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drelu edited this page Jan 27, 2012 · 2 revisions
  1. Installation of BigJob on LONI (Oliver)

1. On LONI, BigJob uses GRAM to submit local/remote jobs to the scheduling system, which requires grid proxy. Get a grid certificate - LONI issues certificates which work on all LONI machines. Once grid certificate is received on one machine, the same can be used by copying and placing on different machines of LONI. Follow the instructions at

2. SAGA Is already available on LONI. Please follow the below steps to load it. Check the saga softwares available using softenv.

[oliver1 ~]$ softenv | grep -i saga
    +saga-1.4.1-gcc-3.4.6          @types: Applications @name: SAGA @version:
                                     1.4.1 @build: saga-1.4.1-gcc-3.4.6
                            @about: The SAGA
    +saga-1.5.3-gcc-4.3.2          @types: Applications @name: SAGA @version:
                                     1.5.3 @build: saga-1.5.3-gcc-4.3.2
                            @about: The SAGA

The latest version of saga in this case is +saga-1.5.3-gcc-4.3.2. The saga dependencies are boost, postgresql, python ( recommended version > 2.6), gcc. Get the software versions by using above similar command. Load all these softwares by making an entry in $HOME/.soft file ( create it if it is not there ).

Contents of $HOME/.soft file should look like

[oliver1 ~]$ cat $HOME/.soft
# This is the .soft file.
# It is used to customize your environment by setting up environment
# variables such as PATH and MANPATH.
# To learn what can be in this file, use 'man softenv'.
[@oliver1 ~]$

Then do a resoft
[@oliver1 ~]$ resoft

3. Perform ssh to target machine if it doesn't login and asks for password; make it [ password less login].

4. Fresh installation of !BigJob can be done using the below set of commands. If you want to just update existing !BigJob installation to latest version, refer to FAQ 2.

curl -o
python $HOME/.bigjob/python/
. $HOME/.bigjob/python/bin/activate

The agent utilizes this script for automatic bootstrapping on machines that don't have BJ installed. In order to load your !BigJob environment at login add the following line to your .bashrc (.profile, etc.):

. $HOME/.bigjob/python/bin/activate

5. Follow the tutorial section to create workflows using !BigJob.

6. Before running the !BigJob examples, check validity of grid proxy using '''grid-proxy-info''' command. If grid proxy is valid, then execute the !BigJob example, otherwise initiate grid proxy using '''grid-proxy-init''' command.

Execute the example

python < example script >