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Home Hub

A modern digital hub for the home, with maximum simplicity for your ease of use and comfort.


Initially, I tried creating this project using a Golang + Wails stack. Unfortunately, this approach did not work for my use case because:

  1. Wails doesn't support cross-compilation yet, so I can't build from Mac to Linux
  2. Wails can't run on the Raspberry Pi for some reason (issues with gcc toolchain)

Electron also didn't work because:

  1. Electron-Forge doesn't support Linux arm6vl (I think?)
  2. Electron itself can't even run on the Pi because of a missing .so file??
  3. Also tried building on Mac to run on Linux, this also doesn't work (I don't remember why though)

So all in all, I decided to switch to a web application, circumventing any cross-platform-compiling issues.




To set up the project, first run the following command to install the dependencies:

yarn install --frozen-lockfile

Then, request the .env file from me and place it in the root of the project.

To run the development server, run the following command:

yarn dev

Running on a Raspberry Pi

To run the development server on a Raspberry Pi, run the following command:

yarn dev:pi

The above will handle running the server automatically. However, if you want to run the command manually, first set the $DISPLAY global env variable in your main shell config file (.zshrc, .bashrc, .profile, etc.) via:

export DISPLAY=:0

Then, run the following command:

chromium-browser --start-fullscreen --app=http://localhost:3000

Note: the --app flag is useful for hiding the 'Restore tabs' popup that appears when Chromium crashes (or is killed), allowing you to use Ctrl + C to kill the process without having to worry about the popup.


How do I deploy this?

Follow our deployment guides for Vercel, Netlify and Docker for more information.