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drwelby edited this page Oct 12, 2012 · 6 revisions

Image Request API

The Image Request app provides a full API for image request management. Driven by Django-Tastypie, features can be requested, created, modified, or deleted through the appropriate request verbs GET, POST, UPDATE, DELETE.

The API also provides read-only access to a Test Area feature class, for testing the ability to create new image requests from the geometry of other features.


In the current URL scheme, the API can be accessed at:


So for image requests:


And for test features:


A GET request to the basic endpoint will return a JSON list of all features. Django-Tastypie also allows for pagination and filtering (docs).

To access a feature, refer to it by its primary key id, for example:


To receive the feature as JSON, append ?format=json:


To create or update a feature, POST or UPDATE the JSON payload describing the feature. The feature schema is as follows:

  • requestor_name (text, max length = 50, REQUIRED)
  • requestor_email (text)
  • requestor_phone (text, max length = 50)
  • org_choice (either 'ngo', 'io', 'academic', or 'government')
  • supported_operation (text)
  • supported_partners (text)
  • reason_for_use (text)
  • objective (text)
  • justification (text)
  • bounds (Polygon geometry in GeoJSON or WKT or a URL that returns a JSON feature with a polygon object in it. REQUIRED)
  • start_date (date and time)
  • end_date (date and time)
  • img_format (either 'nitf', 'sid', 'tif' or 'jpg')
  • delivery_format (either 'disk' or 'ftp')
  • need_by_date = (date and time)
  • priority (either 'high', 'routine', or 'low')
  • nextview_ack (boolean)


Add a feature via curl:

curl --dump-header - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"bounds": {"coordinates": [[[30, 11], [30, 9], [31, 9], [31, 11], [30, 11]]], "type": "Polygon"}, "requestor_name": "Curl Request"}'  http://localhost:8000/rfi/api/rfi/
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