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@yaroslavmo yaroslavmo released this 26 Nov 13:05
· 223 commits to master since this release
  • DP-115 Add API call scheduling capabilities to platform
  • Improved Excel connector's role-based access controls capabilities

Our commercial users have long requested a point-and-click solution for scheduling API calls. Our 3.1.1 commercial release includes a new feature which allows administrators to schedule API calls at a per-minute resolution (once per minute, once every 5 minutes, once every hour, etc). The scheduler isn't limited to GET calls either! POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE are also supported, and you can accompany requests with companion payloads.

In this release we also improved the Excel connector's role-based access control capabilities.

If you'd like a demonstration of the new scheduling or Excel connector features, head over to to schedule a quick call!