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Redpitaya & Zynq architecture

Pau Gómez edited this page Mar 30, 2022 · 12 revisions

ℹ️ For more details on the Redpitaya-125-14 platform and the Zynq chipset architecture, I recommend visit the Redpitaya Developer Guide and to read the Zynq Book.



The diagram above outlines the basic components of the Redpitaya-125-14 board. At the core of it is the the Zynq-7010 SoC, which combines a processing system (PS) and programmable logic (PL) within the same chipset. Both parts are strongly interconnected via high-bandwidth data busses (not shown in the diagram).

  • The PS is a dual core 32bit ARM processor. It runs Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and hosts the Jupyter Notebook over which we to control the PL. The connected peripherals are:

    • Ethernet (1Gb/s): see Setting up your system to configure a static IP addresses and verify the SSH connectivity.

    • USB-A : configured as a USB-host.

    • USB-microB (CON) : connected to the UART0 of Zynq PS and that serves as a serial terminal. Details on the required terminal settings can be found here.

    • USB-microB (PWR): used to power the Redpitaya-125-14 board.

    • SD: the SD card contains the boot image and root file system for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

    • RAM (512 MB): random access memory for the PS. The PYNQ environment provides simple tools to reserve part of the memory and perform DMA operations, i.e data streams of type RAM --> PS --> PL for custom waveform synthesis and PL --> PS --> RAM for long waveform acquisition.

  • The PL is the actual FPGA, which includes look-up tables (LUTs), flip-flops, DSP logic, BRAM ... to implement custom designs. It is connected to (*):

    • DAC (125MSa/s, 14bit): fast digital-to-analog converter that generates the waveforms for the OUT1 and OUT2 ports.
    • ADC (125MSa/s, 14bit): fast analog-to-digital converter that samples the IN1 and IN2 ports.
    • xadc_i (x4, 1MSa/s): slow analog-to-digital converters within the Zynq-7010.
    • dig_o + LPF (x4): digital outputs with analog low-pass filters (cut-off frequency: 190kHz). They can be used as slow digital-to-analog converters by performing pulse-width modulation (PWM) on the dig_o ports.
    • led_o (x8): user LEDs.
    • dig_i/dig_o (x16): digital IOs
    • daisy chain: used to interconnect and synchronize multiple Redpitaya boards.

(*) Please refer to the Redpitaya-125-14 Extension Documentation for the exact pinout.