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2.0.0 + original (OG) plots pooling

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@dunhil dunhil released this 07 Sep 19:20
· 1031 commits to sweetchia since this release

The latest official chia-blockchain with original (OG) plots pooling support.
After install your original plots will farm into pool.
Pooling protocol works in the same way as for new portable nft plots.

To install it on linux please follow the original guide
and just replace the github url to our repository.

git clone -b latest --recurse-submodules

If you do not need the GUI

git clone -b latest

If you need the specific version, our tags look like 1.x.x+sweeet. For example, to checkout 1.3.1 please do

git clone -b 1.3.1+sweet

or, if you already cloned our repo

git checkout 1.3.1+sweet

To disable OG plots pooling open your config.yaml, find og_pooling section and change enabled into false.
Then restart chia.