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dscape edited this page Mar 4, 2011 · 2 revisions


Some resource only expose a single item, e.g. your about page. While you might want to be able to perform CRUD actions on a about page there is only one about page so using resources (plural) would be useless.

When you create a resource in rewrite you expose these actions:

Verb Path Action Notes Default Mapping
GET /about get Display about section /resource/about.xqy&action=get
PUT /about put Creates or updates the about section /resource/about.xqy&action=put
DELETE /about delete Deletes the about section /resource/about.xqy&action=delete
POST /about post No special meaning /resource/about.xqy&action=post
GET /about/edit edit Return a form to create/edit the about section /resource/about.xqy&action=edit

The following example illustrates a resource:

 Request       : GET /about
 routes.xml    : <routes> 
                   <resource name="about"/> 
 Dispatches to : /resource/about.xqy?action=get

As with get, put, etc, you can also create a dynamic resource by prefixing the name with :. Here's an example of using this to create a database:

 Request       : PUT /documents
 routes.xml    : <routes> 
                   <resource name=":database"/> 
 Dispatches to : /resource/database.xqy?action=put&database=Documents

For more information refer to the Dynamic Paths section of the wiki.


  Request       : PUT /car/ignition
  routes.xml    : <routes> 
                    <resources name="car">
                      <member action="ignition" for="PUT,DELETE"/>
  Dispatches to : /resource/users.xqy?action=ignition
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