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Windows Installation

duangsuse edited this page Apr 26, 2020 · 3 revisions

Windows Installation

  1. Get a python installer here, done installation

NOTE: scroll to page bottom, download Windows x86-64 executable installer in table Files
It's recommended to enable Add python to environment variables option in installer (enables hachiko, srt2mid, ... command shortcut), if it's already done, run again and select modify-installation mode

  1. Open a console: Win + R (or click on start menu search box) and type cmd.exe, hit Enter
  2. py -m pip install hachiko-bapu
  3. Get the DLLs: dlls-x64, or dlls-x32 if you have a legacy machine
  4. Extract DLLs zip either to (read path C:\path\like\this> in console) or (C:\Windows\system32)
  5. py -m hachiko_bapu.hachi 🎉 hachiko and srt2mid, lrc_merge tools are available now! (only from console, there's no pure GUI wrapper for Hachiko tools)
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