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Search Use Cases

René Reitmann edited this page Sep 21, 2020 · 47 revisions

A collection of Use Cases for the Search. It defines a collection of different requirements ad expected results for the search algorithm.

Description Expected Search Results Link to Issue Link to Search OK?
A user is not logged in and looking for variables with the german search term Beruf and without any filters at the variable search tab. Only the results with are directly including the search word Beruf should be displayed without any representation in a sub document. Issue Search OK
A user is not logged in, chose the gra2005 project on the data package tab. The user clicked on the gra2005 details page on the related objects: Variables. Afterwards the user is looking for variables with the german search term Beruf and without any filters at the variable search tab. Only the results with are directly including the search word Beruf should be displayed without any representation in a sub document. Issue Search OK
A user is not logged in and looking for a data set. The user clicks directly the data set search tab. The user is typing an ID into the query search field. The User will find all data sets by a partially entered ID. All data sets should be shown, which match the partial id. - Search OK
A user is not logged in and looking for a data set. The user clicks directly the data set search tab. The user is typing two german words into the query search field: Episodendatensatz Bachelor. The second word does not follow the first word directly in the title. The User will find only one data set which has both words (in the title). - Search OK
A user is not logged in and looking for a variable. The user clicks directly the variable search tab. The user is typing berechtigung. The intention of the user is to find word that ends withberechtigung like the word Studienberechtigung The User will find all variables which has words their end with berechtigung. - Search OK
A user is not logged in and looking for a variable. The user clicks directly the variable search tab. The user enter a doi like 10.1080/03075079.2016.1172307. The User will find all variables which are referenced in a publication with the given doi. - Search No
A user is not logged in and looking for a survey. The user clicks directly the survey search tab. The user enter a query with a space like 20. Soz. The User will find the only one survey with the given name. - Search OK
A user is not logged in and looking for all variables with the dependency to a specific data package. The user clicks on a data package and enters the details page of a data package. The ID of the data package is gra2005 in the test case. The user clicks on the variables on the related publication cards. The User will forwarded to the variable search tab and see the first of all 1280 variables of the gra2005 data package. - Search OK
A user is not logged in, chose the ssy19 project on the data package tab. The user clicked on the ssy19 details page on the related objects: Variables. The user is looking for the search term Beruf Mutter. The user will find the variable par08_g1 "Beruf der Mutter" - Search No
A user is not logged in and looking for a data package on the data package details page with the search term Querschnitt. The user will find all data packages with the survey design Querschnitt - Search OK
A user is not logged in and on the instrument search page. He is looking for the search term CAWI The user will find every instrument of type CAWI - Search OK
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