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Initial commit of precondition smtlib code
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minor fixes to formatting and 1 silly bug
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philzook58 committed Nov 22, 2019
1 parent 474ecae commit 70dd0f4
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Showing 13 changed files with 144 additions and 74 deletions.
28 changes: 26 additions & 2 deletions wp/lib/bap_wp/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,19 +116,43 @@ let compare_subs_empty_post
compare_subs ~postcond:postcond ~hyps:hyps ~original:original ~modified:modified

(** [mk_smtlib2_compare] builds a constraint out of an smtlib2 string that can be used
as a comparison predicate between an original and modified binary. *)
let mk_smtlib2_compare (env1 : Env.t) (env2 : Env.t) (smtlib_str : string) : Constr.t =
let var_map1 = (Env.get_var_map env1) in
let var_map2 = (Env.get_var_map env2) in
let smtlib_str = Env.EnvMap.fold var_map1 ~init:smtlib_str
~f:(fun ~key:var ~data:z3_var smtlib_str ->
String.substr_replace_all smtlib_str ~pattern:(( var) ^ "_orig") ~with_:(Z3.Expr.to_string z3_var)
) in
let smtlib_str = Env.EnvMap.fold var_map2 ~init:smtlib_str
~f:(fun ~key:var ~data:z3_var smtlib_str ->
String.substr_replace_all smtlib_str ~pattern:(( var) ^ "_mod") ~with_:(Z3.Expr.to_string z3_var)
) in
info "New smtlib string: %s \n" smtlib_str;
let declsym1 = Env.get_decls_and_symbols env1 in
let declsym2 = Env.get_decls_and_symbols env2 in
let declsym = declsym1 @ declsym2 in
let ctx = Env.get_context env1 in
Constr.mk_smtlib2 ctx smtlib_str declsym

let compare_subs_eq
~input:(input : Var.Set.t)
~output:(output : Var.Set.t)
~original:(original : Sub.t * Env.t)
~modified:(modified : Sub.t * Env.t)
~smtlib_post:(smtlib_post : string)
~smtlib_pre:(smtlib_pre : string)
: Constr.t * Env.t * Env.t =
let postcond ~original:(_, env1) ~modified:(_, env2) ~rename_set:_ =
let post_eqs, env1, env2 = set_to_eqs env1 env2 output in
Constr.mk_clause [] post_eqs, env1, env2
let post' = mk_smtlib2_compare env1 env2 smtlib_post in
Constr.mk_clause [] (post' :: post_eqs), env1, env2
let hyps ~original:(_, env1) ~modified:(_, env2) ~rename_set:_ =
let pre_eqs, env1, env2 = set_to_eqs env1 env2 input in
Constr.mk_clause [] pre_eqs, env1, env2
let pre' = mk_smtlib2_compare env1 env2 smtlib_pre in
Constr.mk_clause [] (pre' :: pre_eqs), env1, env2
compare_subs ~postcond:postcond ~hyps:hyps ~original:original ~modified:modified

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions wp/lib/bap_wp/src/compare.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ val compare_subs_eq
-> output:Bap.Std.Var.Set.t
-> original:(Bap.Std.Sub.t * Env.t)
-> modified:(Bap.Std.Sub.t * Env.t)
-> smtlib_post:string
-> smtlib_pre:string
-> Constr.t * Env.t * Env.t

(** Compare two subroutines by composition for an empty postcondition:
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21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions wp/lib/bap_wp/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -269,3 +269,24 @@ let get_refuted_goals ?filter_out:(filter_out = []) (constr : t)
worker e current_path current_registers (olds @ o) (news @ n')
worker constr Jmp.Map.empty Jmp.Map.empty [] []

let mk_smtlib2 (ctx : Z3.context) (smtlib_str : string) (decl_syms : (Z3.FuncDecl.func_decl * Z3.Symbol.symbol) list) : t =
let fun_decls, fun_symbols = List.unzip decl_syms in
let sort_symbols = [] in
let sorts = [] in
let asts = Z3.SMT.parse_smtlib2_string ctx smtlib_str
let goals = (Z3.AST.ASTVector.to_expr_list asts)
~f:(fun e ->
|> mk_goal (Expr.to_string e)
|> mk_constr)
mk_clause [] goals

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions wp/lib/bap_wp/src/constraint.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,3 +128,8 @@ val eval_model_exn : Z3.Model.model -> z3_expr -> z3_expr
if retrieving the model fails in the case that [check] was not yet called
to the solver or the result of the last [check] did not result in SAT. *)
val get_model_exn : Z3.Solver.solver -> Z3.Model.model

(** [mk_smtlib2] parses a string in the context that already has a mapping of func_decl to symbols
and returns a constraint [Constr.t] *)

val mk_smtlib2 : Z3.context -> string -> ((Z3.FuncDecl.func_decl * Z3.Symbol.symbol) list) -> t
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions wp/lib/bap_wp/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -255,6 +255,9 @@ let set_freshen (env : t) (freshen : bool) = { env with freshen = freshen }
let add_var (env : t) (v : Var.t) (x : Constr.z3_expr) : t =
{ env with var_map = EnvMap.set env.var_map ~key:v ~data:x }

let remove_var (env :t) (v : Var.t) : t =
{ env with var_map = EnvMap.remove env.var_map v }

let mk_exp_conds (env : t) (e : exp) : Constr.goal list * Constr.goal list =
let { exp_conds; _ } = env in
let conds = exp_conds ~f:(fun gen -> gen env e) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,3 +331,27 @@ let is_x86 (a : Arch.t) : bool =

let use_input_regs (env : t) : bool =

let get_decls_and_symbols (env : t) : ((Z3.FuncDecl.func_decl * Z3.Symbol.symbol) list) =
let var_map = get_var_map env in
let ctx = get_context env in
EnvMap.fold var_map ~init:[]
~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:z3_var decls ->
assert (Z3.Expr.is_const z3_var);
let decl = Z3.FuncDecl.mk_const_decl_s ctx
(Z3.Expr.to_string z3_var)
(Z3.Expr.get_sort z3_var) in
let sym = Z3.Symbol.mk_string ctx (Z3.Expr.to_string z3_var) in

let mk_smtlib2_single (env : t) (smt_post : string) : Constr.t =
let var_map = get_var_map env in
let smt_post = EnvMap.fold var_map ~init:smt_post
~f:(fun ~key:var ~data:z3_var smt_post ->
String.substr_replace_all smt_post ~pattern:(( var) ^ " ") ~with_:((Z3.Expr.to_string z3_var) ^ " ")
) in
info "New smt-lib string : %s\n" smt_post;
let decl_syms = get_decls_and_symbols env in
let ctx = get_context env in
Constr.mk_smtlib2 ctx smt_post decl_syms
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions wp/lib/bap_wp/src/environment.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,6 +127,9 @@ val wp_rec_call :
typically a constant. *)
val add_var : t -> Bap.Std.Var.t -> Constr.z3_expr -> t

(** Remove a binding in the environment for a bap variable. *)
val remove_var : t -> Bap.Std.Var.t -> t

(** Add a precondition to be associated to a block b to the environment. *)
val add_precond : t -> Bap.Std.Tid.t -> Constr.t -> t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,4 +212,20 @@ val mk_z3_expr : Z3.context -> name:string -> typ:Bap.Std.Type.t -> Constr.z3_ex
constant is "fresh" with the {!Environment.var_gen}. *)
val new_z3_expr : ?name:string -> t -> Bap.Std.Type.t -> Constr.z3_expr

(** [get_decls_and_symbols] builds from a the var_map in an environment
a mapping of all Z3 func_decl to their symbol. This is a helper function for
[mk_smtlib2] *)

val get_decls_and_symbols : t -> ((Z3.FuncDecl.func_decl * Z3.Symbol.symbol) list)

(** [mk_smtlib2_single env smtlib_str] takes in a string representing a
valid SMT-Lib-2 statement.
The variables in the SMT-Lib statements need to appear in the
environment. The intended purpose of this function is generating hypothesis
and postconditions for single binary analysis *)
val mk_smtlib2_single : t -> string -> Constr.t

44 changes: 4 additions & 40 deletions wp/lib/bap_wp/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -217,11 +217,10 @@ let exp_to_z3 (exp : Exp.t) (env : Env.t) : Constr.z3_expr * Constr.t list * Con
debug "Visiting let %s = %s in %s%!"
(Var.to_string v) (Exp.to_string exp) (Exp.to_string body);
let exp_val, env = exp_to_z3_body exp env in
(* FIXME: we're handling this incorrectly! The variable should
be removed from the context after leaving the scope of the
Let! *)
let env' = Env.add_var env v exp_val in
exp_to_z3_body body env'
let z3_expr, env = exp_to_z3_body body env' in
let env = Env.remove_var env v in
(z3_expr, env)
| Unknown (str, typ) ->
debug "Visiting unknown: %s Type:%s%!" str (Type.to_string typ);
Env.new_z3_expr env ~name:("unknown_" ^ str) typ, env
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -847,42 +846,6 @@ let non_null_assert : Env.exp_cond = fun env exp ->
Some (Assume (Constr.mk_goal "assume" (Bool.mk_and ctx conds)))

let mk_smtlib2_post (env : Env.t) (smt_post : string) : Constr.t =
let ctx = Env.get_context env in
let sort_symbols = [] in
let sorts = [] in
let fun_decls =
Env.EnvMap.fold (Env.get_var_map env) ~init:[]
~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:z3_var decls ->
assert (Z3.Expr.is_const z3_var);
Z3.FuncDecl.mk_const_decl_s ctx
(Z3.Expr.to_string z3_var)
(Z3.Expr.get_sort z3_var)
let fun_symbols =
Env.EnvMap.fold (Env.get_var_map env) ~init:[]
~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:z3_var decls ->
assert (Z3.Expr.is_const z3_var);
Z3.Symbol.mk_string ctx
(Z3.Expr.to_string z3_var)
let asts = Z3.SMT.parse_smtlib2_string ctx smt_post
let goals = (Z3.AST.ASTVector.to_expr_list asts)
~f:(fun e ->
|> Constr.mk_goal (Expr.to_string e)
|> Constr.mk_constr)
Constr.mk_clause [] goals

let check ?refute:(refute = true) (solver : Solver.solver) (ctx : Z3.context)
(pre : Constr.t) : Solver.status =
Expand All @@ -895,6 +858,7 @@ let check ?refute:(refute = true) (solver : Solver.solver) (ctx : Z3.context)
Printf.printf "Z3 Query:\n%s\n" (Z3.Expr.to_string (Z3.Expr.simplify is_correct None));
let () = Z3.Solver.add solver [is_correct] in
Z3.Solver.check solver []

Expand Down
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions wp/lib/bap_wp/src/precondition.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -196,14 +196,6 @@ val mk_env
-> Env.var_gen
-> Env.t

(** [mk_smtlib2_post env sub post] takes in a string representing a
valid SMT-Lib-2 statement, and turns it into a valid postcondition
to be passed to {!visit_sub}.
The variables in the SMT-Lib statements need to appear in the
environment. *)
val mk_smtlib2_post : Env.t -> string -> Constr.t

(** Create a precondition for a given jump expression, depending on the postcondition
and (potentially) the preconditions for the jump targets or the loop invariants.
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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions wp/lib/bap_wp/tests/unit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ let test_sub_pair_1 (test_ctx : test_ctxt) : unit =
let output_vars = Var.Set.singleton z in
let compare_prop, _, _ = Comp.compare_subs_eq
~input:input_vars ~output:output_vars
~original:(sub1,env1) ~modified:(sub2,env2) in
~original:(sub1,env1) ~modified:(sub2,env2) ~smtlib_post:"" ~smtlib_pre:"" in
assert_z3_compare test_ctx ~orig:env1 ~modif:env2
(Sub.to_string sub1) (Sub.to_string sub2)
compare_prop Z3.Solver.UNSATISFIABLE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ let test_sub_pair_2 (test_ctx : test_ctxt) : unit =
let output_vars = Var.Set.singleton z in
let compare_prop, _, _ = Comp.compare_subs_eq
~input:input_vars ~output:output_vars
~original:(sub1,env1) ~modified:(sub2,env2) in
~original:(sub1,env1) ~modified:(sub2,env2) ~smtlib_post:"" ~smtlib_pre:"" in
assert_z3_compare test_ctx ~orig:env1 ~modif:env2
(Sub.to_string sub1) (Sub.to_string sub2)
compare_prop Z3.Solver.SATISFIABLE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ let test_sub_pair_3 (test_ctx : test_ctxt) : unit =
let output_vars = Var.Set.singleton z in
let compare_prop, _, _ = Comp.compare_subs_eq
~input:input_vars ~output:output_vars
~original:(sub1,env1) ~modified:(sub2,env2) in
~original:(sub1,env1) ~modified:(sub2,env2) ~smtlib_post:"" ~smtlib_pre:"" in
assert_z3_compare test_ctx ~orig:env1 ~modif:env2
(Sub.to_string sub1) (Sub.to_string sub2)
compare_prop Z3.Solver.UNSATISFIABLE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ let test_sub_pair_4 (test_ctx : test_ctxt) : unit =
let output_vars = Var.Set.singleton y in
let compare_prop, _, _ = Comp.compare_subs_eq
~input:input_vars ~output:output_vars
~original:(sub1,env1) ~modified:(sub2,env2) in
~original:(sub1,env1) ~modified:(sub2,env2) ~smtlib_post:"" ~smtlib_pre:"" in
assert_z3_compare test_ctx ~orig:env1 ~modif:env2
(Sub.to_string sub1) (Sub.to_string sub2)
compare_prop Z3.Solver.UNSATISFIABLE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ let test_sub_pair_5 (test_ctx : test_ctxt) : unit =
let output_vars = Var.Set.singleton y in
let compare_prop, _, _ = Comp.compare_subs_eq
~input:input_vars ~output:output_vars
~original:(sub1,env1) ~modified:(sub2,env2) in
~original:(sub1,env1) ~modified:(sub2,env2) ~smtlib_post:"" ~smtlib_pre:"" in
assert_z3_compare test_ctx ~orig:env1 ~modif:env2
(Sub.to_string sub1) (Sub.to_string sub2)
compare_prop Z3.Solver.SATISFIABLE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ let test_fun_outputs_1 (test_ctx : test_ctxt) : unit =
let output_vars = Var.Set.singleton ret_var in
let compare_prop, _, _ = Comp.compare_subs_eq
~input:input_vars ~output:output_vars
~original:(main_sub1, env1) ~modified:(main_sub2, env2) in
~original:(main_sub1, env1) ~modified:(main_sub2, env2) ~smtlib_post:"" ~smtlib_pre:"" in
assert_z3_compare test_ctx ~orig:env1 ~modif:env2
(Sub.to_string main_sub1)
(Sub.to_string main_sub2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ let test_fun_outputs_2 (test_ctx : test_ctxt) : unit =
let output_vars = Var.Set.singleton ret_var in
let compare_prop, _, _ = Comp.compare_subs_eq
~input:input_vars ~output:output_vars
~original:(main_sub1, env1) ~modified:(main_sub2, env2) in
~original:(main_sub1, env1) ~modified:(main_sub2, env2) ~smtlib_post:"" ~smtlib_pre:"" in
assert_z3_compare test_ctx ~orig:env1 ~modif:env2
(Sub.to_string main_sub1)
(Sub.to_string main_sub2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ let test_sub_pair_mem_1 (test_ctx : test_ctxt) : unit =
let output_vars = Var.Set.singleton mem in
let compare_prop, _, _ = Comp.compare_subs_eq
~input:input_vars ~output:output_vars
~original:(sub1,env1) ~modified:(sub2,env2) in
~original:(sub1,env1) ~modified:(sub2,env2) ~smtlib_post:"" ~smtlib_pre:"" in
assert_z3_compare test_ctx ~orig:env1 ~modif:env2
(Sub.to_string sub1) (Sub.to_string sub2)
compare_prop Z3.Solver.SATISFIABLE
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion wp/lib/bap_wp/tests/unit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ let test_subroutine_1_2 (test_ctx : test_ctxt) : unit =
let env = Env.add_var env z (mk_z3_var env z) in
(* The names x0, y0 and z0 are magical, as they are generated by BAP
(with the "base names" x, y, z)*)
let post = Pre.mk_smtlib2_post env
let post = Env.mk_smtlib2_single env
"(assert (and (bvsle (bvsub z0 x0) #x00000001) (bvsle #xffffffff (bvsub z0 x0))))"
let pre, _ = Pre.visit_sub env post sub in
Expand Down
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions wp/plugin/
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Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ UNSAT!

Meaning there is no way to reach the `assert(0)` statement.

Alternatively one may assert custom assumptions specified as smt-lib expressions
via the command line option `--wp-precond="(assert (= RDI #x0000000000000002))"`


A more sophisticated example involves comparing two different
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,11 +326,15 @@ The various options are:
function call sites. For example, If you want to inline everything, set to
--wp-inline=.\* or --wp-inline=foo|bar will inline the functions foo and bar.

- `--wp-precond=smt-lib-string`. If present, allows the introduction of assertions
to the beginning of a query. This allows pruning of possible models. For
comparative predicates, one may refer to variables in the original and modified program by appending the suffix "_orig" and "_mod" to variable names in the smt-lib expression.
For examples `--wp-precond="(assert (= RDI_mod #x0000000000000003)) (assert (= RDI_orig #x0000000000000003))"`

- `--wp-postcond=smt-lib-string`. If present, replaces the
default post-condition by the user-specified one, using the
[smt-lib2] format. At the moment, the names of variables
representing memory and registers are a bit magical, so consider
this to be an experimental feature.
[smt-lib2] format. Similar to `--wp-precond`, one may create comparative
postconditions on variables by appending "_orig" and "_mod" to register names.

- `--wp-num-unroll=num`. If present, replaces the default number of
times to unroll each loop. The number of loop unrollings is 5 by default.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion wp/plugin/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ let suite = [
"Function Spec: no inlining" >:: test_single_elf "function_spec" "main" "SAT!" ~inline:"NONEXISTENTGARBAGE";
"Nested Function Calls" >:: test_single_elf "nested_function_calls" "main" "SAT!" ~inline:"foo|bar";
"Nested Calls: inline all" >:: test_single_elf "nested_function_calls" "main" "SAT!" ~inline:".*";
"User Defined Postcondition" >:: test_single_elf "return_argc" "main" "SAT!" ~post:"(assert (= RAX0 #x0000000000000000))";
"User Defined Postcondition" >:: test_single_elf "return_argc" "main" "SAT!" ~post:"(assert (= RAX #x0000000000000000))";

"Update Number of Unrolls" >:: test_update_num_unroll (Some 3);
"Original Number of Unrolls" >:: test_update_num_unroll None;
Expand Down

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