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Firejail is a SUID sandbox program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces, seccomp-bpf and Linux capabilities. It allows a process and all its descendants to have their own private view of the globally shared kernel resources, such as the network stack, process table, mount table. Firejail can work in a SELinux or AppArmor environment, and it is integrated with Linux Control Groups.

Written in C with virtually no dependencies, the software runs on any Linux computer with a 3.x kernel version or newer. It can sandbox any type of processes: servers, graphical applications, and even user login sessions. The software includes sandbox profiles for a number of more common Linux programs, such as Mozilla Firefox, Chromium, VLC, Transmission etc.

The sandbox is lightweight, the overhead is low. There are no complicated configuration files to edit, no socket connections open, no daemons running in the background. All security features are implemented directly in Linux kernel and available on any Linux computer. To start the sandbox, prefix your command with “firejail”:

$ firejail firefox            # starting Mozilla Firefox
$ firejail transmission-gtk   # starting Transmission BitTorrent
$ firejail vlc                # starting VideoLAN Client
$ sudo firejail /etc/init.d/nginx start

About Firejail

Project webpage:

Download and Installation:




Compile and install

$ git clone
$ cd firejail
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install-strip

On Debian/Ubuntu you will need to install git and a compiler:

$ sudo apt-get install git build-essential

User submitted profile repositories

If you keep your Firejail profiles in a public repository, please give us a link:

Use this issue to request new profiles: netblue30#1139

Current development version: 0.9.45

Desktop integration

All --fix functionality is done by default in firecfg, --fix option was removed. Clicking on a program in desktop manager menu should start the program automatically in a sandbox, if a profile is available in /etc/firejail. We cover about 270 different applications in this moment on all major desktop managers.

Thunar (XFCE) and PCManFM (LXDE) file managers symlinks are installed in /usr/local/bin by firecfg. File managers are usually started by default at login time, and will be sandboxed. Clicking on a file in the file manager will start the corresponding program in the same sandbox as the file manager. For example, clicking on a video file will start a sandboxed VLC running the video. We support in this moment XFCE and LXDE, MATE will come next, followed by KDE and Gnome.


Added AppImage type 2 support, and support for passing command line arguments to appimages.

X11 sandboxing support

In this release we add support for Xvfb (X virtual framebuffer), an in-memory X display server. Xvfb allows the user to run graphical applications without a display (e.g., browser tests on a CI server) while also having the ability to take screenshots.

          Start  Xvfb  X11  server  and attach the sandbox to this server.
          Xvfb, short for X virtual framebuffer,  performs  all  graphical
          operations  in memory without showing any screen output. Xvfb is
          mainly used for remote access and software testing  on  headless

          On Debian platforms Xvfb is installed with the command sudo apt-
          get install xvfb.  This feature is not available when running as

          Example: remote VNC access

          On  the  server we start a sandbox using Xvfb and openbox window
          manager. The default size of Xvfb screen is 800x600 - it can  be
          changed  in  /etc/firejail/firejail.config  (xvfb-screen).  Some
          sort of networking (--net) is required in order to  isolate  the
          abstract sockets used by other X servers.

          $ firejail --net=none --x11=xvfb openbox

          *** Attaching to Xvfb display 792 ***

          Reading profile /etc/firejail/openbox.profile
          Reading profile /etc/firejail/
          Reading profile /etc/firejail/disable-common.local
          Parent pid 5400, child pid 5401

          On  the  server  we also start a VNC server and attach it to the
          display handled by our Xvfb server (792).

          $ x11vnc -display :792

          On the client machine we start a VNC viewer and use it  to  con‐
          nect to our server:

          $ vncviewer

New command line options

              Build  a  new /opt in a temporary filesystem, and copy the files
              and directories in the list.  If no listed file is  found,  /opt
              directory  will  be empty.  All modifications are discarded when
              the sandbox is closed.

              $ firejail --private-opt=firefox /opt/firefox/firefox

              Build a new /srv in a temporary filesystem, and copy  the  files
              and  directories  in the list.  If no listed file is found, /srv
              directory will be empty.  All modifications are  discarded  when
              the sandbox is closed.

              # firejail --private-srv=www /etc/init.d/apache2 start

              Spoof id number in /etc/machine-id file - a  new  random  id  is
              generated inside the sandbox.

              $ firejail --machine-id

              Allow  blacklisting  files in private home directory. By default
              these blacklists are disabled.

              $   firejail    --allow-private-blacklist   --private=~/priv-dir

              Use file as /etc/hosts.

              $ firejail --hosts-file=~/myhosts firefox

              Use the real /var/log directory, not  a  clone.  By  default,  a
              tmpfs  is  mounted  on top of /var/log directory, and a skeleton
              filesystem is created based on the original /var/log.

              $ sudo firejail --writable-var-log

              Download, compile and install mainline git version  of  Firejail
              from  the  official  repository  on  GitHub.   The  software  is
              installed in /usr/local/bin, and takes precedence over the (old)
              version installed in /usr/bin. If for any reason the new version
              doesn't work, the user can uninstall  it  using  --git-uninstall
              command and revert to the old version.

              Prerequisites: git and compile support are required for this com‐
              mand to work. On Debian/Ubuntu systems this support is installed
              using "sudo apt-get install build-essential git".


              $ firejail --git-install

              Remove    the   Firejail   version   previously   installed   in
              /usr/local/bin using --git-install command.


              $ firejail --git-uninstall

              Disable whitelist for this directory or file.

New Profiles

xiphos, Tor Browser Bundle, display (imagemagik), Wire, mumble, zoom, Guayadeque, qemu, keypass2, amarok, ark, atool, bleachbit, brasero, dolphin, dragon, elinks, enchant, exiftool, file-roller, gedit, gjs, gnome-books, gnome-clocks, gnome-documents, gnome-maps, gnome-music, gnome-photos, gnome-weather, goobox, gpa, gpg, gpg-agent, highlight, img2txt, k3b, kate, lynx, mediainfo, nautilus, odt2txt, pdftotext, simple-scan, skanlite, ssh-agent, tracker, transmission-cli, transmission-show, w3m, xfburn, xpra, wget, xed, pluma, Cryptocat, Bless, Gnome 2048, Gnome Calculator, Gnome Contacts, JD-GUI, Lollypop, MultiMC5, PDFSam, Pithos, Xonotic, wireshark, keepassx2, QupZilla, FossaMail, Uzbl browser, xmms, iridium browser, Kino, Thunar, Geeqie, Engrampa, Scribus, mousepad, gpicview, keepassxc, cvlc, MediathekView, baloo_file, Nylas, dino, BibleTime, viewnior, Kodi, viking, youtube-dl, meld, Arduino, Akregator, KCalc, KTorrent, Orage Globaltime, Orage Clendar, xfce4-notes, xfce4-dict, Ristretto, PCManFM, Dia, FontForge, Geany, Hugin


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  • C 85.0%
  • Shell 8.5%
  • PHP 2.3%
  • Makefile 2.2%
  • Python 1.1%
  • M4 0.6%
  • Other 0.3%