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PCDM Web Archiving WG

Mark A. Matienzo edited this page Nov 18, 2017 · 16 revisions

PCDM Web Archiving Working Group

We are forming a working group around describing web archiving resources & artifacts using PCDM. We hope this modeling output will be implementation neutral.

Beyond that, we're just pulling this together and welcome input!

Kick Off Call Details

Open to anyone, informational first call will be Thursday, October 12, at Noon Eastern / 9 AM Pacific. We will use this Zoom link: And you can also call in via phone or internationally using these details (click details to expand).

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +18333021536,,612948313# or +16507249799,,612948313#
Or Telephone:
    Dial: +1 650 724 9799 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll) or +1 833 302 1536 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll Free)
    Meeting ID: 612 948 313
    International numbers available:

    Meeting ID: 612 948 313

We will remind + continue to coordinate details via the PCDM Google Group, but put your name below if you hope to take part (so we can start to generate a head count as well as send you the meeting information / calendar invite directly).

Interested Folks in Participating

  • Christina Harlow
  • Nick Ruest
  • Ilya Kreymer
  • Anna Perricci
  • Eoin Kilfeather (NLIreland)
  • Conor Sheehan (NLIreland)
  • Graham Hukill
  • Greg Wiedeman
  • Dragan Espenschied
  • Martin Klein
  • Josh Westgard
  • Peter Van Garderen
  • Julienne Pascoe
  • Mark Matienzo
  • [add your name here]

Kick Off Agenda

  • Introductions including proposed outcomes of this WG
  • Set Scope & Out of Scope (build off of intros)
  • Set Proposed Timeframe & Meeting Schedule
  • Set Proposed Artifacts / Outcomes Generated
  • Any other logistical or scope questions (communication going forward, work spaces, etc.)

Any Notes or Helpful Resources for the Above
