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230 lines (141 loc) · 8.56 KB


File metadata and controls

230 lines (141 loc) · 8.56 KB



If you've deployed a local instance of the Wizard (Docker or build from source), we kindly request you to fill out this DS Wizard instance registration.

Public Instance

The application is currently deployed on a server provided by FIT CTU. Here are the addresses of running applications:


You are free to register and test out the Wizard within the Then you can decide if you want a local instance for you or your organization.

Via Docker

The simplest way is to use Docker Compose. Requirements are just to have Docker installed, privileges for current user and the Docker daemon started.

  1. Create a folder (e.g., /dsw, all commands in this manual are from this working directory)
  2. Prepare all config files described in :ref:`Configuration` (especially, application.yml and worker-config.json), paths are visible from the :ref:`docker-compose.yml`
  3. Copy (and adjust) :ref:`docker-compose.yml` provided below
  4. Run the DSW with Docker compose docker-compose up -d
  5. After starting up, you will be able to open the Wizard in your browser on http://localhost
  6. You can use docker-compose logs to see the logs and docker-compose down to stop all the services
.. literalinclude:: docker-compose.yml
   :caption: docker-compose.yml
   :language: yaml



Backup database and other imporant data (e.g., configuration) before upgrade!

In case of using Docker, just use the tag in :ref:`docker-compose.yml` or pull the new Docker image and restart using down/up:

$ docker pull datastewardshipwizard/server
$ docker pull datastewardshipwizard/client
$ docker pull datastewardshipwizard/crontab
$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose up -d

Locally without Docker

We highly recommend using Docker, but you are open to compile and run everything directly on your device. It is tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and you might encounter problems when using other plaforms and Linux distributions.

General Requirements


  1. Get the server app (dsw-server)

    git clone

  2. Copy and edit configuration (see :ref:`configuration`)

    cp config/app-config.cfg.example config/app-config.cfg

  3. Build (takes a lot of time, downloads & builds all dependencies)

    stack build

  4. Run (requires MongoDB according to configuration)

    stack exec dsw-server


  1. Get the client app (dsw-client)

    git clone

  2. Install the app (dependencies)

    npm install

  3. Change configuration if the server is not running on http://localhost:3000 (see :ref:`configuration`)

  4. Run the app

    npm start

  5. Open app in your favorite browser

  6. For minified production-ready version, use

    npm run build



Backup database and other imporant data (e.g., configuration) before upgrade!

All you need to do is download or checkout new version from our repositories and rebuild the application (according to guidelines above):

$ git checkout vX.Y.Z

If you need to upgrade MongoDB version, follow the official instructions in their documentation.

Default Users

Initially, migrations will fill the database with predefined data needed including three users, all with password "password":

You can use those accounts for testing or to initially made your own account admin and then delete them.


Having public instance with default accounts is a security risk. Delete or change default accounts (mainly Albert Einstein) if your DSW instance is public as soon as possible.


When you have your own self-hosted instance, it is essential for you to register within the Registry service. It is source of shared knowledge models and can support your deployment. After registration of your organization with unique ID and email verification, you will get your token. This token is then used in :ref:`config-registry` configuration. Then your instance is connected automatically to the Registry service for specific functionality such as accessing shared knowledge models.


The DS Wizard is compatible with all recent versions of web browsers Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and Edge. We do not recomment use of Internet Explorer. Internally, there are components between is are following compatibility of versions:

DS Wizard KM Metamodel Registry
1.8.0 3 1.0.0
1.7.0 2 --
1.6.0 1 --
1.5.0 (or lower) -- --


DSW Client and Server should always use matching version (compatibility is assured)!

Other "Setups"

Initial Knowledge Model

When you have a fresh installation, there are just the default users and no knowledge models. You are free to create a new one from scratch if you want. Other option is to import existing KM dsw:root:X.Y.Z from the Registry. It is the core knowledge model for general data stewardship. The specific latest version (or other version that is the best for you) as well as other shared knowledge models can be found on the landing page of the Registry service. Other option is to import it from file if you have any (according to :ref:`usage`)

Public Questionnaire

If you also need to enable public questionnaire for :guilabel:`Questionnaire demo` functionality with this core knowledge model, you have to download public-package-root-1.0.0.json file below and import it directly to the database into publicPackages collection. Optionally, you can move some of your packages similarly.

:download:`public-package-root-1.0.0.json <public-package-root-1.0.0.json>`

$ mongoimport --db dsw-server \
              --collection publicPackages \
              --file public-package-root-1.0.0.json

(If using Docker, you will need docker exec.)


For public questionnaire correctly running, you need to import the related Knowledge Model in the Wizard otherwise you will end up with Entity does not exist error.

Database Backup

If you want to regularly backup your database (and you should!), all you need to do is to set-up simple script as cronjob:

.. literalinclude::
   :language: shell

Make it executable (chmod a+x and add it as cronjob with crontab -e:

0 4 * * * /dsw/

(This will do the backup every day at 4:00 AM. For more information, see