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/ batwatch Public archive

Run scripts when battery is within a certain range, e.g. low (GNU/Linux, UPower)


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batwatch - 13.01.2014 (draft)


batwatch is a UPower event-driven daemon that runs other programs/scripts when a discharging battery's remaining energy is within a critical range (e.g. below 10.0%). It is able to handle multiple batteries/scripts/thresholds. Does not execute a program more than once unless a battery leaves the threshold range (TODO: or <some state changes> while in crit range).

instagit mode

For quickly testing batwatch, an instant git applet is available, which is a script that takes care of everything (downloads/updates the git repo, checks for dependencies, builds and runs batwatch). However, it does not install any of the dependencies (highly distribution-specific).

For the impatient

Run the following commands:

cd ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}
wget "" -O- | bzip2 -dc > ./
chmod u+x ./
./ -n && ./ -- -N -T 97 -x ./event-scripts/
More detailed

(Optionally) Change the working directory to some temporary location:

$ cd ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}

Download the (compressed) script, unpack it and make it executable:

$ wget "" -O- | bzip2 -dc > ./
$ chmod u+x ./

To see what the script would do, run:

$ ./ -n

To actually download/build/run batwatch:

$ ./ -- -N -T 97 -x ./event-scripts/

This starts batwatch in non-daemon mode with the dummy event script, which gets activated if any of your batteries is discharging and below 97%.

Once the batwatch git repo has been cloned, you can delete ./ and use ~/git-src/scripts/ instead.

$ rm ./

To get rid of batwatch, run:

$ rm -rf ~/git-src/batwatch
I don't want these colors!
Simply pass --no-color to the instagitlet script (before the --) or run export NO_COLOR=y.

Building and Installing batwatch


  • build- and runtime:
    • libc (tested with glibc 2.17)
    • glib (tested with 2.36.4)
    • upower (tested with 0.9.21, 0.9.23)
    • (dbus, udev, ... required by upower)
  • build-time only:
    • GNU Make
    • a C Compiler (gcc preferred)
    • pkgconfig

Simply run make or make batwatch (make help lists all targets).

When cross-compiling, PKG_CONFIG, PKG_CONFIG_* and CROSS_COMPILE or TARGET_CC should be set.

For installing batwatch, run:

# install batwatch to its default location (/usr/bin/batwatch)
$ make install

# install batwatch to /home/user, binaries to /home/user/bin
$ make DESTDIR=/home/user BIN=/home/user/bin install

# install bash-completions, sudo config
$ make install-contrib

## install init script(s)
# OpenRC
$ make install-openrc
# SysVinit
$ make install-sysvinit

# as one-liner (example, doesn't work with /bin/dash)
$ make DESTDIR=/ BASHCOMPDIR=/usr/share/bash-completions install{,-contrib,-openrc}

Running it


$ batwatch [-h] [-V] [option...]
     [-T <percentage>] [-b <name>] [-I <seconds>] -x <prog> {-[TbxI]...}

Required options (can be specified more than once):

-T, --threshold <percentage>
 Sets the activation threshold for all following programs (--exe). Defaults to 10.0.
-x, --exe <prog>
 Program to run if a battery's percentage is below --threshold. Usually an Event Script.
-b, --battery <name>
 Restrict the next program (--exe) to a single battery referenced by name, e.g. BAT0.
-I, --inhibit <seconds>
 Do not call the next program if the time since the last system wakeup is less than seconds. Also don't call the script when about to suspend/hibernate/power down (?or if a fallback battery is available?). TODO/Not implemented


-F, --fallback-min <percentage>
 Minimal energy (as percentage) a battery must have in order to be considered as fallback battery. Defaults to 30.0.
-s, --single-shot
 Exit after running any script.
-h, --help Prints the help message to stdout and exits afterwards.
-V, --version Prints the version to stdout and exits afterwards.

Daemon options:

-N, --no-fork Run in foreground (don't daemonize).
-1, --stdout <file>
 Redirect daemon stdout to <file>. Daemon output is suppressed by default. /proc/self/fd/1 may be passed for keeping the console's stdout open.
-2, --stderr <file>
 Redirect daemon stderr to <file>. Also see --stdout.
-C, --rundir <dir>
 Sets the daemon's run directory to <dir>. Defaults to /.
-p, --pidfile <file>
 Instructs the daemon to write its process id to <file> after successful setup (just before entering the event loop). No pid file is written by default.

Running batwatch as root is not recommended, simply because there is no need to do so. However, Certain actions like system suspend require root privileges, which can be achieved with sudo (and others):

  1. Create the batwatch group:

    $ groupadd --system batwatch
  2. Add the batwatch user to this group:

    $ gpasswd -a <user> batwatch
  3. Or create a new user:

    $ useradd --system --home=/dev/null -g batwatch --shell=/sbin/nologin batwatch
  4. Copy contrib/batwatch.sudoers to /etc/sudoers.d/batwatch:

    $ install -m 0440 contrib/batwatch.sudoers /etc/sudoers.d/batwatch

    The sudoers file is automatically installed by make install-contrib. Make sure that /etc/sudoers has a #includedir /etc/sudoers.d directive.

  5. Or add the content of contrib/batwatch.sudoers to the end of /etc/sudoers (visudo)

Refer to the sudoers(5) man page for details.


Arch users need to edit contrib/batwatch.sudoers if pm-utils is to be used.



Update battery status and run scripts as necessary.

!!! Might change in future.


Reset all scripts to not run, update battery status and run scripts as necessary.

!!! Might change in future.

clean exit.

Event scripts

Scripts (--exe) are run if a battery is discharging and its remaining energy is within the critical range (is less or equal than the script's threshold). The script is not called more than once, until the battery is no longer discharging or its percentage leaves the threshold range.

See event-scripts/ for examples.

The following environment variables are passed to scripts (in addition to the usual system environment):

environment variables passed to scripts
name description example
BATTERY battery name BAT0
BATTERY_PERCENT battery's remaining energy as percentage rounded to one digit after the decimal point ('.', locale-independent) 20.0

battery's remaining running time, in minutes

Set to 0 if unknown and -1 if too big to be represented by an 32bit integer.

BATTERY_SYSFS battery sysfs path /sys/devices/...

string describing the fallback battery's status

empty if no fallback battery available

unknown, charging, discharging, empty, fully-charged, pending-charge or pending-discharge
FALLBACK_BATTERY fallback battery name (if any) BAT1
FALLBACK_BATTERY_PERCENT fallback battery's remaining energy 70.3

time in minutes until the fallback battery is fully charged.

Set to 0 if unknown or not charging and -1 if too big.

FALLBACK_BATTERY_SYSFS fallback battery sysfs path /sys/devices/...
ON_AC_POWER 1 if on AC power, else 0 1

These variables may be empty if no information is available. See event-scripts/ for a script template (TODO).

More specifically a script is executed if it has not been run and there is any discharging battery with the following properties:

  • The battery's remaining percentage is within the critical range

  • The script accepts the battery's name (controlled --battery)

    A script without name restrictions is executed for the first discharging battery (assuming that all other conditions are met)

The script's has been run status is reset if there is

  1. no discharging battery that the script could handle (i.e. battery name is accepted) or

  2. any battery that changed its state (e.g. from discharging to charging)

    TODO / state change detection is only partially implemented


Reduce the backlight's brightness if the battery is below 30.1% and suspend the system if it is below 6%, running as daemon with /run/ as pidfile:

$ batwatch -p /run/ -T 30.1 -x /path/to/ -T 6 -x /path/to/

# update batteries and run scripts as necessary
$ kill -HUP "$(cat /run/"
## or (bash)
$ kill -HUP "$(< /run/"

# reset script status and force update
$ kill -USR1 "$(cat /run/"


Once that --inhibit is implemented, this example should be changed to something like:

$ batwatch -p /run/ -T 30.1 -I 0 -x <backlight-script> -T 6 -I 300 -x <suspend script>

Run batwatch with the event test script in foreground and write all output to console:

# use a value slightly below your battery's current percentage for -T
$ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG="all" ./batwatch -N -T 97 -x "${PWD}/event-scripts/"

More advanced:

$ X="${PWD}/event-scripts/"
$ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG="all" ./batwatch -N -T 97 -x "${X}" -T 96 -b BAT0 -x "${X}" ...

# reset script status and force update, in another terminal
$ pkill -USR1 batwatch

Example output:

<example output here>


Run scripts when battery is within a certain range, e.g. low (GNU/Linux, UPower)







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