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Some scripts to help manage an opinionated idea of BOSH and AWS environments. See the blog post for why this came about.

Installing cloque

These install instructions are for Mac OSX. YMMV on other OSes

Getting Started

A network is a distinct, logical group of services. It should be unique and is typically comprised of an environment level and unique name.

$ export NETWORKNAME=dev-belasco

A network.yml file describes the various regions which are involved in the network.

$ vim network.yml # see share

The following will generate/upload SSH keys, IAM roles/users used by BOSH, OpenVPN keys and certificates, and internally-used buckets.

$ cloque utility:initialize-network

Once provisioned, you'll need to upload the OpenVPN packages to allow gateways to download and apply their configurations.

$ cloque openvpn:rebuild-packages

The global infrastructure is used to create additional IAM roles you'll use across all regions.

$ vim global/core/infrastructure.json # see share

Deploy those CloudFormation template.

$ cloque infra:put global core --aws-cloudformation 'Capabilities=["CAPABILITY_IAM"]'

Moar... deploy the region, bosh director, and target bosh...

$ cloque infra:put aws-usw2 core
$ cloque infra:put aws-usw2 bosh
$ cloque bosh:compile aws-usw2 bosh
$ cloque inception:start aws-usw2 \
  --subnet $(cloque infra:dump-state aws-usw2 core '.SubnetZ0PublicId') \
  --security-group $(cloque infra:dump-state aws-usw2 core '.TrustedPeerSecurityGroupId') \
  --security-group $(cloque infra:dump-state aws-usw2 core '.DirectorSecurityGroupId') \
$ cloque inception:provision-bosh aws-usw2 ami-6b2b535b
$ ( cd aws-usw2 && bosh target && bosh create user "$USER" && bosh login "$USER" )

# now do your own stuff
$ cloque bosh:stemcell:upload aws-usw2
$ cloque bosh:go aws-usw2 logsearch

OpenVPN Client

Someone might need to create a key pair for a new OpenVPN client...

local$ mkdir ovpn && cd ovpn
local$ openssl req \
  -subj "/C=US/ST=CO/L=Denver/O=ACME Corp/OU=client/CN=`hostname -s`-`date +%Y%m%da`/emailAddress=`git config`" \
  -days 3650 -nodes \
  -new -out openvpn.csr \
  -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout openvpn.key
local$ cat openvpn.csr

Then you'll need to sign it and send them a profile...

cloque$ cloque openvpn:sign-certificate openvpn.csr
cloque$ cloque openvpn:openvpn:generate-profile aws-usw2 jdoe-laptop-20140101a-20140805a

They should finish off the profile before installing it...

local$ ( cat ; echo '<key>' ; cat openvpn.key ; echo '</key>' ) > openvpn.ovpn
local$ mv openvpn.ovpn `grep -e '^remote ' openvpn.ovpn | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed 's/gateway\.//'`.ovpn
local$ open *.ovpn

Interesting Ideas


Sometimes when you're getting started on a package you'll want to download all the new blobs. If you leave a line comment above the file path, this will dump a list of mkdirs and wgets for you to update your blob files.

$ cloque bosh:utility:package-downloads $(ls packages)
mkdir -p 'blobs/gearman-blobs'
[ -f blobs/gearman-blobs/gearmand-1.0.6.tar.gz ] || wget -O 'blobs/gearman-blobs/gearmand-1.0.6.tar.gz' ''
mkdir -p 'blobs/nginx-blobs'
[ -f blobs/nginx-blobs/nginx-1.7.2.tar.gz ] || wget -O 'blobs/nginx-blobs/nginx-1.7.2.tar.gz' ''
[ -f blobs/nginx-blobs/pcre-8.35.tar.gz ] || wget -O 'blobs/nginx-blobs/pcre-8.35.tar.gz' ''


Sometimes when you're working on packages, it's easier to debug packaging scripts interactively. This will use Docker containers to create a build environment with your blobs and other package dependencies (manually specified) for you to debug with. Run ./packaging or manually run steps iteratively.

$ cloque bosh:utility:package-docker-build --export-package gearman.tgz gearman
$ cloque bosh:utility:package-docker-build --import-package gearman.tgz php


Sometimes you want to see what deployments BOSH is managing. By default it shows the standard output...

$ cloque bosh:list prod-aws-us-east-1

| Name              | Release(s)                  | Stemcell(s)                                  |
| httpassetcache    | logsearch-shipper/0+dev.45  | bosh-aws-xen-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent-hvm/2624 |
|                   | tle-httpassetcache/4+dev.11 |                                              |
| logsearch         | logsearch-shipper/0+dev.45  | bosh-aws-xen-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent-hvm/2624 |
|                   | logsearch/16+dev.8          |                                              |

But sometimes you might want it in a different format, like YAML...

$ cloque bosh:list --format yaml prod-aws-us-east-1
    name: httpassetcache
        - logsearch-shipper/0+dev.43
        - tle-httpassetcache/4+dev.11
        - bosh-aws-xen-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent-hvm/2624
    name: httpforwarders
        - logsearch-shipper/0+dev.44
        - tle-httpforwarders/4+dev.2
        - bosh-aws-xen-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent/2624

Or in JSON for automating tasks with helpers like jq...

$ for DEPLOYMENT in $(cloque bosh:list --format yaml prod-aws-us-east-1 | jq -r '.[] | .name') ; ...snip...


Sometimes you need help cleaning up all the snapshots the BOSH director creates for itself. This command will delete snapshots older than a given period:

$ cloque bosh:snapshot:cleanup-self aws-use1 3d
snap-bc877012 -> 2014-08-15T05:59:09+00:00 -> deleted
snap-c187706f -> 2014-08-15T05:59:17+00:00 -> deleted
snap-8585722b -> 2014-08-15T05:59:32+00:00 -> deleted
snap-529444fc -> 2014-08-16T05:59:09+00:00 -> retained
snap-7a9545d4 -> 2014-08-16T05:59:24+00:00 -> retained
snap-3d974793 -> 2014-08-16T05:59:40+00:00 -> retained
snap-9577c53b -> 2014-08-17T05:59:06+00:00 -> retained
snap-d377c57d -> 2014-08-17T05:59:13+00:00 -> retained
snap-a175c70f -> 2014-08-17T05:59:29+00:00 -> retained
snap-ef51cd41 -> 2014-08-18T05:59:03+00:00 -> retained
snap-dd52ce73 -> 2014-08-18T05:59:18+00:00 -> retained
snap-b553cf1b -> 2014-08-18T05:59:26+00:00 -> retained


Sometimes you need help cleaning up all the snapshots BOSH creates. This command will invoke a custom function that you define in order to determine whether a snapshot should be deleted or retained. Your script should be located in one of the following locations (first file found is used):

  1. {director}/{deployment}/cloque/bosh-snapshot-cleanup.php
  2. {director}/common/cloque/bosh-snapshot-cleanup.php
  3. common/cloque/bosh-snapshot-cleanup.php

The script must return a function with the following definition which will return true if a snapshot should be deleted:

function (
    array $snapshot = [
        'job' => string,
        'index' => integer,
        'snapshot_cid' => string,
        'created_at' => DateTime,
        'clean' => Boolean,
    Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input,
    Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output,
) -> Boolean

For example:

$ cat common/cloque/bosh-snapshot-cleanup.php

$expires = new DateTime('7 days ago');

return function ($snapshot) use ($expires) {
    return ($snapshot['created_at'] < $expires);

$ cloque bosh:snapshot:cleanup prod-aws-us-east-1 logsearch
snap-57f770f8 -> 2014-08-10T07:03:01+00:00 -> dirty -> deleted
snap-b1b0d01e -> 2014-08-11T07:03:17+00:00 -> dirty -> retained
snap-6eb5f9c1 -> 2014-08-12T07:04:23+00:00 -> dirty -> retained
snap-b9e1c916 -> 2014-08-13T07:03:32+00:00 -> dirty -> retained
snap-25deca8a -> 2014-08-14T07:03:47+00:00 -> dirty -> retained
snap-053acbab -> 2014-08-15T07:03:45+00:00 -> dirty -> retained
snap-7df527d3 -> 2014-08-16T07:03:16+00:00 -> dirty -> retained
snap-1d2894b3 -> 2014-08-17T07:02:55+00:00 -> dirty -> retained
snap-9d34aa33 -> 2014-08-18T07:03:28+00:00 -> dirty -> retained

Open Source

MIT License


Sysadmin operant conditioning







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