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@github-actions github-actions released this 03 Mar 16:26
· 1261 commits to main since this release

Drizzle ORM 0.21.0 was released 🎉

  • Added support for new migration folder structure and breakpoints feature, described in drizzle-kit release section
  • Fix onUpdateNow() expression generation for default migration statement

Support for PostgreSQL array types

export const salEmp = pgTable('sal_emp', {
  name: text('name').notNull(),
  payByQuarter: integer('pay_by_quarter').array(),
  schedule: text('schedule').array().array(),

export const tictactoe = pgTable('tictactoe', {
  squares: integer('squares').array(3).array(3),

drizzle kit will generate

CREATE TABLE sal_emp (
  name            text,
  pay_by_quarter  integer[],
  schedule        text[][]

CREATE TABLE tictactoe (
  squares   integer[3][3]

Added composite primary key support to PostgreSQL and MySQL


import { primaryKey } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';

export const cpkTable = pgTable('table', {
  column1: integer('column1').default(10).notNull(),
  column2: integer('column2'),
  column3: integer('column3'),
}, (table) => ({
  cpk: primaryKey(table.column1, table.column2),


import { primaryKey } from 'drizzle-orm/mysql-core';

export const cpkTable = mysqlTable('table', {
  simple: int('simple'),
  columnNotNull: int('column_not_null').notNull(),
  columnDefault: int('column_default').default(100),
}, (table) => ({
  cpk: primaryKey(table.simple, table.columnDefault),

Drizzle Kit 0.17.0 was released 🎉

Breaking changes

Folder structure was migrated to newer version

Before running any new migrations drizzle-kit will ask you to upgrade in a first place

Migration file structure < 0.17.0

📦 <project root>
 └ 📂 migrations
    └ 📂 20221207174503
       ├ 📜 migration.sql
       ├ 📜 snapshot.json
    └ 📂 20230101104503
       ├ 📜 migration.sql
       ├ 📜 snapshot.json

Migration file structure >= 0.17.0

📦 <project root>
 └ 📂 migrations
    └ 📂 meta
      ├ 📜 _journal.json
      ├ 📜 0000_snapshot.json
      ├ 📜 0001_snapshot.json
    └ 📜 0000_icy_stranger.sql
    └ 📜 0001_strange_avengers.sql

Upgrading to 0.17.0

To easily migrate from previous folder structure to new you need to run up command in drizzle kit. It's a great helper to upgrade your migrations to new format on each drizzle kit major update

drizzle-kit up:<dialect> # dialects: `pg`, `mysql`, `sqlite`

# example for pg
drizzle-kit up:pg

New Features

New drizzle-kit command called drop

In a case you think some of migrations were generated in a wrong way or you have made migration simultaneously with other developers you can easily rollback it by running simple command

Make sure you are dropping migrations that were not applied to your database

drizzle-kit drop

This command will show you a list of all migrations you have and you'll need just to choose migration you want to drop. After that drizzle-kit will do all the hard work on deleting migration files

New drizzle-kit option --breakpoints for generate and introspect commands

If particular driver doesn't support running multiple quries in 1 execution you can use --breakpoints.

drizzle-kit will generate current sql

CREATE TABLE `users` (
  `full_name` text NOT NULL,
--> statement-breakpoint
CREATE TABLE `table` (
  `phone` int,

Using it drizzle-orm will split all sql files by statements and execute them separately

Add drizzle-kit introspect for MySQL dialect

You can introspect your mysql database using introspect:mysql command

drizzle-kit introspect:mysql --out ./migrations --connectionString mysql://user:password@

Support for glob patterns for schema path

Usage example in cli

drizzle-kit generate:pg --out ./migrations --schema ./core/**/*.ts ./database/schema.ts

Usage example in drizzle.config

  "out: "./migrations", 
  "schema": ["./core/**/*.ts", "./database/schema.ts"]

Bug Fixes and improvements

Postgres dialect

GitHub issue fixes

  • [pg] char is undefined during introspection #9
  • when unknown type is detected, would be nice to emit a TODO comment instead of undefined #8
  • "post_id" integer DEFAULT currval('posts_id_seq'::regclass) generates invalid TS #7
  • "ip" INET NOT NULL is not supported #6
  • "id" UUID NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() type is not supported #5
  • array fields end up as "undefined" in the schema #4
  • timestamp is not in the import statement in schema.ts #3
  • generated enums are not camel cased #2

Introspect improvements

  • Add support for composite PK's generation;
  • Add support for cidr, inet, macaddr, macaddr8, smallserial
  • Add interval fields generation in schema, such as minute to second, day to hour, etc.
  • Add default values for numerics
  • Add default values for enums

MySQL dialect

Migration generation improvements

  • Add autoincrement create, delete and update handling
  • Add on update current_timestamp handling for timestamps
  • Add data type changing, using modify
  • Add not null changing, using modify
  • Add default drop and create statements
  • Fix defaults generation bugs, such as escaping, date strings, expressions, etc

Introspect improvements

  • Add autoincrement to all supported types
  • Add fsp for time based data types
  • Add precision and scale for double
  • Make time { mode: "string" } by default
  • Add defaults to json, decimal and binary datatypes
  • Add enum data type generation