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Solving the 2D-wave equation using Adaptive Mesh and Hyperbolic discretization

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The LinWaveEqn class provides an implementation that uses SAMRAI
classes to solve the 2nd order linear wave eqn:

    u_tt - u_xx = f

with initial conditions

    u(x,0) = a(x)
    u_t(x,0) = b(x)

The initial conditions over the entire mesh at t=0, and at the
boundaries of the mesh when t > 0, are set to the exact solution
    u = sin(w*(x-t)) * sin(w*x)

where w = 4 * pi.  It compares the computed solution to the exact 
solution on each timestep and writes the rms of the error.  It
also dumps VisIt plot files of the computed solution, exact soln,
and error.

The class provides interfaces to problem dependent operations that
are expected by gridding operations performed in SAMRAI.  For 
example, initializing data on a level and resetting hierarchy 
after regrid and pre and post process operations performed when 
transferring data between hierarchy levels.  The class also 
provides an "advance()" method which computes u^(n+1) on 
hierarchy levels.

Edit the Makefile and replace the SAMRAI and OBJECT targets to the 
locations of your source and compiled libraries in your locally-installed 
version of SAMRAI (they will the same thing if you built everything within 
the SAMRAI directory).  Then do:


This will generate the "main2d" executable.

The program should be executed as:

     ./main2d <input file name>

A sample input file called "waveqn-2d.input" is provided.
See the end of this document for information about inputs.
Below, we summarize the different operations performed in 
each of the classes.

visualizing results:
Execution will generate a set of visualization files that may
be viewed with the VisIt tool (
The files will be stored in the directory specified in the input.
For the "waveqn-2d.input" example, the directory is called "viz_waveqn2d".
Go into this directory and invoke VisIt:

 1) cd viz_waveeqn2d
 2) visit dumps.visit
 3) Go to "plots->contour" and pick what you want to plot - 
    Error, Exact, U
 4) Use the VCR-like controls to step through time dependent data.


The following discusses the contents of the two main files in the example,
main.C and LinWaveEqn.C. More information can be found in the comments 
in the code and in the LinWaveEqn.h header file.


1. Read problem input and store in input database
2. Create the geometry (cartesian) and grid hierarchy.
3. Create the LinWaveEqn problem class which defines various
   operations for gridding and time-advance.  For gridding,
   it specifies how to initialize data on the level and 
   how to tag cells.  For time advance, it defines the 
   "advance()" method which performs a single timestep on 
   the grid hierarchy.
4. Create the GriddingAlgorithm (supplying the tag method - 
   type StandardTagAndInitialize, the load balancer, and 
   clustering algorithm - type BergerRigoutsos).  Note
   that the StandardTagAndInitialize object takes the
   LinWaveEqn object as an argument.  The LinWaveEqn supplies 
   methods for cell-tagging and initializing data on the level.
5. Invoke the gridding algorithm to make the coarsest level.
   (NOTE:  it will invoke the "LinWaveEqn::initializeLevelData()"
   method as the last step of this process.
6. Make finer levels.  (NOTE: it will invoke the LinWaveEqn::
   applyGradientDetector() to tag cells for refinement on the
   old coarse level and the LinWaveEqn::initializeLevelData() 
   on the new fine level to set initial data).   
7. We now have a constructed grid hierarchy.  Set up communication
   on the hierarchy by calling LinWaveEqn::setupCommunication().
8. Advance timestep loop:  

        while ( (loop_time < end_time) &&
           (iteration_num < max_steps) ) {

           LinWaveEqn::advance(hierarchy, dt, loop_time);


9. Regrid if we hit a re-gridding interval.
10. Thats it!  De-allocate objects and shutdown.

1.  Constructor: - create variables U and contexts - NEW, CURR, and
                   OLD.  Register them with variable database.   
                   Note that CURR has ghosts while the others have
                   zero ghosts. Cache the returned patch data id 
                   (e.g. d_u_cur_id) for use elsewhere in the class
                   (e.g. to access data from patch).
                 - register variables which we want to be plotted
                   with the visit data writer.
                 - get input parameters for the LinWaveEqn class
                   from the input database.

2.  setupCommunication(): 
         - create a refine OPERATOR for the node-centered U
           variable by doing a lookup.
         - create a refine ALGORITHM which specifies we want to
           interpolate d_u_cur_id data from the same level 
           and coarser (source) into d_u_cur_id (dest).
         - create a refine SCHEDULE for each level in the hierarchy.

2.  advance(): 
         - loop over levels finest to coarsest
           - exchange ghosts on the level (fillData());
           - allocate data which holds U^n+1 (i.e. u_new).
           - loop over patches on level
             - for each patch, access u_new, u_cur, and u_old from 
               the patch.
             - loop over nodes of the patch and compute temporary 
               data f on the node
                - compute u_new = F(u_cur, u_new, f)
           - copy u_old = u_cur on level
           - copy u_cur = u_new on level
           - de-allocate U^n+1

3. initializeLevelData(): (supplied to StandardTagAndInitialize)
          - allocate data on level
          - loop over patches and set initial conditions for
            u^n, u^n-1.
4. applyGradientDetector(): (supplied to StandardTagAndInitialize)
   currently empty - no refinement

5. setPhysicalBoundaryConditions(): (supplied to RefineSchedule)
          - set u_cur on edges of patch to the exact solution.
            u_cur = sin(w*(x-t)) * sin(w*x)


Main {
   max_steps                = 500   // max # steps
   end_time                 = 0.33  // end time
   regrid_interval          = 100   // steps between regrid
   log_file_name            = "waveqn2d.log"
   visit_dump_interval        = 1   // steps between write viz file
   visit_dump_dirname         = "viz_waveqn2d" // dir name for viz

LinWaveEqn {

   // set eqn params:  u_tt - u_xx = f
   //                  u(x,0) = a(x), u_t(x,0) = b(x)
   cfl                      = 0.1


CartesianGeometry {
   //  Specify lower/upper corners of the computational domain and a
   //  set of non-overlapping boxes defining domain interior.  If union
   //  of boxes is not a parallelpiped, lower/upper corner data corresponds
   //  to min/max corner indices over all boxes given.
   //  x_lo  -- (double array) lower corner of computational domain [REQD]
   //  x_up  -- (double array) upper corner of computational domain [REQD]
   //  domain_boxes  -- (box array) set of boxes that define interior of
   //                   hysical domain. [REQD]
   //  periodic_dimension -- (int array) coordinate directions in which
   //                        domain is periodic.  Zero indicates not
   //                        periodic, non-zero value indicates periodicity.
   //                        [0]
   x_lo = 0.e0 , 0.e0
   x_up = 65.e0 , 55.e0
   domain_boxes      = [(0,9),(14,20)],
   periodic_dimension = 0, 1  // periodic in y only

   GriddingAlgorithm {
      // Information used to create patches in AMR hierarchy.
      // max_levels -- (int) max number of mesh levels in hierarchy [REQD]
      // For most of the following parameters, the number of precribed data
      // values need not match the number of levels in the hierarchy
      // (determined by max_levels).  If more values are given than number
      // of levels, extraneous values will be ignored.  If less are give, then
      // values that correspond to individual levels will apply to those
      // levels.  Missing values will be taken from those for the finest
      // level specified.
      // ratio_to_coarser {
      //   level_1 -- (int array) ratio between index spaces on
      //              level 1 to level 0 [REQD]
      //   level_2 -- (int array)  ratio between index spaces on
      //              level 2 to level 1 [REQD]
      //   etc....
      // }
      // largest_patch_size {
      //   level_0 -- (int array) largest patch allowed on level 0.
      //              [REQD]
      //   level_1 -- (int array)    "       "      "   "  level 1
      //              [level 0 entry]
      //   etc....
      // }
      // smallest_patch_size {
      //   level_0 -- (int array) smallest patch allowed on level 0.
      //              [max ghost width for all variables]
      //   level_1 -- (int array)    "       "      "   "  level 1
      //              [level 0 entry]
      //   etc....
      // }
      max_levels = 3
      ratio_to_coarser {
         level_1 = 4 , 4
         level_2 = 4 , 4
         level_3 = 4 , 4
      largest_patch_size {
         level_0 = 48 , 48
      smallest_patch_size {
         level_0 = 8 , 8

      // Tolerances for gridding efficiency and box chopping operations.
      // efficiency_tolerance -- (double array) minimum percentage of tagged
      //                         cells allowed in a box [0.8 for each level]
      // combine_efficiency   -- (double array) threshold specifying when a
      //                         box may be chopped into two smaller boxes.
      //                         If sum of the volumes of smaller boxes is >
      //                         combine efficiency * volume of larger box,
      //                         then larger box will not be chopped.
      //                         [0.8 for each level]
      // proper_nesting_buffer -- (int array) number of coarse cells by which
      //                          the next finer level is nested within its
      //                          interior. [1 for each level]
      efficiency_tolerance    = 0.85e0
      combine_efficiency      = 0.95e0
      proper_nesting_buffer   = 1

      // Option to read or write gridding information
      // write_regrid_boxes    -- (bool) Output sequence of refine boxes to file
      // read_regrid_boxes     -- (bool) Read sequence of refine boxes from file
      // regrid_boxes_filename -- (string) file name used for reading or writing
      //                          boxes.
      // Reading and writing options require some user intervention to assure
      // they work properly.  Please consult Andy Wissink (
      // if you are interested in using these options.
      write_regrid_boxes    = TRUE
      regrid_boxes_filename = TRUE

   StandardTagAndInitialize {
      // Specification of the type of tagging to be performed
      // tagging_type -- (string array) one or more entries specifying
      //                 the tagging algorithm used.  Options include:
      //                 "GRADIENT_DETECTOR"
      //                 "RICHARDSON_EXTRAPOLATION"
      //                 "REFINE_BOXES"
      // REFINE_BOXES allows you to prescribe where refinement should occur.
      // If this option is used, you must also supply a RefineBoxes database
      // entry with the refine boxes on different levels specified.  i.e.
      //    RefineBoxes{
      //        level_0 -- (BoxArray) Boxes to be refined on level 0
      //        level_1 -- (BoxArray) Boxes to be refined on level 1
      //        etc.
      // Gradient detection option.
      tagging_type = "GRADIENT_DETECTOR"
      // Richarson extrapolation option.
      tagging_type = "RICHARDSON_EXTRAPOLATION"
      // Static refine boxes option.
      tagging_type = "REFINE_BOXES"
      RefineBoxes {
        level0_boxes = [(15,0),(29,14)]
        level1_boxes = [(65,10),(114,40)]
      // Combination.

   LoadBalancer {
      // using default uniform load balance configuration (see mesh_LoadBalancerX.h.sed)


Solving the 2D-wave equation using Adaptive Mesh and Hyperbolic discretization






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