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.NET utility for interacting with the Dynatrace Metrics v2 API


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.NET utility for interacting with the Dynatrace v2 metrics API.


Run the following command while in the project directory to add the NuGet package to your project:

dotnet add package Dynatrace.MetricUtils


Using this library to create metric lines is a two-step process. First, create lines using the DynatraceMetricsFactory. Then, serialize them using a DynatraceMetricsSerializer. Furthermore, this library contains constants for use in projects consuming this library. This repository also contains an example project demonstrating the use of the DynatraceMetricsFactory and the DynatraceMetricsSerializer.

Metric Creation

To create metrics, call one of the static methods on the DynatraceMetricsFactory. Available instruments are:

  • Counter: CreateLongCounterDelta / CreateDoubleCounterDelta
  • Gauge: CreateLongGauge / CreateDoubleGauge
  • Summary: CreateLongSummary / CreateDoubleSummary

In the simplest form, metric creation looks like this:

var metric = DynatraceMetricsFactory.CreateLongCounterDelta("long-counter", 23);

Additionally, it is possible to pass a list of dimensions to the metric upon creation:

var dimensions = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> {
  new KeyValuePair<string, string>("dim1", "val1"),
  new KeyValuePair<string, string>("dim2", "val2")

var metric = DynatraceMetricsFactory.CreateLongCounterDelta("long-counter", 23, dimensions);

The dimensions will be added to the serialized metric. See the section on dimension precedence for more information.

Finally, it is also possible to add a timestamp to the metric:

// Passing null for the dimensions will not add any dimensions to the metric.
var metric = DynatraceMetricsFactory.CreateLongCounterDelta("long-counter", 23, null, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow))

// Alternatively, the dimensions parameter can be skipped and the timestamp can be provided using the named argument.
var metric = DynatraceMetricsFactory.CreateLongCounterDelta("long-counter", 23, timestamp: DateTimeOffset.UtcNow)

If the metric timestamp is omitted or outside the range, the server timestamp is used upon ingestion.

Metric serialization

The created metrics can then be serialized using a DynatraceMetricsSerializer. A single instance of this serializer should be kept, unless different prefixes and/or dimensions are desired.

// The logger is optional, but not providing one will result in all log messages being discarded:
var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Debug).AddConsole());
var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<DynatraceMetricsSerializer>();

// Create a list of default dimensions which are added to all metrics serialized by this serializer.
var defaultDimensions = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> {
  new KeyValuePair<string, string>("default1", "value1"),
  new KeyValuePair<string, string>("default2", "value2")

// Set up the DynatraceMetricsSerializer. All parameters are optional:
var serializer = new DynatraceMetricsSerializer(
  logger,             // This logger will be used to log errors in normalization.
  "prefix",           // A prefix added to all exported metric names.
  defaultDimensions,  // Default dimensions that will be added to all exported metrics.
  "metrics-source",   // Set the metrics source. Will be exported as dimension with "dt.metrics.source" as its key.
  true                // Enable Dynatrace metadata enrichment (true by default).

var metric = DynatraceMetricsFactory.CreateLongCounterDelta("long-counter", 23, timestamp: DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);

// Serialize the metric

// Should result in a line like: 
// prefix.long-counter,default1=value1,default2=value2,dt.metrics.source=metrics-source count,delta=23 1609502400000

Common constants

The constants can be accessed via the static DynatraceMetricApiConstants class. Their use is also shown in the example project

Currently available constants are:

  • the default local OneAgent metric API endpoint (DefaultOneAgentEndpoint)
  • the limit for how many metric lines can be ingested in one request (PayloadLinesLimit)
  • the limit for how many dimensions can be added to each metric (MaximumDimensions)

Dynatrace Metadata enrichment

If the enrichWithDynatraceMetadata toggle in the DynatraceMetricsSerializer constructor is set to true (= default), an attempt is made to read Dynatrace metadata. On a host with a running OneAgent, setting this option will collect metadata and add it as dimensions to all serialized metrics. Metadata typically consist of the Dynatrace host ID and process group ID. More information on the underlying feature that is used by the library can be found in the Dynatrace documentation.

Dimension precedence

Since there are multiple levels of dimensions (default, metric-specific, serializer-specific) and duplicate keys are not allowed, there is a specified precedence in dimension keys. Default dimensions will be overwritten by metric-specific dimensions, and all dimensions will be overwritten by serializer-specific dimensions if they share the same key after normalization. Serializer-specific dimensions include the metadata dimensions, as well as the metrics source, which is added as a dimension with dt.metrics.source as its key. Note that the serializer-specific dimensions will only contain dimension keys reserved by Dynatrace.