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This repo holds stuff for handling ingested UCFS data

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The Analytical Dataset Generation (ADG) cluster converts the latest versions of all records in specified HBase tables into Parquet files stored on S3. It then generates Hive tables to provide downstream data processing & analytics tasks with convenient SQL access to that data.



  1. At a defined time, a CloudWatch event will trigger the EMR Launcher Lambda function
  2. The EMR Launcher reads EMR Cluster configuration files from the Config S3 bucket, then calls the RunJobFlow API of the EMR service which results in an Analytical Dataset Generator (ADG) EMR cluster being launched
  3. The ADG Cluster is configured as a read-replica of the Ingest HBase EMR cluster; a PySpark step run on the cluster reads HBase Storefiles from the Input S3 bucket and produces Parquet files in the Output S3 bucket.
  4. The PySpark step then creates external Hive tables over those S3 objects, storing the table definitions in a Glue database
  5. Once processing is complete, the ADG Cluster terminates.

Using AWS Insights for Analytical Dataset Generation analysis

As our logs go to cloudwatch, we can use AWS Insights to gather data and metrics about the ADG runs.

Make sure you set the time range or you'll get odd results

Saving Insights for future use.

You can't. However, you can see previously used insights in the account (useful as you can't save them per se) by going to:

"CloudWatch | Logs | Insights (left menu bar) | Actions (button) | View query history for this account"

If you put a comment as the first line of a query it can do for a proxy title.

Time taken for each Collection & Overall time taken for all Collections :

# Time taken for each & all colletions   
fields @timestamp , @message
| parse @message "{ 'timestamp':* 'log_level':* 'message': 'time taken for*:*'" as timestamp ,log_level, collection, timetaken
| display collection, timetaken
| sort timetaken desc 

How to add and run tests

  1. Pull the latest python3-pyspark-pytest image by running: docker pull dwpdigital/python3-pyspark-pytest
  2. Run: docker run -it --rm --name adg-docker -v "$(pwd)":/install -w /install dwpdigital/python3-pyspark-pytest pytest .

Known issues:

  1. make sure to delete locally generated directories metastore_db, spark-temp, spark-warehouse directory if unit tests fail when run locally

Exporting application and OS metrics

To export application and OS metrics, JMX exporter and node exporter were chosen. They integrate with the existing metrics infrastructure and allow for metrics to be scraped by Prometheus. These metrics should then be queryable in Thanos.

Current Architecture

JMX exporter set-up

  1. Add jmx javagent to the pom.xml file that is used to download the jars


    this downloads jmx_javaagent jar from Maven. This has to happen as a bootstrap action as it needs to be present at application setup.

  2. A script needs to be configured to access Maven Central where the dependencies mentioned in the pom file above can be downloaded. An example can be found here

  3. Create a config file for JMX exporter as explained in the Configuration section of the Prometheus GitHub page. As JMX exporter is ran as a Javaagent no URL or port needs to be specified in this file.

    lowercaseOutputName: true
      - pattern: '.*'

    This config captures all metrics found by JMX.

  4. Edit cluster launch configuration to start applications with Jmx exporter running as a javaagent.

    Eg. hadoop-env configuration

    - Classification: "hadoop-env"
     - Classification: "export"
         "HADOOP_NAMENODE_OPTS": "\"-javaagent:/opt/emr/metrics/dependencies/jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.14.0.jar=7101:/opt/emr/metrics/prometheus_config.yml\""
         "HADOOP_DATANODE_OPTS": "\"-javaagent:/opt/emr/metrics/dependencies/jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.14.0.jar=7103:/opt/emr/metrics/prometheus_config.yml\""

    Javaagent needs to be configured to start on an unused port. If running multiple agents they need to run on different ports. In the hadoop-env example 7101, 7103.

  5. Add an ingress/egress security group rule to allow prometheus connectivity over port 9090

  6. Configure peering to your vpc and routing to your service

  7. Add an ingressegress security group rules to allow communication between prometheus and your service on the JMX port.

  8. Add a scrape config to Prometheus to discover metrics on the JMX exporter port.

    The port defined in the config aligns with the ingress/egress rules and determines where Prometheus looks for metrics. This re-label config replaces instance labels that show up as IP addresses with the value of the EC2 tag Name

       - source_labels: [__meta_ec2_tag_Name]
         regex: (.*)
         target_label: instance
         replacement: $1
         action: replace

    source_labels is what it looks for. In this case it is the value of the EC2 tag Name.
    regex is the pattern to match for the source label.
    target_label is the label to replace.
    replacement is the regex group to be replaced with. In this case it is the value of the tag.

  9. Re-label the instances to differentiate between EMR nodes without mentioning the IP

    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${aws_default_region}
    UUID=$(dbus-uuidgen | cut -c 1-8)
    TOKEN=$(curl -X PUT -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600" "")
    export INSTANCE_ID=$(curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token:$TOKEN" -s
    export INSTANCE_ROLE=$(jq .instanceRole /mnt/var/lib/info/extraInstanceData.json)
    export HOSTNAME=${name}-$${INSTANCE_ROLE//\"}-$UUID
    hostname $HOSTNAME
    aws ec2 create-tags --resources $INSTANCE_ID --tags Key=Name,Value=$HOSTNAME

    where name is the service name.

Node exporter set-up

Node exporter is used for gathering OS metrics and comes pre-installed with the EMR AMI images. Node exporter runs on port 9100.

To set up, repeat steps 6 to 9 of JMX exporter set-up for the node exporter port.

Dynamo-db table

There is a dynamo-db table that exists which tracks the status of all ADG runs. This table is named data_pipeline_metadata. In order to populate this table, the emr-setup bootstrap step kicks off a shell script named which runs in the background.

This script waits for certain files to exist on the local file systems. These files contain information passed to the cluster from SNS (like the correlation id) and the first step of the cluster than saves them to the files.

When the files are found, then the script updates dynamo db with a row for the current run of the cluster (when the row already exists, it's a retry scenario, see below). Then the script loops in the background for the lifecycle of the cluster. When a step is completed, the current step field is updated in dynamo db and when the cluster is finished the status is updated with the final cluster status. Cancelled clusters are set to failed.


If a cluster fails, then the status is updated in the dynamo db table to failed. When a new cluster starts, before it inserts the new dynamo db row, it checks if one exists. If it does, then it checks the last run step and the status and if the status is failed, it saves off this status to a local file.

Whenever a step starts on a cluster, it calls a common method which checks if this local file exists. If it does not (i.e. this is not a retry scenario) then the step continues a normal. However if the file does exist, then the step checks if the failed cluster was running the same step when it failed. If it was, then it runs the step as normal and the local files is deleted so as not to affect subsequent steps. However if the step name does not match, this step is assumed to have completed before and therefore is skipped this time.

In this way, we are able to retry the entire cluster but not repeat steps that have already succeeded, therefore saving us potentially hours or time for retry scenarios.

Concourse pipeline

There is a concourse pipeline for ADG named analytical-dataset-generation. The code for this pipeline is in the ci folder. The main part of the pipeline (the master group) deploys the infrastructure and runs the e2e tests. There are a number of groups for rotating passwords and there are also admin groups for each environment.

Admin jobs

There are a number of available admin jobs for each environment. These can be found in the Concourse Utility pipeline

Start cluster

This job will start an ADG cluster running. In order to make the cluster do what you want it to do, you can alter the following environment variables in the pipeline config and then run aviator to update the pipeline before kicking it off:

  1. S3_PREFIX (required) -> the S3 output location for the HTME data to process, i.e. businessdata/mongo/ucdata/2021-04-01/full
  2. EXPORT_DATE (required) -> the date the data was exported, i.e 2021-04-01
  3. CORRELATION_ID (required) -> the correlation id for this run, i.e. generate_snapshots_preprod_generate_full_snapshots_4_full
  4. SNAPSHOT_TYPE (required) -> either full or incremental for the type of ADG to start
  5. SKIP_PDM_TRIGGER (optional) -> if not provided, the environment wide terraform default is used to decide whether ADG should trigger PDM when finished - if provided must be either true or false to explicity trigger or not trigger PDM (note this only applies to ADG-full clusters, this value is ignored for ADG-incremental)

Stop clusters

For stopping clusters, you can run either the stop-full-clusters job to terminate ALL current ADG-full clusters on the environment or stop-incremental-clusters to terminate ALL current ADG-incremental clusters on the environment.

Clear dynamo row (i.e. for a cluster restart)

Sometimes the ADG cluster is required to restart from the beginning instead of restarting from the failure point. To be able to do a full cluster restart, delete the associated DynamoDB row if it exists. The keys to the row are Correlation_Id and DataProduct in the DynamoDB table storing cluster state information (see Retries).
The clear-dynamodb-row job is responsible for carrying out the row deletion.

To do a full cluster restart

  • Manually enter CORRELATION_ID and DATA_PRODUCT of the row to delete to the clear-dynamodb-row job and run aviator.

      - name: dev-clear-dynamodb-row
          - .: (( inject meta.plan.clear-dynamodb-row ))
                AWS_ROLE_ARN: arn:aws:iam::((aws_account.development)):role/ci
                AWS_ACC: ((aws_account.development))
                CORRELATION_ID: <Correlation_Id of the row to delete>
                DATA_PRODUCT: <DataProduct of the row to delete>
  • Run the admin job to <env>-clear-dynamodb-row

  • You can then run start-cluster job with the same Correlation_Id from fresh.

Pipeline not running in QA?

There is an automated AMI upgrade pipeline embedded into the pipeline of this repo (ci/jobs/ami-test). This is in a serial_group with the QA deployment pipeline to ensure that they do not interfere with each other.

Please let the tests run and the deployment pipeline will continue automatically.

Upgrading to EMR 6.2.0

There is a requirement for our data products to start using Hive 3 instead of Hive 2. Hive 3 comes bundled with EMR 6.2.0 along with other upgrades including Spark. Below is a list of steps taken to upgrade ADG to EMR 6.2.0

  1. Make sure you are using an AL2 ami

  2. Point ADG at the new metastore: hive_metastore_v2 in internal-compute instead of the old one in the configurations.yml

    The values below should resolve to the new metastore, the details of which are an output of internal-compute

    "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL": "jdbc:mysql://${hive_metastore_endpoint}:3306/${hive_metastore_database_name}?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true"
    "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName": "${hive_metsatore_username}"
    "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword": "${hive_metastore_pwd}"
  3. Create ingress/egress security group rules to the metastore in the internal-compute repo. Example below

    resource "aws_security_group_rule" "ingress_adg" {
      description              = "Allow mysql traffic to Aurora RDS from ADG"
      from_port                = 3306
      protocol                 = "tcp"
      security_group_id        =
      to_port                  = 3306
      type                     = "ingress"
      source_security_group_id =
    resource "aws_security_group_rule" "egress_adg" {
      description              = "Allow mysql traffic to Aurora RDS from ADG"
      from_port                = 3306
      protocol                 = "tcp"
      security_group_id        =
      to_port                  = 3306
      type                     = "egress"
      source_security_group_id =
  4. Rotate the adg-writer user from the internal-compute pipeline so that when ADG starts up it can login to the metastore.

  5. Give IAM permissions to the ADG EMR launcher to read the new Secret

    data "aws_iam_policy_document" "adg_emr_launcher_getsecrets" {
     statement {
       effect = "Allow"
       actions = [
       resources = [
  6. Chang the configurtations.yml change spark.executor.extraJavaOptions to spark.executor.defaultJavaOptions

  7. Upgrade any dependencies that reference scala 2.11 or Spark 2.4. For ADG the metrics dependency had to be bumped to the new version of scala

  8. Bump the EMR version to 6.2.0 and launch the cluster.

Make sure that the first time anything uses the metastore it initialises with Hive 3, otherwise it will have to be rebuilt.

Status Metrics

In order to generate status metrics, the emr-setup bootstrap step kicks off a shell script named which runs in the background.

This script loops in the background for the lifecycle of the cluster and sends a metric called adg_status to the ADG pushgateway. This metric has the following values which map to a certain cluster status

Cluster Status Metric Value
Running 1
Completed 2
Failed 3
Cancelled 4

Production Failures

ADG-Full has been randomly failing on Production environment with below error

botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (RequestTimeTooSkewed) when calling the GetObject operation:
The difference between the request time and the current time is too large.

This error occurs while doing boto3 GetObject operation in the ADG's Spark code. This occurs when there is time difference between local time and the internet time which is used by S3 while making boto3 requests. Amazon S3 uses NTP (Network Time Protocol) to keep its system clocks accurate, NTP provides a standard way of synchronizing computer clocks on servers.

As ADG runs on EMR and read/writes data in S3 there is no local system involved. We have raised following support tickets with Amazon support team

Case ID 8420147331 Case ID 8383474671

Initally AWS support team suggest to raise this with S3 team and then passed on it to EMR team.

On call with AWS support team it was discussed that troubleshooting this issue is difficult as it occurs randomly and EMR cluster is not alive to investigate the error .AWS EMR uses chronyd daemon for Time Sync Service and possibly this error occurs when chronyd service stops. They have requested to provide complete error trace when happens next time which would include S3 request ID made from EMR to S3.

In order to get the complete error trace following steps are suggested and developed as part of DW-6406 ticket.

Export Chrony logs (path = /var/log/chrony) to cloudwatch Whenever we call boto3.get_object set the log level to debug. This will allow us to capture more information such as RequestID which is useful to the AWS support team. Then put the log_level back to original Log the UTC current time whenever we call boto3.get_object. This is to compare this time with the time generated on the S3 side to see if they vary.

Next steps are whenever this error happens check the complete error trace from the logs and contact AWS support team.

Life cycle of ADG s3 objects

In production all data generated by ADG in the published bucket is governed by s3 life cycle policies.

Prefixes included in 7 day purge policy

prefix analytical-dataset/full - prefix analytical-dataset/incremental - prefix analytical-dataset/mongo-latest -

Prefixes excluded from 7 day purge policy

Prefixes analytical-dataset/hive and analytical-dataset/data

However there is a bucket level policy that purge previous versions every 30 days

Going forward if there is any new prefix like analytical-dataset/xxxx to be added explicit life cycle purge policy needs to be defined so that objects get expired appropriately

Lessons learnt

Strange behaviour was observed when hive join operation is performed between tables created by spark and hive. This include not showing up records that have same value in two tables. During investigation as part of the ticket We found out that Hive versions are fully compatible with only certain versions of the spark as documented here As EMR comes up with its own combination of hive and spark versions, this issue is resolved by creating all tables in Hive while other operations/transformations can still be done both Hive and spark.