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Releases: dotnetcore/BootstrapBlazor


21 Jul 02:48
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## Release 2024-7-21 V8.7.3

What's Changed




  • doc(GlobalOptions): update documentation for global options by @ArgoZhang in #3858
  • doc(Tab): add ConfigureTabItemMenuBindOptions doc by @azlis in #3877


  • chore(Minifiler): remove Bundler&Minifiler dependence by @ArgoZhang in #3871

Full Changelog: v8.7.2...v8.7.3


14 Jul 13:10
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## Release 2024-7-14 V8.7.1

What's Changed


  • fix(Dialog): do not remove dialog when browser go back/forward by @ArgoZhang in #3816
  • fix(Topology): dot not serialize background when value is null by @ArgoZhang in #3822
  • fix(DockViewV2): re-layout issue after dragging panel by @ArgoZhang in #3824



Full Changelog: v8.7.1...v8.7.2


07 Jul 03:34
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## Release 2024-7-8 V8.7.1

What's Changed


  • fix(Tab): auto adjust position use in Layout by @ArgoZhang in #3761
  • fix(MultiFilter): missing item selection status by @ArgoZhang in #3766
  • fix(Table): column resize not work in mobile by @ArgoZhang in #3768
  • fix(MultiFilter): not keep selected items open again by @AiYuZhen in #3773
  • fix(Table): scroll to top when click row on VirtualScroll mode by @ArgoZhang in #3794
  • fix(Popover): fixed the flickering issue when closing pop-up windows by @ArgoZhang in #3798


  • feat(TreeView): add IsFixedSearch parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3772
  • feat(ClipboardService): support getTextFromClipboard by @azlis in #3775
  • feat(MultiFilter): add OnGetItemsAsync parameter for performance by @ArgoZhang in #3778
  • feat(Table): add OnAutoFitContentAsync parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3781
  • feat(Table): add AutoScrollVerticalAlign parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3786
  • feat(ShowColumnToolbox): add ShowColumnWidthTooltip parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3790
  • feat(ClipboardService): add Get method on service by @azlis in #3788
  • feat(MultiFilter): add AlwaysTriggerGetItems parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3796
  • feat(MultiFilter): keep the selected item when AlwaysTriggerGetItems is true by @ArgoZhang in #3800
  • feat(ITableColumn): update parameter to Nullable data type by @ArgoZhang in #3802


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v8.7.0...v8.7.1


30 Jun 02:36
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Release 2024-6-30 V8.7.0


  • fix(Table): colspan incorrect by @ArgoZhang in #3615
  • fix(Table): do not close advance search dialog after click search button by @ArgoZhang in #3618
  • fix(Layout): block application when use async method in OnAuthorizing callback by @ArgoZhang in #3637
  • fix(Table): setTableDefaultWidth not work by @ArgoZhang in #3677
  • fix(Checkbox): check active state incorrect by @ArgoZhang in #3681
  • fix(Select): DisableItemChangedWhenFirstRender not work by @ArgoZhang in #3686
  • fix(Table): ShowColumnList item incorrect if remove column by OnColumnCreating by @ArgoZhang in #3688
  • fix(table): add Observer table width by @ArgoZhang in #3712
  • fix(Table): auto scroll top click Filter button in use virtual mode by @ArgoZhang in #3714
  • fix(CardUpload): support image for preview by @Witchie in #3717
  • fix(CheckboxList): ShowLabelTooltip not work by @ArgoZhang in #3746
  • fix(DateTimeRange): support Year/Month view by @ArgoZhang in #3740


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v8.6.0...v8.7.0


30 May 06:33
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Release 2024-5-30 V8.6.0



  • feat(DockView): add TitleClass/TitleWidth parameter #3377 by @ArgoZhang in #3378
  • feat(IHtml2Pdf): add PdfStreamFromHtmlAsync method by @ArgoZhang in #3382
  • feat(TableExport): update ExportPdfAsync use IHtml2Pdf interface by @ArgoZhang in #3384
  • feat(IExportPdf): remove ExportPdfService service by @ArgoZhang in #3386
  • feat(ITableExport): add links parameter support dynamic load style sheet by @ArgoZhang in #3390
  • feat(IHtml2Pdf): support linux by @ArgoZhang in #3388
  • feat(MultiSelect): make Clear/SelectAll/InvertSelect methods to public by @ArgoZhang in #3403
  • feat(MultiSelect): provider Show/Hide methods for Dropdown components by @ArgoZhang in #3404
  • feat(DockView): add TitleTemplate parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3411
  • feat(ExportPdfButton): add ExportPdfButton component by @ArgoZhang in #3416
  • feat(IJSRuntime): add GetHtml extension method on IJSRuntime by @ArgoZhang in #3420
  • feat(IconTheme): add FullScreenExitButtonIcon icon by @ArgoZhang in #3422
  • feat(ExportPdfButton): add ExportPdfSettings component by @ArgoZhang in #3426
  • feat(ThemeProvider): add ThemeProvider component by @ArgoZhang in #3430
  • feat(IconTheme): add Theme icon for extensions by @ArgoZhang in #3432
  • feat(Topology): add IsFitView/IsCenterView options on Scale/Reset method by @ArgoZhang in #3436
  • feat(IconTheme): update fullscreen icon by @ArgoZhang in #3438
  • feat(ScrollOptions): add ScrollOptions on BootstrapBlazorOptions by @ArgoZhang in #3440
  • feat(Table): add ColumnMinWidth parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3442
  • feat(Chart): support export to image by @azlis in #3455
  • feat(Chart): Add a CanvasBackgroundColor parameter by @azlis in #3458
  • feat(DateTimeRange): add RenderMode parameter by @eramosr16 in #3445
  • feat(Chart): add IsAnimation parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3474
  • feat(Button): add IsKeepDisabled parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3478
  • feat(MultiSelect): add IsSingleLine parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3507
  • feat(CardUpload): auto zoom when click preview image by @ArgoZhang in #3515
  • feat(SvgEdtior): add UpdateAsync method for the SvgEditor by @Vision-Zhang in #3512
  • feat(WebClientOptions): add WebClientOptions class by @ArgoZhang in #3520
  • feat(TimePicker): redesign TimePicker component by @ArgoZhang in #3526
  • feat(Message): add ShowMode parameter by @j4587698 in #3531
  • feat(MetadataTypeService): update typo error by @ArgoZhang in #3542
  • feat(FileViewer): bump BootstrapBlazor.FileViewer version to v8.0.3 by @densen2014 in #3538
  • feat(Select): auto append the close icon when using DisplayTemplate by @eramosr16 in #3544
  • feat(Dock): keep tool button on header when drag tab by @ArgoZhang in #3555
  • feat(RibbonTab): update style sheet use scss by @ArgoZhang in #3560
  • feat(MultiSelect): add DisplayTemplate parameter by @eramosr16 in #3557
  • feat(Table): Add TipsContentCallback for Custom Tooltip Text by @azlis in #3565
  • feat(Table): support custom search filter by @j4587698 in #3576
  • feat(Drawser): provider Drawser service by @ArgoZhang in #3582
  • feat(Table): Add LoadingTemplate support by @azlis in #3583
  • feat(Localization): add ILocalizationMissingItemHandler by @cairabbit in #3584
  • feat(Dialog): redesign ShowModal extension method of DialogService by @ArgoZhang in #3590
  • feat(ColorPicker): add Formatter parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3592
  • feat(DialogSaveButton): add OnSaveAsync parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3595
  • feat(Table): support edit item in Drawer by @ArgoZhang in #3588

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v8.5.0...v8.6.0


29 Apr 03:20
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Release 2024-4-29 V8.5.0


  • fix(CodeEditor): do not show in Dialog on first render by @ArgoZhang in #3187
  • fix(ButtonUpload): do not trigger ValueChanged callback by @kimdiego2098 in #3206
  • fix(BootstrapInput): can't set value by @ArgoZhang in #3227
  • fix(TableColumn): not work Rows when set Readonly to true by @ArgoZhang in #3268
  • fix(CacheManager): unable to dynamically load DLL multiple times by @kimdiego2098 in #3279
  • fix(TreeView): AutoCheckChildren not work use OnExpandNodeAsync load children by @XiaoChenDan in #3313
  • fix(Editor): throw exception in EditTemplate of Table by @ArgoZhang in #3351
  • fix(FullScreenButton): missing FullScreenIcon setting by @ArgoZhang in #3355


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v8.4.0...v8.5.0


31 Mar 03:10
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Release 2024-3-31 V8.4.0


  • fix(InputNumber): input illegal value not cleared by @ArgoZhang in #3020
  • fix(DateTimeRange): start value timespan is not zero by @ArgoZhang in #3022
  • fix(Display): parameter Lookup not work by @ArgoZhang in #3028
  • fix(MultiSelect): can't close popup window when in validating form by @ArgoZhang in #3034
  • fix(Table): no scroll on card view by @ArgoZhang in #3036
  • fix(SelectTable): throw an exception when in the table column's edit template by @ArgoZhang in #3040
  • fix(SelectTable): search text wrap inside validate form by @ArgoZhang in #3043
  • fix(Table): keep client column width not working when setting AutoGenerateColumns to true by @ArgoZhang in #3047
  • fix(Table): table search case sensitive by @ArgoZhang in #3048
  • fix(InputNumber): can't input 0.0 when setting UseInputEvent to true by @ArgoZhang in #3059
  • fix(Table): incorrect display of fixed table columns when visible false by @ArgoZhang in #3066
  • fix(Table): update IsReadonly/Visible logic by @ArgoZhang in #3067
  • fix(Editor): load zh-CN lang failed when first rendered by @ArgoZhang in #3086
  • fix(Menu): active status incorrect when route changed by @ArgoZhang in #3088
  • fix(MultiSelect): selected value incorrect when use dynamic create by @ArgoZhang in #3105
  • fix(FullScreenButton): show two icons when set FullScreenIcon by @ArgoZhang in #3133
  • fix(Dialog): not popup when using DispatchService trigger by @ArgoZhang in #3174
  • fix(Gannt): error when dragging the progress bar for the second time by @Vision-Zhang in #3178



New Contributors

Full Changelog: v8.3.0...v8.4.0


01 Mar 03:32
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Release 2024-3-01 V8.3.0



New Contributors

Full Changelog: v8.2.0...v8.3.0


01 Feb 01:15
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Release 2024-1-31 V8.2.0



Full Changelog: v8.1.0...v8.2.0


02 Jan 06:31
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Release 2024-01-02 V8.1.0


  • fix(Multiple): can't close item when set IsPopover to true by @ArgoZhang in #2429
  • fix(Localizer): can't find json stream when inconsistent namespace and assembly name by @ArgoZhang in #2432
  • fix(Table): IsMarkupString not work when set ShowTips to true by @ArgoZhang in #2482
  • fix(DialButton): incorrect direction when set Placement to bottom by @ArgoZhang in #2503
  • fix(Table): render cell missing parameters when readonly by @ArgoZhang in #2555
  • fix(Table): wrong TableExportType in ExportCsvAsync method by @ArgoZhang in #2588
  • fix(ContextMenu): not shown in Modal/Dialog by @ArgoZhang in #2652
  • fix(Table): append component parameters for edit template by @ArgoZhang in #2669
  • fix(TableExport): not register table export service by @ArgoZhang in #2680
  • fix(Responsive): break point no value at first render by @ArgoZhang in #2698


Full Changelog: v8.0.0...v8.1.0