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New Dimensions

dr3ams edited this page Nov 3, 2022 · 5 revisions

New Dimensions

Atum 2 - a new and unique desert dimension full of sand, temples, as well as many new enemies! Traveling through the dimension you can discover new artifacts, making your way to them through mountains of sand and enemies.

Blue skies: Everbright and Everdawn - two new dimensions, one lighter and colder, and the other darker and warmer. In each of them you will find new blocks, mobs, tools, weapons and bosses.

Dimensional Dungeons - limitless procedurally generated dungeons dimension.

The Bumblezone - an unBEElievable dimension full of bees that become REALLY angry if you take their honey!

Tropicraft - dimension adding tropical world

Twilight forest - a realm basked in mystery and eerie twilight.

Undergarden - a dark, subterranean world located deep below the bedrock of the Overworld. The flora here has adapted to their conditions and can grow anywhere, independent of light. Strange creatures call these dark lands home, and are plagued by the invasive Rotspawn, monsters originating from a chaotic, mysterious realm."

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