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A tiny PHP router.

Main features

  • A router with basic pattern matching
  • Easy, abbreviated Request and Response classes
  • Basic error handling
  • Dead-simple templating

Getting started

require maxvu/skeletal at ~1.0 in your composer.json.

  "require" : {
    "maxvu/skeletal" : "~1.0"

Take advantage of skeletal's router by rewriting all incoming requests to a common entry point. If that's an index.php, give Apache/httpd a directive like this in an .htaccess file:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]

On nginx, use a directive like this instead:

    location / {
            rewrite ^ /index.php last;

A basic service example

Copy the following boilerplate into your entry point and verify that it's working properly by seeing a plain HTML page with an HTTP response code 200:

  require 'vendor/autoload.php';
  $demoService = new \Skeletal\Service\Service();
  $demoService->get( '/', function ( $service, $request ) {
    return (new Response())->html('<h1>HELLO WORLD</h1>');
Getting information from the Request

Access query string and post body parameters (_GET and _POST) with the get( $key ) and post( $key ) methods.

  $demoSearch->get( '/search', function ( $service, $request ) {
    $searchResult = $service->mySearchEngine->search( $request->get('q') );
    return (new Response())->body( sizeof( $searchResult ) . ' records found' );
  $demoMail->post( '/message', function ( $service, $request ) {
    $to = $rq->post( 'to' );
    $msg = $rq->post( 'msg' );
    $mailer->send( $to, $msg );
    return (new Repsonse())->text( 'OK' );

Methods to access the Request:

  path()              the request path 
  get( $key )         access query string parameter (or route matcher) $key
  post( $key )        access post parameter $key 
  header( $hName )    access value for the HTTP header $hName (if accessible by PHP)
  files()             access PHP $_FILES superglobal
  method()            HTTP request method ('GET', 'POST', etc.)
  ip()                remote host (as reported by PHP)
  ssl()               whether this request was sent over SSL (as reported by PHP)

Manipulating the Response

Callbacks will expect to receive a Skeletal\HTTP\Response object as a return value. Instantiated, it will be sent as a text/html document with an empty body and code 200 OK. Modify the body, headers and response code using any of its chainable methods:

  code( $code )              change the HTTP response code (status will match)
  redirect( $to )            set code 301, 'Location: $to'
  badRequest()               set code 400
  unauthorized()             set code 401
  forbidden()                set code 403
  notFound()                 set code 404
  notAcceptable()            set code 406
  unavailable()              set code 503
  serverError()              set code 500
  # BODY
  body( $str )               replace the body's content with $str
  append( $str )             append string to body
  include( $file )           perform PHP include() within `Response`'s scope,
                             return evaluated output
  header( $name )            get the value of header $name
  header( $name, $val )      set header $name to $val
  headers()                  get an array of all headers set
  cache( $secs )             set 'Cache-Control' header to 'max-age=$secs'
  language( $lang )          set 'Content-Language' to $lang
  type( $type, $charset )    set 'Content-Type' to '$type; charset=$charset'
  length( $nBytes )          set 'Content-Length' to $nBytes
  html( $html )              set string $html and set 'Content-Type' to 'text/html'
  json( $msg )               set body to encodable string and 'Content-Type' to 'application/json'
  text( $txt )               set body to string $txt and 'Content-Type' to text/plain'
  js( $js )                  set body to string $js and 'Content-Type' to 'application/javascript'
  css( $css )                set body to string $css and 'Content-Type' to 'text/css'
  download( $data, $name )   set body to string $data and 'Content-Disposition' to 'attachment; filename=$name'


Call HTTP-verb methods on the Service to start a route declaration. Provide it a path to match and a closure to perform when it's accessed. The path will match case-insensitive and recognizes parameters in the form of {token} (e.g. /post/{id}), which will be available as query string parameters (get()) in the Request. The callback should have the form function ( $service, $request ), and may be either a true Closure object or a string-form static method.

Dependency injection

Assign arbitrary properties to the service and they will become available in the callback through the $service argument:

  $forum = new Skeletal\Service();
  $forum->db = new Database();
  $demo->get( '/post/{id}', function ( $forum, $request ) {
    $post = $forum->db->getPost( $rq->get('id') );
    return (new Response())->json( $post );

Accessing the Session

Service's $session is available on instantiation and will alias PHP's $_SESSION.

  $demoLogin->post( '/login', function ( $service, $request ) {
    if ( ($user = $service->login( $rq->post('user'), $rq->post('pass') ) != null ) )
        $this->session->user = $user;
    return (new Response())->body('Logged in!');

Handling errors

Use the Service's onNotFound( $callback ) and onException( $callback ) methods to define how error responses should be handled. They should have the same signature as normal requests (onException() will have the exception available as $service->exception) and will be called on events as their names suggest: onNotFound when a request path doesn't match any defined route and onException when any Exception is caught during a callback (including onNotFound).


A tiny PHP router







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