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CucumberJS tips and tricks

Here are some solutions for challenges I've been facing working with CucumberJS (Potractor-Cucumber setup). I don't claim this to be the perfect solutions, but it suites well my needs. Constructive feedback is welcome :)

Make CucumberJS continue running scenario after failed step

By default, Cucumber stops Scenario on first failed step. This suites Unit test philosophy, but isn't handy for longer UI tests. To handle this, I've written a simple script to monkey-patch cucumber npm module and make it continue test execution on step failure. The script is located in scripts/patchCucumber.js in my project folder. If you want to put it into different location, make sure to change the path to test_case_runner.js file. The content of scripts/patchCucumber.js is:

const fs = require('fs');
const cucumberLib = __dirname + '/../node_modules/cucumber/lib/runtime/test_case_runner.js';
let cucumberFile = fs.readFileSync(cucumberLib, { encoding: 'UTF-8' });
if (
  !cucumberFile.match('this.result.status !== _status.default.PASSED && this.result.status !== _status.default.FAILED')
) {
  cucumberFile = cucumberFile.replace(
    'this.result.status !== _status.default.PASSED',
    'this.result.status !== _status.default.PASSED && this.result.status !== _status.default.FAILED',
  fs.writeFile(cucumberLib, cucumberFile, () => console.log('Patched CucumberJs'));
} else {
  console.log('CucumberJs has been already patched');

I've also added following scripts to my package.json. 'postinstall' will run the patch after npm i. To run it on demand - npm run patch-cucumber

"scripts": {
  "postinstall": "npm run patch-cucumber",
  "patch-cucumber": "node scripts/patchCucumber.js"

Add screenshot to CucumberJS json report after assertion

You can attach screenshots to Cucumber json report calling world.attach(). The simplest way is to add this to After hook, but that will be running after Scenario, not after Step (if you have several validation steps in a scenario, the screenshot will be taken only once after all steps within given Scenario). And currently CucumberJS doesn't have built-in AfterStep hook. To have the screenshots for every assertion, I wrapped expect into a function. For Protractor this looks like the following

export async function expectEqlWithScreenshot(world: World, actual, expected) {
  try {
    world.attach(await browser.takeScreenshot(), 'image/png');
  } catch (e) {
    world.attach(await browser.takeScreenshot(), 'image/png');
    throw e;

This captures the screenshot on passed assertion too (in case I want to see html report with more details).

Then in the step definition I pass this as the first argument to the function. Make sure to use anonymous function function(){} in Then(), not arrow function, because in () => {}, this will refer to outer scope.

Then('something is {string}', function(expectedText) {
    await expectEqlWithScreenshot(this, await page.getText(), expectedText);


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