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ng-session Build Status

Session handler for AngularJS


Using bower, install with this command:

bower install --save ng-session

Then add either the dist/ng-session.js for development or the dist/ng-session.min.js for production to your application scripts.

And finally, add the ngSession module to your AngularJS application dependencies.


This module defines a session object into the root scope, so you can access the values directly with $rootScope.session from your controllers or directives or with $root.session from your templates.


Ideally, the default URLs should do the job but you can configure the URLs during your application's config phase.

The default URLs are as follows:

  signOutUrl: '/api/users/sign-out',
  signInUrl: '/api/users/sign-in',
  updateUrl: '/api/session',
  cache: false // reload on each route change


Use the provider to change the default URLs.


  function (ngSessionProvider) {
      signOutUrl: '/my/url/for/users/sign-out',
      signInUrl: '/my/url/for/users/sign-in',
      updateUrl: '/my/url/for/session/update',
      cache: 1000 * 60 * 60 // 1h (`true` means for all the app life cycle)


The ngSession service exposes various methods:

Method Arguments Description
reload config:Object Reloads the session via PUT request to the update url. The config object is optional and must be a valid AngularJS HTTP config object.
update config:Object Updates the session via GET request to the update url. The config object is optional and must be a valid AngularJS HTTP config object.
signIn data:Object, config:Object Signs a user in via POST request to the sign in url and updates the session with the user's data. The data object must contain the POST data to send to the server in order to sign the user in. The config object is optional and must be a valid AngularJS HTTP config object.
signOut data:Object, config:Object Signs a user out via POST request to the sign out url. The data object can be used to send POST data. The config object is optional and must be a valid AngularJS HTTP config object.
user prop:String Retrieves a property from the session.user object if any. If no argument is passed it will return the whole object.
hasRole prop:String | String[] Checks if the current user has any or all of the provided roles.
set prop:String, value:Mixed Sets a value into the session object. Argument prop must be a property name to assign the value to. Argument value must be the value to assign.
get prop:String Obtains a value from the session object. Argument prop must be the property name to retrieve the value from.
del prop:String Deletes a property from the session object. Argument prop must be the property name to delete.

Example usage

angular.module('MyApp').controller('MyController', [
  '$scope', 'ngSession',

  function ($scope, $session) {
    // ...

    $scope.signingIn = true;

    function onSignInSuccess(res) {
      // res.status === 200
      // Yay! user signed in!

      $session.set('happiness', 100);

      $scope.userName = $session.user('name');
      $scope.userId = $session.user('id');

    function onSignInError(res) {
      // res.status === 4xx
      // Couldn't sign user in
      $session.set('happiness', -100);

    function afterSignIn() {
      $scope.happiness = $session.get('happiness');
      $scope.signingIn = false;

      .then(onSignInSuccess, onSignInError)

    $scope.$on('$destroy', function () {


To learn more please view the API Docs.