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6. Usage Guide: AppMon Sniffer

Nishant Das Patnaik edited this page Jul 23, 2016 · 21 revisions
                 [-s SCRIPT_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-ls LIST_APPS] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -a APP_NAME     Process Name; Accepts "Twitter" for iOS;
                  "" for Android; "Twitter" for macOS
  --spawn SPAWN   Optional; Accepts 1=Spawn, 0=Attach; Needs "-p PLATFORM"
  -p PLATFORM     Platform Type; Accepts "ios", "android" or "macos"
  -s SCRIPT_PATH  Path to agent script file; Can be relative/absolute path for
                  a file or directory; Multiple scripts in a directory shall
                  be merged; Needs "-a APP_NAME"
  -o OUTPUT_DIR   (Optional) Path to store any dumps/logs; Accepts
                  relative/absolute paths
  -ls LIST_APPS   Optional; Accepts 1 or 0; Lists running Apps on target
                  device; Needs "-p PLATFORM"
  -v              show program's version number and exit```

###Sample Usage
    * On jailbroken iOS device by **attaching** to running Twitter app, `python -a Twitter -p ios -s scripts/iOS`

    * On jailbroken iOS device by **re-spawning** the running Twitter app, `python -a Twitter -p ios -s scripts/iOS/JSON/NSJSONSerialization_JSONObjectWithData.js --spawn 1`

    * On a rooted Android device by **attaching** the running Twitter app, `python -a "" -p android -s scripts/Android`

    * List all running apps on a device (`-p ios` or `-p android`), `python -p ios -ls 1`

###Points to Remember
* After starting appmon, you may need to interact/use the app on the device till you see messages on console similar to `Dumping to foobar.db` and until then you not may not find your app on the WebUI's app list.
* For every unique app, appmon saves all data into a SQLite database with the same name as that of the app's name under the `appmon/app_dumps` directory.
* If you want to start a fresh session, you may need delete the old db for that app, under the `appmon/app_dumps` directory (do not forget to backup it up shall you need it later)

* ![Screenshot#1]( "Screenshot#1")

* ![Screenshot#2]( "Screenshot#2")

* ![Screenshot#3]( "Screenshot#3")

* ![Screenshot#4]( "Screenshot#4")