MP): 组件 CheckboxList 支持单项禁用 #I658MP
  • feat(#I65MR9): 组件 RadioList 支持单项禁用 #I65MR9
  • fix(#I65MRC): 修复组件 Select 开启 ShowSearch 后在搜索框中输入值时 Value 值自动变化 #I65MR9
  • fix(#I65MRM): 修复组件 Table Select 等下拉框设置 IsPopover 后搜索框等文本框在弹窗中无法输入问题 #I65MRM


  • feat(#I656CI): 组件 PopConfirmButton 增加 BodyTemplate 参数用于自定义弹窗内容 #I656CI
  • feat(#I6594Z): 组件 RibbonTabItem 增加 IsDefault 参数用于视图切换时是否自动触发按钮点击事件 #I6594Z
  • feat(#I64VRE): 组件 Table 内部增加固定列缓存减小 CPU 性能损耗 #I64VRE
  • feat(#I65E6O): 组件 Anchor 支持通过样式名称定位滚动条容器 #I65E6O
  • feat(#I65E6Q): 组件 Drawer 增加关闭方法 #I65E6Q


  • feat(#I655QS): 接口 IEditItem 增加 ShowSearchWhenSelect 参数控制自动表单内下拉框组件是否显示搜索栏 #I655QS
  • feat(#I6561O): 接口 IEditItem 增加 IsPopover 参数控制自动表单内下拉框组件是否悬浮 #I6561O


  • feat(#I64Z8W): 更新 Footer 组件增加 ChildContent 参数用于自定义内容 #I64Z8W


  • fix(#I640AO): 修复 Modal 组件模态窗点击 Header 位置时导致关闭所有弹窗问题 #I640AO
  • feat(#I64OVQ): 更新 DialogCloseButton 实现 Button 按钮逻辑 #I64OVQ
  • feat(#I64QCQ): 更新 IconList 组件增加分类导航与快速定位功能 #I64QCQ


03 Dec 07:38
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###* * Released 2022-12-03 V7.1.0**


-Feat (# I63Y3Y): The component CardUpload supports the image zoom preview function [# I63Y3Y]( )


-Feat (# I6439W): Component RibbonTab Callback Method OnMenuClickAsync Destructive Update [# I6439W]( )
-Feat (# I649WS): component ListView adds vertical layout style align-content: flex-start [# I649WS]( )
-Feat (# I641HK): The component RadioList adds a parameter AutoSelectFirstWhenValueIsNull to control whether the first item is automatically selected [# I641HK]( )


-Feat (# I63T8D): interface ITableExcelExport destructive update removal IJSRuntime parameter usesDownloadServiceinternally to implement download logic [# I63T8D]( )
-Feat (# I63T9E): Package BootstrapBlazor TableExport Publish 7.1.0 Version [# I63T9E]( )


-Fix (# I63126): Fix the problem that the component Modal mobile terminal is enabled and IsDraggable cannot click the close button in the upper right corner [# I62RUB]( )
-Fix (# I631ZW): fix the problem that the component DateTimePicker cannot be switched in the year/month view [# I631ZW]( )
-feat (# I6386V): add a Class parameter to the Class SwalOption [# I6386V]( )
-Feat (# I638ZX): Component Calendar switch year and month support @ bind Value [# I638ZX]( )
-Feat (# I62QKU): Add a FixedMultipleColumn parameter to the component Table to fix the selection column [# I62QKU]( )
-Feat (# I63P27): The component Table adds the ExportButtonIcon parameter to set the export button icon [# I63P27]( )
-Feat (# I63PS5): Add the EditDialogCloseAsync parameter to the component Table to edit the processing logic before closing the pop-up window [# I63PS5]( )


-Fix (# I62RUB): Fix all data problems when there is no data in the search results of component AutoFill [# I62RUB]( )
-Feat (# I62RUU): Component DialogCloseButton DialogSaveButton Add Parameter Default Value Refine User Code [# I62RUU]( )
-Fix (# I630TH): Fix the failure of the IsBackdrop setting false caused by the Modal script error of the component [# I630TH]( )
-Fix (# I630V4): Fix the problem that the Table parameter setting IsHideFooterWhenNoData="true" of the component causes the merge template not to display [# I630V4]( )
-Fix (# I630WD): fix the problem of displaying 1-0 when the component Pagination has no data [# I630WD]( )


-Feat (# I62FUO): Add FirstAfterRenderCallbackAsync parameter to the component Modal to pop up immediately after Modal rendering [# I62FUO]( )
-Select (# I62IA6): Depends on bootstrap to update to 5.2.3 [# I62IA6]( )


-Fix (# I62BF5): Fix the problem that the month is not linked when the component DateTimeRange changes the time [# I62BF5]( )


-Fix (# I61VIJ): fix the problem that component UI is invisible and cannot be recovered when component Pagination is set to PageCount as1[# I61VIJ]( )
-Fix (# I61W8R): Fix the inconsistency between the UI layout of the component Card shrink open and HeaderTemplate not open [# I61W8R]( )
-Feat (# I61ZP8): Component PulseButton Compact Style Reuse border [# I61ZP8]( )
-Fix (# I61S09): Fix the problem that the component ListView does not refresh data when calling the QueryAsync method [# I61S09]( )
-Fix (# I62040): Fix the default scroll bar problem on the template generation page caused by the incorrect name of the built-in style variable of component Tab [# I62040]( )
3548 fee (# I623F1): Component Table adds column copy function setting TableColumn parameter ShowCopyColumn [# I62040]( )
-Fix (# I623FS): Component ImageViewer repairs the loss of mouse wheel events [# I623FS]( )
-Feat (# I627UW): New component FileIcon automatically generates icon according to file extension [# I627UW]( )


-feat (# I61V2C): The component Dialog multi-level pop-up supports the separate setting of IsKeyboard and IsBackdrop parameter combinations at each level, and fixes the problem of pressing ESC to close all pop-up windows [# I61RXB]( )


-Feat (# I61QLU): Component Modal Dialog Swal EditDialog redo supports script dynamic loading [# I61QLU]( )
-Feat (# I61RXB): Component Modal Drag Script Rewrite [# I61RXB]( )


-Feat (# I5ZNC6): Component EditDialog supportsFooterTemplatecustomizable buttons. Built inDialogCloseButton `` DialogSaveButtonmaintains the original function [# I5ZNC6]( )
-Fix (# I60AOD): Extension Method TreeView GetAllItems Support multiple root node data structures [# I60AOD]( )
-Fix (# I60A76): Fix the problem of Toolbar button style loss of MultiSelect component in IsPopover mode [# I60A76]( )

  • refactor

发布时间 2022-12-01 V7.1.0


  • feat(#I63Y3Y): 组件 CardUpload 支持图片放大预览功能 #I63Y3Y


  • feat(#I6439W): 组件 RibbonTab 回调方法 OnMenuClickAsync 破坏性更新 #I6439W
  • feat(#I649WS): 组件 ListView 增加垂直布局样式 align-content: flex-start #I649WS
  • feat(#I641HK): 组件 RadioList 增加参数 AutoSelectFirstWhenValueIsNull 控制是否自动选择第一项 #I641HK


  • feat(#I63T8D): 接口 ITableExcelExport 破坏性更新移除 IJSRuntime 参数内部使用 DownloadService 实现下载逻辑 #I63T8D
  • feat(#I63T9E): 包 BootstrapBlazor.TableExport 发布 7.1.0 版本 #I63T9E


  • fix(#I63126): 修复组件 Modal 移动端开启 IsDraggable 无法点击右上角关闭按钮问题 #I62RUB
  • fix(#I631ZW): 修复组件 DateTimePicker 年/月 视图下无法切换问题 #I631ZW
  • feat(#I6386V): 类 SwalOption 增加 Class 参数 #I6386V
  • feat(#I638ZX): 组件 Calendar 切换年跟月支持 @bind-Value #I638ZX
  • feat(#I62QKU): 组件 Table 增加 FixedMultipleColumn 参数用于固定选择列 #I62QKU
  • feat(#I63P27): 组件 Table 增加 ExportButtonIcon 参数用于设置导出按钮图标 #I63P27
  • feat(#I63PS5): 组件 Table 增加 EditDialogCloseAsync 参数用于编辑弹窗关闭前处理逻辑 #I63PS5


  • fix(#I62RUB): 修复组件 AutoFill 搜索结果无数据时显示所有数据问题 #I62RUB
  • feat(#I62RUU): 组件 DialogCloseButton DialogSaveButton 增加参数默认值精简使用者代码 #I62RUU
  • fix(#I630TH): 修复组件 Modal 脚本错误导致 IsBackdrop 设置 false 失效问题 #I630TH
  • fix(#I630V4): 修复组件 Table 参数设置 IsHideFooterWhenNoData="true" 导致合并模板不显示问题 #I630V4
  • fix(#I630WD): 修复组件 Pagination 无数据时显示 1-0 问题 #I630WD


  • feat(#I62FUO): 组件 Modal 增加 FirstAfterRenderCallbackAsync 参数用于 Modal 渲染完毕后立即弹出 #I62FUO
  • chore(#I62IA6): 依赖 bootstrap 更新到 5.2.3 #I62IA6


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