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Laravel Webshop API

The goal of the project:

To provide a set of easily customizable webshop API endpoints.


  • Laravel 8+
  • PHP >=8.1


  1. $ composer require dv5150/shop
  2. $ php artisan shop:install:api
  3. (Optional) Update the resources/lang/vendor/shop/en/validation.php localization file if needed
  4. (Optional) Update the newly published migration files if needed
  5. Run the migrations to prepare the database: $ php artisan migrate

API Endpoints

Cart endpoints

GET api/shop/cart --- Retrieve the complete cart data
DELETE api/shop/cart/coupon --- Remove the currently applied coupon
POST api/shop/cart/coupon/{code} code
[string, required]
Apply a coupon
POST api/shop/cart/payment-mode/{provider} provider
[string, required]
eg.: "stripe"`
Select the payment mode
POST api/shop/cart/shipping-mode/{provider} provider
[string, required]
eg.: "foxpost"`
Select the shipping mode
DELETE api/shop/cart/{product} product
[integer, required]
Remove the selected product from the cart
POST api/shop/cart/{product}/add/{quantity?} product
[integer, required]
Add the selected product to the cart
or increase the amount by the given number
POST api/shop/cart/{product}/remove/{quantity?} product
[integer, required]
Decrease the amount of the selected product
by the given number or remove it completely

Checkout endpoints

POST api/shop/checkout --- Send and store the order in the database

Payment endpoints

POST api/shop/payment/{provider}/webhook provider
[string, required]
eg.: "stripe"
Receive webhooks from payment providers
GET payment/{provider}/pay/{order} provider
[string, required]
eg.: "stripe"
[string, required, UUID]
Start the payment process of the selected Order

Using custom models

Update the config/shop.php config file with your own models if needed.

Your custom models must be set up using one of the following methods:

  • Extend the webshop's default model
  • Create a new model and implement the following contracts and concerns as stated below:
Model Contract Concern
Coupon DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Deals\Coupons\BaseCouponContract DV5150\Shop\Concerns\Deals\BaseCouponTrait
Discount DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Deals\Discounts\BaseDiscountContract DV5150\Shop\Concerns\Deals\BaseDiscountTrait
Order DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Models\OrderContract ---
OrderItem DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Models\OrderItemContract ---
Payment DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Models\PaymentContract ---
PaymentMode DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Models\PaymentModeContract ---
Product DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Models\SellableItemContract DV5150\Shop\Concerns\Models\SellableItemTrait
ShippingMode DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Models\ShippingModeContract ---
User DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Models\ShopUserContract DV5150\Shop\Concerns\Models\ShopUserTrait

Replacing existing controllers and services

Bind the following contracts in your application's service provider to replace the default controllers, services and transformers:

Logical Entity Contract Default entity
Cart API Controller DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Controllers\API\CartAPIControllerContract DV5150\Shop\Http\Controllers\API\CartAPIController
Checkout API Controller DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Controllers\API\CheckoutAPIControllerContract DV5150\Shop\Http\Controllers\API\CheckoutAPIController
Payment Controller DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Controllers\PaymentControllerContract DV5150\Shop\Http\Controllers\PaymentController
Cart Service DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Services\CartServiceContract DV5150\Shop\Services\CartService
Checkout Service DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Services\CheckoutServiceContract DV5150\Shop\Services\CheckoutService
Coupon Service DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Services\CouponServiceContract DV5150\Shop\Services\CouponService
Message Service DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Services\MessageServiceContract DV5150\Shop\Services\MessageService
Payment Mode Service DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Services\PaymentModeServiceContract DV5150\Shop\Services\PaymentModeService
Shipping Mode Service DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Services\ShippingModeServiceContract DV5150\Shop\Services\ShippingModeService
Product List Service DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Services\ProductListComposerServiceContract DV5150\Shop\Services\ProductListComposerService
Shop Service DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Services\ShopServiceContract DV5150\Shop\Services\ShopService
Order Transformer DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Transformers\OrderDataTransformerContract DV5150\Shop\Transformers\OrderDataTransformer
Order Item Transformer DV5150\Shop\Contracts\Transformers\OrderItemDataTransformerContract DV5150\Shop\Transformers\OrderItemDataTransformer


The package provides the following facades:

Facade Service
Cart DV5150\Shop\Services\CartService
Shop DV5150\Shop\Services\ShopService

Cart facade - available methods:

Method Description
Cart::all(): CartCollectionContract Retrieves the global cart state
Cart::reset(): CartCollectionContract Empty the cart
Cart::addItem(SellableItemContract $item, int $quantity = 1): CartCollectionContract Add an item to the cart / Increase its quantity
Cart::removeItem(SellableItemContract $item, int $quantity = 1): CartCollectionContract Decrease the quantity of an item in the cart / Remove it from the cart
Cart::eraseItem(SellableItemContract $item): CartCollectionContract Remove an item from the cart completely
Cart::getSubtotal(CartCollectionContract $cartResults): float Get the subtotal of the items in cart including product-level discounts
but not the cart-level discounts (coupons)
Cart::getTotal(CartCollectionContract $cartResults): float Get the final price of the cart, including all kinds of discounts, shipping and payment mode fees.
Cart::hasDigitalItemsOnly(): bool Determines whether the cart contains only digital items.
Cart::setCoupon(?BaseCouponContract $coupon): CartCollectionContract Applies the given coupon on the cart if possible.
Cart::getCoupon(): ?BaseCouponContract Retrieves the applied coupon entity if there's any.
Cart::getCouponSummary(CartCollectionContract $cartResults): ?array Retrieves the applied coupon and the amount of its discount if there's any.
Cart::setShippingMode(?ShippingModeContract $shippingMode): CartCollectionContract Applies the given shipping mode on the cart if possible.
Cart::getShippingMode(): ?ShippingModeContract Retrieves the applied shipping mode if there's any.
Cart::setPaymentMode(?PaymentModeContract $paymentMode): CartCollectionContract Applies the given payment mode on the cart if possible.
Cart::getPaymentMode(): ?PaymentModeContract Retrieves the applied payment mode if there's any.
Cart::saveCart(CartCollectionContract $cart): CartCollectionContract Saves the cart in the session.

Shop facade - available methods

Method Description
Shop::registerPaymentProviders(array $paymentProviders): void Register a payment provider
Shop::getPaymentProvider(string $key): ?string Retrieve a payment provider
Shop::getAllPaymentProviders(): array Retrieve all payment providers
Shop::isFrontendInstalled(): bool Determines whether the frontend package is installed

Filament support

Using Filament? We've got you covered. Take a look at the Laravel Webshop Filament support package.


If you need an out-of-the-box frontend scaffolding, check out this package.

Stripe support

Looking to implement Stripe payment gateway? Click here.


Laravel webshop package






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