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Faros is an open BLE beacon supporting Google's Eddystone open beacon format. Faros includes source code for the Arduino platform and the hardware design of the Faros board using AVR ATMega and nRF8001.


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Faros is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacon supporting Google's open beacon format Eddystone [1]. As hardware platform, Faros uses Arduino and the nRF8001 BLE chip by Nordic Semiconductors [2].

The main features are:

  • Full support for all Eddystone frame types (UID, URL, TLM)
  • Energy efficiency allowing for runtimes of several years
  • Using popular and powerful hardware platforms: Arduino and nRF8001 BLE chip
  • Simplicity of hardware: easy to build using a commodity Arduino or our Faros board together with the BLE module MOD-nRF8001 from Olimex [3]
  • Liberal licensing: Apache License 2.0 for software, CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.2 for hardware

The following images show a self-etched Faros board and a Faros board manufactured by a PCB manufacturer.

Self-etched Faros board

Faros PCB manufactured by Seeed Studio

This project includes:

  • Source code for Arduino
  • Faros board schematics and board layouts

Source Code


To compile the code, you need the Arduino IDE (tested with version 1.6.5).

Moreover, you need the Arduino BLE SDK from Nordic Semiconductors available from GitHub:

  1. Download SDK: git clone
  2. Start the Arduino IDE (tested with v1.6.5)
  3. Import the library: select Sketch/Import library/Add library and then choose folder libraries/BLE from the downloaded SDK.
  4. Check the availability of the library. There should be an entry BLE in menu Sketch/Import library.

The BLE services of nRF8001 are configured by the freely available nRFgo Studio tool (Windows application) [5]. This tool generates a file (services.h), which is also included in the repository. Thus, you
only need to install this tool if you want to modify the BLE service description for some reason. The data of Eddystone frames is defined in the source code.

You also need the BLE module MOD-nRF8001 from Olimex [3]. Earlier versions of this module used the "C" revision of the nRF8001, which does not support broadcasting data! So you need a module with the "D" revision of the nRF8001. According to Olimex, all modules sold now have the "D" revision of the nRF8001.

Since the nRF8001 module is specified for a voltage range of 1.9 V - 3.6 V, you should use an Arduino with suitable voltage levels. For instance, Arduino UNO uses 5 V, so you would have to shift levels when connecting to nRF8001. We tested with a 3.3 V Arduino Pro Micro and the Faros board whose design is also included in this repository.

Adapting the Source Code

If you use the Faros board or Arduino Pro Micro, you can simply set the following definitions at the beginning of the sketch.

For the Faros board:


For Arduino Pro Micro:


For those who are interested in the technical details: The Arduino communicates with the nRF8001 through SPI. Beyond the standard SPI pins (MISO, MOSI, SCK, SS), the nRF8001 uses another select pin (called RDYN) to signal that the nRF8001 has events to be sent to the Arduino. Moreover, the reset pin (RST) of the nRF8001 has to be connected. Thus, we need 6 pins to connect the Arduino to the nRF8001:

  1. MISO
  2. MOSI
  3. SCK
  4. REQN/SS
  5. RDYN
  6. RST

For the standard SPI pins, select the usual pins depending on your Arduino. RDYN should be assigned to a pin with a hardware interrupt. We use this interrupt to wake up the Arduino from power-down mode when the nRF8001 wants to send an event to the Arduino.

For the Arduino Pro Micro, we used the following pins according to the Arduino numbering scheme:

  • MISO = 14
  • MOSI = 16
  • SCK = 15
  • REQN/SS = 7
  • RDYN = 3 -> INT0
  • RST = 4

For the Faros board based on ATmega328P, we used the following pins (Arduino numbering scheme; ATmega names are given in brackets):

  • MISO = 12 (PB4)
  • MOSI = 11 (PB3)
  • SCK = 13 (PB5)
  • REQN/SS = 10 (PB2)
  • RDYN = 2 (PD2) -> INT0
  • RST = 3 (PD3)

Moreover, nRF8001 supports a maximum SPI clock frequency of 3 MHz. To adjust the SPI clock frequency, set the definition SPI_CLOCK_DIV according to your platform. For instance, the Arduino Pro Micro is running at 8 MHz, so we need to divide it by 4 (SPI_CLOCK_DIV4) to get 2 MHz. The Faros board uses an ATmega328P at 1 MHz, so theoretically we could divide by 1. However, the smallest divider available for ATmega is 2 (SPI_CLOCK_DIV2), so we will run at 500 kHz SPI clock.

Finally, you need to set your specific data to be broadcasted by the beacon. Eddystone supports the following data:

  • UID frames:
    • beacon ID consisting of namespace id and instance id
    • TX power level
  • URL frame:
    • short URL
    • TX power level
  • TLM frame:
    • battery level
    • temperature
    • uptime
    • number of broadcasted frames since boot

You need to set the data for UID and URL frames through variables at the beginning of the sketch. The data for TLD frames is detected automatically (nRF8001 features a temperature sensor and voltage sensor).

Moreover, you can select whether you want to send UID and/or URL frames and/or TLM frames by setting the variables is_enabled_uid, is_enabled_url, and is_enabled_tlm, respectively. The beacon will cycle through all enabled frames, so it can send UID frames, URL frames, and TLM frames (sequentially).

Hardware: The Faros Board

If you just want to experiment, you can simply use a commodity Arduino running at 3.3 V like the Arduino Pro Micro. Just directly connect the pins of the Arduino Pro Micro and the BLE module like this:

  • MISO = 14
  • MOSI = 16
  • SCK = 15
  • REQN/SS = 7
  • RDYN = 3 -> INT0
  • RST = 4

However, if you want to deploy beacons in the field, two requirements become essential:

  • Energy efficiency: the beacon must run from battery for several years
  • Cost: if you want to deploy many beacons, a commodity Arduino board is too expensive

The Faros board tries to fulfill these requirements plus one more: keep things as simple as possible so virtually everyone can build a Faros beacon.

The Faros board uses an ATmega328P together with the BLE module MOD-nRF8001 from Olimex [3] based on the nRF8001 chip from Nordic Semiconductors. We selected the nRF8001 for several reasons:

  • Easy to connect to Arduino through SPI
  • Open Arduino SDK [4]
  • Includes temperature sensor (required for TLM frames)
  • Includes voltage sensor (required for TLM frames)

The BLE module MOD-nRF8001 from Olimex provides a ready-to-use solution to use the nRF8001 together with the Arduino.

The Faros board is kept as simple as possible (through-hole design, no SMD components). It comes in two variants: (1) a single-sided 50 mm x 70 mm layout that is well-suited for self-etching (a PDF of the layout can be found in folder pcb); (2) a double-sided 50 mm x 50 mm layout that can be sent to a PCB manufacturer (the Gerber files can be found in folder gerber). For both variants, the ATmega is programmed using ISP, so no USB is required which again saves cost and energy. Moreover, we use the ATmega's internal RC oscillator, so no external crystal is required.

Here is the bill of material for the Faros board:

  • C1, C2, C3: 100 nF (ceramic capacitor, X7R, 5.08 pitch)
  • LED1: 3 mm
  • R1: 10 k Ohm
  • R2: 100 Ohm
  • R3, R4, R5: 4.7 k Ohm
  • IC1: ATmega328P-PU
  • MOD1: Olimex MOD-nRF8001
  • SV1: 3x2 pin header (2.54 pitch)
  • X1: screw terminal (5.08 pitch)

Programming the Faros Board

The Faros board is programmed via ISP. The 6 pin ISP6 connector has the usual layout:

MISO <-- 1 2 --> VCC
 SCK <-- 3 4 --> MOSI
 RST <-- 5 6 --> GND

Faros board connected to ISP

You can leave the BLE module connected while programming the ATmega (the 4.7 k resistors shield the SPI pins of the nRF8001 during programming). However, you should use a 3.3 V programmer since the maximum voltage of the nRF8001 is 3.6 V.

To preprare the ATmega328P, program the following fuses (note that "0" means that the fuse is programmed):

  • CKSEL = 0010: use internal 8 MHz RC oscillator
  • CKDIV8 = 0: 1 MHz system clock (dividing the 8 MHz internal clock by 8)
  • SPIEN = 0: enable serial programming
  • BODLEVEL = 110: brown-out detection set to 1.8 V
  • SUT = 00: lowest possible startup time (6 CK from power-down; since we use BOD, we do not need additional waiting time for the power source to come up)

Using avrdude, the command looks like this (note: under Linux you might need to execute this command as root depending on your programmer):

$> avrdude -c usbasp -p m328p -U lfuse:w:0x42:m -U hfuse:w:0xd9:m -U efuse:w:0x06:m

Then, we compile and write the program to the ATmega. Before compiling the program, make sure you have adapted the pins (see above), SPI clock divider (see above), and to generate code for an ATmega at 1 MHz. In the repository, you will find a suitable board definition for the Arduino IDE (see folder board_definition). Copy the directory faros-atmega into the folder hardware in your Arduino sketchbook. Then you should find and select the board called Faros ATMega 328P @ 1 MHz under the menu item Tools/Board.

Compiling generates a hex file that we need to program the ATmega. This hex file is a little bit hidden in the temporary build directory of the Arduino IDE. If you use Linux and Arduino IDE 1.6, have a look at the /tmp directory. After hitting the compile button in the Arduino IDE, search for the latest hex file called faros.cpp.hex in a temporary directory named /tmp/build.... If you have found the hex file, you can write it using avrdude (again, you might need root right):

$> avrdude -p m328p -c usbasp -v -U flash:w:faros.cpp.hex

Saving Energy

The basic method to save energy is to minimize the duty cycle. Therefore, we put the ATmega into power-down mode (deepest power-saving mode) as long as possible, and only wake it up, when some work has to be done. This can either be an event from the nRF8001 module , which triggers a hardware interrupt on the RDYN pin. Or it can be a timer event from the watch dog timer (which keeps running in power-down mode in contrast to the other timers). By switching of the ADC and disabling brown-out detecting while sleeping (only possible with the ATmega328P, not with the ATmega328), the ATmega328P only consumes a few uA (actually, the "P" in 328P means "pico-power").

Another important design choice is the type of battery. The nRF8001 can run down to 1.9 V; the ATmega down to 1.8 V at frequencies <= 4 MHz. The maximum voltage for the nRF8001 is 3.6 V. Thus, one good option is to use two AA or AAA size alkaline batteries. They are cheap. They provide > 1800 mAh, which should suffice for several years of runtime. They are discharged at about 1.0 V (then the voltage drops rapidly), which fits nicely our desired voltage range of 1.9 - 3.0 V. And at runtimes of several years, no re-charging is required (you rather replace the device than changing the batteries). Of course, you can also try out other options like coin cells (e.g., one CR 2450 @ 3.0 V, 560 mAh), or one battery (1.5 V) plus a step-up converter (which wastes maybe more than 20 % energy for conversion and is probably more expensive than a second AA or AAA battery).

The board also has a 3 mm low-current LED, which can be switched on by digital pin 4 of the Arduino. With a resistor of 100 Ohm, it draws 10 mA at 3 V, which is a lot if we target runtimes of several years! So if you aim at maximum battery lifetime, only send short pulses in long intervals (e.g., one 100 ms pulse every 30 s amounts to about 33 uA average current), or even better: rely on TLM frames.


In order to test that your beacon works, you need a client, e.g., a mobile phone or tablet with BLE and an application that understands Eddystone beacons. There are (at least) two nice apps for Android that show all the details of the three types of Eddystone frames:

  • nRFMaster Control Panel by Nordic Semiconductors [6]
  • Eddystone Validator by Google (requires Android 5 aka. Lollipop) [7]

Faros is cycling through all frame types (if you have enabled all of them) and switches to a new frame type every second. So after about 3 seconds you should see the data of all three frame types (most interesting is maybe the TLM type since its data changes dynamically).


Faros uses two licenses for open hardware and software, respectively:

  • The software (source code) is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 [8]
  • The hardware (schematic diagrams, circuit board layouts, hardware documentation) is licensed under the CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.2 [9]

Both licenses are also included in the repository.



Faros is an open BLE beacon supporting Google's Eddystone open beacon format. Faros includes source code for the Arduino platform and the hardware design of the Faros board using AVR ATMega and nRF8001.







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