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File metadata and controls

2166 lines (1719 loc) · 111 KB

Advanced Functionalities

This section covers slightly more advanced, but useful features that enrich your implementation.

Topics and Keys

The RTPS standard contemplates the use of keys to define multiple data sources/sinks within a single topic.

There are three ways of implementing keys into your topic:

  • Defining a @Key field in the IDL file when using FastRTPSGen (see the examples that come with the distribution).
  • Manually implementing and using a :func:`getKey()` method.
  • Adding the attribute Key to the member and its parents when using dynamic types (see :ref:`dynamic-types`).

Publishers and Subscribers using topics with keys must be configured to use them, otherwise, they will have no effect:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF-QOS-KEY
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-QOS-KEY
   :end-before: <!--><-->

The RTPS Layer requires you to call the :func:`getKey()` method manually within your callbacks.

You can tweak the History to accommodate data from multiple keys based on your current configuration. This consist of defining a maximum number of data sinks and a maximum size for each sink:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Note that your History must be big enough to accommodate the maximum number of samples for each key. eProsima Fast RTPS will notify you if your History is too small.


Partitions introduce a logical entity isolation level concept inside the physical isolation induced by a Domain. They represent another level to separate Publishers and Subscribers beyond Domain and Topic. For a Publisher to communicate with a Subscriber, they have to belong at least to a common partition. In this sense, partitions represent a light mechanism to provide data separation among Endpoints:

  • Unlike Domain and Topic, Partitions can be changed dynamically during the life cycle of the Endpoint with little cost. Specifically, no new threads are launched, no new memory is allocated, and the change history is not affected. Beware that modifying the Partition membership of endpoints will trigger the announcement of the new QoS configuration, and as a result, new Endpoint matching may occur, depending on the new Partition configuration. Changes on the memory allocation and running threads may occur due to the matching of remote Endpoints.
  • Unlike Domain and Topic, an Endpoint can belong to several Partitions at the same time. For certain data to be shared over different Topics, there must be a different Publisher for each Topic, each of them sharing its own history of changes. On the other hand, a single Publisher can share the same data over different Partitions using a single topic change, thus reducing network overload.

The Partition membership of an Endpoint can be configured on the :class:`qos.m_partitions` attribute of the :class:`PublisherAttributes` or :class:`SubscriberAttributes` objects. This attribute holds a list of Partition name strings. If no Partition is defined for an Entity, it will be automatically included in the default nameless Partition. Therefore, a Publisher and a Subscriber that specify no Partition will still be able to communicate through the default Partition.


Partitions are linked to the Endpoint and not to the changes. This means that the Endpoint history is oblivious to modifications in the Partitions. For example, if a Publisher switches Partitions and afterwards needs to resend some older change again, it will deliver it to the new Partition set, regardless of which Partitions were defined when the change was created. This means that a late joiner Subscriber may receive changes that were created when another set of Partitions was active.

Wildcards in Partitions

Partition name entries can have wildcards following the naming conventions defined by the POSIX fnmatch API (1003.2-1992 section B.6). Entries with wildcards can match several names, allowing an Endpoint to easily be included in several Partitions. Two Partition names with wildcards will match if either of them matches the other one according to fnmatch. That is, the matching is checked both ways. For example, consider the following configuration:

  • A publisher with Partition part*
  • A subscriber with Partition partition*

Even though partition* does not match part*, these publisher and subscriber will communicate between them because part* matches partition*.

Note that a Partition with name * will match any other partition except the default Partition.

Full example

Given a system with the following Partition configuration:

Participant_1 Pub_11 {"Partition_1", "Partition_2"}
Pub_12 {"*"}
Participant_2 Pub_21 {}
Pub_22 {"Partition*"}
Participant_3 Subs_31 {"Partition_1"}
Subs_32 {"Partition_2"}
Subs_33 {"Partition_3"}
Subs_34 {}

The endpoints will finally match the Partitions depicted on the following table. Note that Pub_12 does not match the default Partition.

  Participant_1 Participant_2 Participant_3
Pub_11 Pub_12 Pub_21 Pub_22 Subs_31 Subs_32 Subs_33 Subs_34

The following table provides the communication matrix for the given example:

  Participant_1 Participant_2
Pub_11 Pub_12 Pub_21 Pub_22
Participant_3 Subs_31

The following piece of code shows the set of parameters needed for the use case depicted in this example.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF-QOS-PARTITIONS
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-QOS-PARTITIONS
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Intra-process delivery

eProsima Fast RTPS allows to speed up communications between entities within the same process by avoiding any of the copy or send operations involved in the transport layer (either UDP or TCP). This feature is enabled by default, and can be configured using :ref:`xml-profiles`. Currently the following options are available:

  • INTRAPROCESS_OFF: The feature is disabled.
  • INTRAPROCESS_USER_DATA_ONLY: Discovery metadata keeps using ordinary transport.
  • INTRAPROCESS_FULL: Default value. Both user data and discovery metadata using Intra-process delivery.
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-LIBRARY-SETTINGS
   :end-before: <!--><-->


eProsima Fast RTPS implements an architecture of pluggable transports. Current version implements five transports: UDPv4, UDPv6, TCPv4, TCPv6 and SHM (shared memory). By default, when a :class:`Participant` is created, two built-in transports are configured:

  • SHM transport will be used for all communications between participants in the same machine.
  • UDPv4 will be used for inter machine communications.

You can add custom transports using the attribute rtps.userTransports.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

All Transport configuration options can be found in the section :ref:`transportdescriptors`.

Shared memory Transport (SHM)

The shared memory transport enables fast communications between entities running in the same processing unit/machine, relying on the shared memory mechanisms provided by the host operating system.

SHM transport provides better performance than other transports like UDP / TCP, even when these transports use loopback interface. This is mainly due to the following reasons:

  • Large message support: Network protocols need to fragment data in order to comply with the specific protocol and network stacks requirements. SHM transport allows the copy of full messages where the only size limit is the machine's memory capacity.
  • Reduce the number of memory copies: When sending the same message to different endpoints, SHM transport can directly share the same memory buffer with all the destination endpoints. Other protocols require to perform one copy of the message per endpoint.
  • Less operating system overhead: Once initial setup is completed, shared memory transfers require much less system calls than the other protocols. Therefore there is a performance/time consume gain by using SHM.

When two participants on the same machine have SHM transport enabled, all communications between them are automatically performed by SHM transport only. The rest of the enabled transports are not used between those two participants.

In order to change the default parameters of SHM transport, you need to add the SharedMemTransportDescriptor to the rtps.userTransports attribute (C++ code) or define a transport_descriptor of type SHM in the XML file. In both cases rtps.useBuiltinTransports must be disabled (see below examples).

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-SHM-TRANSPORT-SETTING
   :end-before: <!--><-->

SHM configuration parameters:

  • segment_size: The size of the shared memory segment in bytes. A shared memory segment is created by each participant. Participant's writers copy their messages into the segment and send a message reference to the destination readers.
  • port_queue_capacity: Each participant with SHM transport enabled listens on a queue (port) for incoming SHM message references. This parameter specifies the queue size (in messages).
  • healthy_check_timeout_ms: With SHM, Readers and writers use a queue to exchange messages (called Port). If one of the processes involved crashes while using the port, the structure can be left inoperative. For this reason, every time a port is opened, a healthy check is performed. If the attached listeners don't respond in healthy_check_timeout_ms milliseconds, the port is destroyed and created again.
  • rtps_dump_file: Full path, including the file name, of the protocol dump_file. When this string parameter is not empty, all the participant's SHM traffic (sent and received) is traced to a file. The output file format is tcpdump text hex, and can be read with protocol analyzer applications such as Wireshark.

TCP Transport

Unlike UDP, TCP transport is connection oriented and for that Fast-RTPS must establish a TCP connection before sending the RTPS messages. Therefore TCP transport can have two behaviors, acting as a server (TCP Server) or as a client (TCP Client). The server opens a TCP port listening for incoming connections and the client tries to connect to the server. The server and the client concepts are independent from the RTPS concepts: Publisher, Subscriber, Writer, and Reader. Any of them can operate as a TCP Server or a TCP Client because these entities are used only to establish the TCP connection and the RTPS protocol works over it.

To use TCP transports you need to define some more configurations:

You must create a new TCP transport descriptor, for example TCPv4. This transport descriptor has a field named listening_ports that indicates to Fast-RTPS in which physical TCP ports our participant will listen for input connections. If omitted, the participant will not be able to receive incoming connections but will be able to connect to other participants that have configured their listening ports. The transport must be added to the userTransports list of the participant attributes. The field wan_addr can be used to allow incoming connections using the public IP in a WAN environment or the Internet. See WAN or Internet Communication over TCP/IPv4 for more information about how to configure a TCP Transport to allow or connect to WAN connections.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-TCP-TRANSPORT-SETTING
   :end-before: <!--><-->

To configure the participant to connect to another node through TCP, you must configure and add a Locator to its initialPeersList that points to the remote listening port.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF-TCP2-TRANSPORT-SETTING
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-TCP2-TRANSPORT-SETTING
   :end-before: <!--><-->

A TCP version of helloworld example can be found in this link.

WAN or Internet Communication over TCP/IPv4

Fast-RTPS is able to connect through the Internet or other WAN networks when configured properly. To achieve this kind of scenarios, the involved network devices such as routers and firewalls should add the rules to allow the communication.

For example, to allow incoming connections through our NAT, Fast-RTPS must be configured as a TCP Server listening to incoming TCP connections. To allow incoming connections through a WAN, the TCP descriptor associated must indicate its public IP through its field wan_addr.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-TCP-TRANSPORT-SETTING
   :end-before: <!--><-->

In this case, configuring the router (which public IP is is mandatory to allow the incoming traffic to reach the TCP Server. Typically a NAT routing with the listening_port 5100 to our machine is enough. Any existing firewall should be configured as well.

In the client side, it is needed to specify the public IP of the TCP Server with its listening_port as initial_peer.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF-TCP2-TRANSPORT-SETTING
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-TCP2-TRANSPORT-SETTING
   :end-before: <!--><-->

The combination of the above configurations in both TCP Server and TCP Client allows a scenario similar to the represented by the following image.



IPLocator is an auxiliary static class that offers methods to ease the management of IP based locators, as UDP or TCP. In TCP, the port field of the locator is divided into physical and logical port. The physical port is the port used by the network device, the real port that the operating system understands. The logical port can be seen as RTPS port, or UDP's equivalent port (physical ports of UDP, are logical ports in TCP). Logical ports normally are not necessary to manage explicitly, but you can do it through IPLocator class. Physical ports instead, must be set to explicitly use certain ports, to allow the communication through a NAT, for example.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :start-after: //CONF-IPLOCATOR-USAGE
    :end-before: //!--


TCP doesn't support multicast scenarios, so you must plan carefully your network architecture.

TLS over TCP

Fast-RTPS allows configuring a TCP Transport to use TLS (Transport Layer Security) by setting up TCP Server and TCP Client properly.

TCP Server
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF-TCP-TLS-SERVER
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-TCP-TLS-SERVER
   :end-before: <!--><-->
TCP Client
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF-TCP-TLS-CLIENT
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-TCP-TLS-CLIENT
   :end-before: <!--><-->

More TLS related options can be found in the section :ref:`transportdescriptors`.

Listening locators

eProsima Fast RTPS divides listening locators into four categories:

  • Metatraffic Multicast Locators: these locators are used to receive metatraffic information using multicast. They usually are used by built-in endpoints, like the discovery of built-in endpoints. You can set your own locators using attribute rtps.builtin.metatrafficMulticastLocatorList.

    .. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
        :language: c++
        :start-after: //CONF-METAMULTICASTLOCATOR
        :end-before: //!--
  • Metatraffic Unicast Locators: these locators are used to receive metatraffic information using unicast. They usually are used by built-in endpoints, like the discovery of built-in endpoints. You can set your own locators using attribute rtps.builtin.metatrafficUnicastLocatorList.

    .. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
        :language: c++
        :start-after: //CONF-METAUNICASTLOCATOR
        :end-before: //!--
  • User Multicast Locators: these locators are used to receive user information using multicast. They are used by user endpoints. You can set your own locators using attribute rtps.defaultMulticastLocatorList.

    .. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
        :language: c++
        :start-after: //CONF-USERMULTICASTLOCATOR
        :end-before: //!--
  • User Unicast Locators: these locators are used to receive user information using unicast. They are used by user endpoints. You can set your own locators using attributes rtps.defaultUnicastLocatorList.

    .. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
        :language: c++
        :start-after: //CONF-USERUNICASTLOCATOR
        :end-before: //!--

By default eProsima Fast RTPS calculates the listening locators for the built-in UDPv4 network transport using well-known ports. These well-known ports are calculated using the following predefined rules:

Ports used
Traffic type Well-known port expression
Metatraffic multicast PB + DG * domainId + offsetd0
Metatraffic unicast PB + DG * domainId + offsetd1 + PG * participantId
User multicast PB + DG * domainId + offsetd2
User unicast PB + DG * domainId + offsetd3 + PG * participantId

These predefined rules use some values explained here:

  • DG: DomainId Gain. You can set this value using attribute rtps.port.domainIDGain.
  • PG: ParticipantId Gain. You can set this value using attribute rtps.port.participantIDGain. The default value is 2.
  • PB: Port Base number. You can set this value using attribute rtps.port.portBase. The default value is 7400.
  • offsetd0, offsetd1, offsetd2, offsetd3: Additional offsets. You can set these values using attributes rtps.port.offsetdN. Default values are: offsetd0 = 0, offsetd1 = 10, offsetd2 = 1, offsetd3 = 11.

Both UDP and TCP unicast locators support to have a null address. In that case, eProsima Fast RTPS understands to get local network addresses and use them.

Both UDP and TCP locators support to have a zero port. In that case, eProsima Fast RTPS understands to calculate well-known port for that type of traffic.

Initial peers

According to the RTPS standard (Section, each participant must listen for incoming Participant Discovery Protocol (PDP) discovery metatraffic in two different ports, one linked with a multicast address, and another one linked to a unicast address (see :ref:`discovery`). Fast-RTPS allows for the configuration of an initial peers list which contains one or more such address-port pairs corresponding to remote participants PDP discovery listening resources, so that the local participant will not only send its PDP traffic to the default multicast address-port specified by its domain, but also to all the address-port pairs specified in the initial-peers list.

A participant's initial peers list contains the list of address-port pairs of all other participants with which it will communicate. It is a list of addresses that a participant will use in the unicast discovery mechanism, together or as an alternative to multicast discovery. Therefore, this approach also applies to those scenarios in which multicast functionality is not available.

According to the RTPS standard (Section, the participants' discovery traffic unicast listening ports are calculated using the following equation: 7400 + 250 * domainID + 10 + 2 * participantID. Thus, if for example a participant operates in Domain 0 (default domain) and its ID is 1, its discovery traffic unicast listening port would be: 7400 + 250 * 0 + 10 + 2 * 1 = 7412. By default eProsima Fast RTPS uses as initial peers the Metatraffic Multicast Locators.

The following constitutes an example configuring an Initial Peers list with one peer on host with participant ID 1 in domain 0.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF_INITIAL_PEERS_BASIC
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF_INITIAL_PEERS_BASIC<-->
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Whitelist Interfaces

There could be situations where you want to block some network interfaces to avoid connections or sending data through them. This can be managed using the field interface whitelist in the transport descriptors, and with them, you can set the interfaces you want to use to send or receive packets. The values on this list should match the IPs of your machine in that networks. For example:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-TRANSPORT-DESCRIPTORS
   :lines: 1-8,48


Disabling all multicast traffic

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF-DISABLE-MULTICAST
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-DISABLE-MULTICAST
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Non-blocking write on sockets

For UDP transport, it is possible to configure whether to use non-blocking write calls on the sockets.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF-NON-BLOCKING-WRITE
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-NON-BLOCKING-WRITE
   :end-before: <!--><-->

XML Configuration

The :ref:`xml-profiles` section contains the full information about how to setup Fast RTPS through an XML file.

Flow Controllers

eProsima Fast RTPS supports user configurable flow controllers on a Publisher and Participant level. These controllers can be used to limit the amount of data to be sent under certain conditions depending on the kind of controller implemented.

The current release implement throughput controllers, which can be used to limit the total message throughput to be sent over the network per time measurement unit. In order to use them, a descriptor must be passed into the Participant or Publisher Attributes.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF-QOS-FLOWCONTROLLER
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-QOS-FLOWCONTROLLER
   :end-before: <!--><-->

In the Writer-Reader layer, the throughput controller is built-in and the descriptor defaults to infinite throughput. To change the values:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!

Note that specifying a throughput controller with a size smaller than the socket size can cause messages to never become sent.

Sending large data

The default message size eProsima Fast RTPS uses is a conservative value of 65Kb. If your topic data is bigger, it must be fragmented.

Fragmented messages are sent over multiple packets, as understood by the particular transport layer. To make this possible, you must configure the Publisher to work in asynchronous mode.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF-QOS-PUBLISHMODE
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-QOS-PUBLISHMODE
   :end-before: <!--><-->

In the Writer-Subscriber layer, you have to configure the Writer:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF_QOS_RTPS_PUBLISHMODE
   :end-before: //!

Note that in best-effort mode messages can be lost if you send big data too fast and the buffer is filled at a faster rate than what the client can process messages. On the other hand, in reliable mode, the existence of a lot of data fragments could decrease the frequency at which messages are received. If this happens, it can be resolved by increasing socket buffers size, as described in :ref:`tuning-socket-buffer`. It can also help to set a lower Heartbeat period in reliable mode, as stated in :ref:`tuning-reliable-mode`.

When you are sending large data, it is convenient to setup a flow controller to avoid a burst of messages in the network and increase performance. See :ref:`flow-controllers`

Example: Sending a unique large file

This is a proposed example of how should the user configure its application in order to achieve the best performance. To make this example more tangible, it is going to be supposed that the file has a size of 9.9MB and the network in which the publisher and the subscriber are operating has a bandwidth of 100MB/s

First of all, the asynchronous mode has to be activated in the publisher parameters. Then, a suitable reliability mode has to be selected. In this case, it is important to make sure that all fragments of the message are received. The loss of a fragment means the loss of the entire message, so it would be best to choose the reliable mode.

The default message size of this fragments using the UDPv4 transport has a value of 65Kb (which includes the space reserved for the data and the message header). This means that the publisher would have to write at least about 1100 fragments.

This amount of fragment could slow down the transmission, so it could be interesting to decrease the heartbeat period in order to increase the reactivity of the publisher.

Another important consideration is the addition of a flow controller. Without a flow controller, the publisher can occupy the entire bandwidth. A reasonable flow controller for this application could be a limit of 5MB/s, which represents only 5% of the total bandwidth. Anyway, these values are highly dependent on the specific application and its desired behavior.

At last, there is another detail to have in mind: it is critical to check the size of the system UDP buffers. In Linux, buffers can be enlarged with

sysctl -w net.ipv4.udp_mem="102400 873800 16777216"
sysctl -w net.core.netdev_max_backlog="30000"
sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max="16777216"
sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max="16777216"

Example: Video streaming

In this example, the target application transmits video between a publisher and a subscriber. This video will have a resolution of 640x480 and a frequency of 50fps.

As in the previous example, since the application is sending data that requires fragmentation, the asynchronous mode has to be activated in the publisher parameters.

In audio or video transmissions, sometimes is better to have a stable and high datarate feed than a 100% lossless communication. Working with a frequency of 50Hz makes insignificant the loss of one or two samples each second. Thus, for a higher performance, it can be appropriate to configure the reliability mode to best-effort.


Fast-RTPS, as a DDS implementation, provides discovery mechanisms that allow for automatically finding and matching publishers and subscribers across participants so they can start sharing data. This discovery is performed, for all the mechanisms, in two phases.

Discovery phases

  1. Participant Discovery Phase (PDP): During this phase the participants acknowledge each other's existence. To do that, each participant sends periodic announcement messages, which specify, among other things, unicast addresses (IP and port) where the participant is listening for incoming meta and user data traffic. Two given participants will match when they exist in the same domain. By default, the announcement messages are sent using well-known multicast addresses and ports (calculated using the domain). Furthermore, it is possible to specify a list of addresses to send announcements using unicast (see in :ref:`initial-peers`). Moreover, is is also possible to configure the periodicity of such announcements (see :ref:`Discovery Configuration <dconf>`).
  2. Endpoint Discovery Phase (EDP): During this phase, the publishers and subscribers acknowledge each other. To do that, the participants share information about their publishers and subscribers with each other, using the communication channels established during the PDP. This information contains, among other things, the topic and data type. For two endpoints to match, their topic and data type must coincide. Once publisher and subscriber have matched, they are ready for sending/receiving user data traffic.

Discovery mechanisms

Fast-RTPS provides the following discovery mechanisms:

  • :ref:`Simple Discovery <simple_disc_settings>`: This is the default mechanism. It upholds the RTPS standard for both PDP and EDP phases, and therefore provides compatibility with any other DDS and RTPS implementations.
  • :ref:`Static Discovery <static_edp>`: This mechanisms uses the Simple Participant Discovery Protocol (SPDP) for the PDP phase (as specified by the RTPS standard), but allows for skipping the Simple Participant Discovery Protocol (SEDP) phase when all the publishers' and subscribers' addresses and ports, data types, and topics are known beforehand.
  • :ref:`Server-Client Discovery <discovery_server>`: This discovery mechanism uses a centralized discovery architecture, where servers act as a hubs for discovery meta traffic.
  • Manual Discovery: This mechanism is only compatible with the RTPSDomain layer. It disables the PDP discovery phase, letting the user to manually match and unmatch RTPS participants, readers, and writers using whatever, external meta-information channel of its choice.

General discovery settings

Some discovery settings are shared across the different discovery mechanisms. Those are:

Name Description Type Default
:ref:`discovery_protocol` The discovery protocol to use (see :ref:`disc_mechanisms`) DiscoveryProtocol_t SIMPLE
:ref:`discovery_ignore_flags` Filter discovery traffic for participants in the same process, in different processes, or in different hosts ParticipantFilteringFlags_t NO_FILTER
:ref:`discovery_lease_dur` Indicates for how much time should a remote participant consider the local participant to be alive. Duration_t 20 s
:ref:`discovery_lease_announ` The period for the participant to send PDP announcements. Duration_t 3 s

Discovery Protocol

Specifies the discovery protocol to use (see :ref:`disc_mechanisms`). The possible values are:

Discovery Mechanism Possible values Description
Simple SIMPLE Simple discovery protocol as specified in RTPS standard
Static STATIC SPDP with manual EDP specified in XML files
Server-Client SERVER The participant acts as a hub for discovery traffic, receiving and distributing discovery information.
CLIENT The participant acts as a client for discovery traffic. It send its discovery information to the server, and receives all other discovery information from the server.
BACKUP Creates a SERVER participant which has a persistent sqlite database. A BACKUP server can load the a database on start. This type of sever makes the Server-Client architecture resilient to server destruction.
Manual NONE Disables PDP phase, therefore the is no EDP phase. All matching must be done manually through the addReaderLocator, addReaderProxy, addWriterProxy methods.
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF-DISCOVERY-PROTOCOL
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-DISCOVERY-PROTOCOL
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Ignore Participant flags

Defines a filter to ignore some discovery traffic when received. This is useful to add an extra level of participant isolation. The possible values are:

Possible values Description
NO_FILTER All Discovery traffic is processed.
FILTER_DIFFERENT_HOST Discovery traffic from another host is discarded.
FILTER_DIFFERENT_PROCESS Discovery traffic from another process on the same host is discarded,
FILTER_SAME_PROCESS Discovery traffic from participant's own process is discarded.
FILTER_DIFFERENT_PROCESS | FILTER_SAME_PROCESS Discovery traffic from participant's own host is discarded.
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-DISCOVERY-IGNORE-FLAGS
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Lease Duration

Indicates for how much time should a remote participant consider the local participant to be alive. If the liveliness of the local participant has not being asserted within this time, the remote participant considers the local participant dead and destroys all the information regarding the local participant and all its endpoints.

The local participant's liveliness is asserted on the remote participant any time the remote participant receives any kind of traffic from the local participant.

The lease duration is specified as a time expressed in seconds and nanosecond using a Duration_t.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Announcement Period

It specifies the periodicity of the participant's PDP announcements. For liveliness' sake it is recommend that the announcement period is shorter than the lease duration, so that the participant's liveliness is asserted even when there is no data traffic. It is important to note that there is a trade-off involved in the setting of the announcement period, i.e. too frequent announcements will bloat the network with meta traffic, but too scarce ones will delay the discovery of late joiners.

Participant's announcement period is specified as a time expressed in seconds and nanosecond using a Duration_t.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

SIMPLE Discovery Settings

The SIMPLE discovery protocol resolves the establishment of the end-to-end connection between various RTPS entities communicating via the RTPS protocol. Fast-RTPS implements the SIMPLE discovery protocol to provide compatibility with the RTPS standard. The specification splits up the SIMPLE discovery protocol into two independent protocols:

  • Simple Participant Discovery Protocol (SPDP): specifies how Participants discover each other in the network; it announces and detects the presence of participants in a domain.
  • Simple Endpoint Discovery Protocol (SEDP): defines the protocol adopted by the discovered participants for the exchange of information in order to discover the RTPS entities contained in each of them, i.e. the writer and reader Endpoints.
Name Description
Initial Announcements It defines the behavior of the RTPSParticipant initial announcements.
Simple EDP Attributes It defines the use of the SIMPLE protocol as a discovery protocol.
:ref:`Simple Initial Peers` A list of endpoints to which the SPDP announcements are sent.

Initial Announcements

RTPS standard simple discovery mechanism requires the participant to send announcements. These announcements are not delivered in a reliable fashion, and can be disposed of by the network. In order to avoid the discovery delay induced by message disposal, the initial announcement can be set up to make several shots, in order to increase proper reception chances.

Initial announcements only take place upon participant creation. Once this phase is over, the only announcements enforced are the standard ones based on the leaseDuration_announcementperiod period (not the initial_announcements.period).

Name Description Type Default
count It defines the number of announcements to send at start-up. uint32 5
period It defines the specific period for initial announcements. Duration_t 100ms
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Simple EDP Attributes

Name Description Type Default
SIMPLE EDP It defines the use of the SIMPLE protocol as a discovery protocol for EDP phase. A participant may create publishers, subscribers, both or neither. bool true
Publication writer and Subscription reader It is intended for participants that implement only one or more publishers, i.e. do not implement subscribers. It allows the creation of only subscriber discovery related EDP endpoints bool true
Publication reader and Subscription writer It is intended for participants that implement only one or more subscribers, i.e. do not implement publishers. It allows the creation of only publisher discovery related EDP endpoints. bool true
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Initial Peers

By default, the SPDP protocol uses a well known multicast address for the participant discovery phase. With Fast-RTPS, it is possible to expand the list of endpoints to which the participant announcements are sent by configuring a list of initial peers, as explained in :ref:`initial-peers`.

STATIC Endpoints Discovery Settings

Fast-RTPS allows for the substitution of the SEDP protocol for the EDP phase with a static version that completely eliminates EDP meta traffic. This can become useful when dealing with limited network bandwidth and a well-known schema of publishers and subscribers. If all publishers and subscribers, and their topics and data types, are known beforehand, the EDP phase can be replaced with a static configuration of peers. It is important to note that by doing this, no EDP discovery meta traffic will be generated, and only those peers defined in the configuration will be able to communicate. The STATIC endpoint discovery related settings are:

Name Description
:ref:`static_edp` It activates the STATIC endpoint discovery protocol
:ref:`static_xml` Specifies an XML file containing a description of the remote endpoints.
Initial Announcements It defines the behavior of the RTPSParticipant initial announcements (PDP phase).


To activate the STATIC EDP, the SEDP must be disabled on the participant attributes. This can be done either by code or using an XML configuration file:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF_STATIC_DISCOVERY_CODE
   :end-before: <!--><-->

STATIC EDP XML Files Specification

Since activating STATIC EDP suppresses all EDP meta traffic, the information about the remote entities (publishers and subscribers) must be statically specified, which is done using dedicated XML files. A participant may load several of such configuration files so that the information about different endpoints can be contained in one file, or split into different files to keep it more organized. Fast-RTPS provides a Static Endpoint Discovery example that implements this EDP discovery protocol.

The following table describes all the possible attributes of a STATIC EDP XML configuration file. A full example of such file can be found in :ref:`static_xml_example`.

Name Description Values Default
<userId> Mandatory. Uniquely identifies the endpoint. uint16_t 0
<entityID> EntityId of the endpoint. uint16_t 0
<expectsInlineQos> It indicates if QOS is expected inline. (reader only) bool false
<topicName> Mandatory. The topic of the remote endpoint. Should match with one of the topics of the local participant. string_255  
<topicDataType> Mandatory. The data type of the topic. string_255  
<topicKind> The kind of topic. :class:`NO_KEY` :class:`NO_KEY`
<partitionQos> The name of a partition of the remote peer. Repeat to configure several partitions. string  
<unicastLocator> Unicast locator of the participant. See :ref:`staticLocators`.    
<multicastLocator> Multicast locator of the participant. See :ref:`staticLocators`.    
<reliabilityQos> See the :ref:`reliability` section. |besteffort| |besteffort|
<durabilityQos> See the :ref:`SettingDataDurability` section. |volatile| |volatile|
<ownershipQos> See :ref:`ownershipQos`.    
<livelinessQos> Defines the liveliness of the remote peer. See :ref:`livelinessQos`.    
Locators definition

Locators for remote peers are configured using <unicastLocator> and <multicastLocator> tags. These take no value, and the locators are defined using tag attributes. Locators defined with <unicastLocator> and <multicastLocator> are accumulative, so they can be repeated to assign several remote endpoints locators to the same peer.

  • :class:`address`: a mandatory string representing the locator address.
  • :class:`port`: an optional uint16_t representing a port on that address.
Ownership QoS

The ownership of the topic can be configured using <ownershipQos> tag. It takes no value, and the configuration is done using tag attributes:

Liveliness QoS

The :ref:`liveliness-qos` of the remote peer is configured using <livelinessQos> tag. It takes no value, and the configuration is done using tag attributes:


The following is a complete example of a configuration XML file for two remote participants, a publisher and a subscriber. This configuration must agree with the configuration used to create the remote endpoint. Otherwise, communication between endpoints may be affected. If any non-mandatory element is missing, it will take the default value. As a rule of thumb, all the elements that were specified on the remote endpoint creation should be configured.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/StaticTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->STATIC_DISCOVERY_CONF<-->
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Loading STATIC EDP XML Files

Statically discovered remote endpoints must define a unique userID on their profile, whose value must agree with the one specified in the discovery configuration XML. This is done by setting the user ID on the entity attributes:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!-->

On the local participant, loading STATIC EDP configuration files is done by:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF_STATIC_DISCOVERY_XML
   :end-before: //!
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF_STATIC_DISCOVERY_XML
   :end-before: <!-->

Server-Client Discovery

This mechanism is based on a client-server discovery paradigm, i.e. the metatraffic (message exchange among participants to identify each other) is managed by one or several server participants (left figure), as opposed to simple discovery (right figure), where metatraffic is exchanged using a message broadcast mechanism like an IP multicast protocol.


Key concepts

In this architecture there are several key concepts to understand:

  • The Server-client discovery mechanism reuses the RTPS discovery messages structure, as well as the standard RTPS writers and readers.

  • Discovery server participants may be clients or servers. The only difference between them is how they handle meta-traffic. The user traffic, that is, the traffic among the publishers and subscribers they create is role-independent.

  • All server and client discovery info will be shared with linked clients. will be shared with the server or servers linked to it. Note that a server may act as a client for other servers.

  • Clients require a beforehand knowledge of the servers they want to link to. Basically it's reduced to the server identity (henceforth called GuidPrefix) and a list of locators where the server is listening. This locators define also the transport protocol (UDP or TCP) the client will use to contact the server.

    • The GuidPrefix is the RTPS standard participant unique identifier, a 12-byte chain. This identifier allows clients to assess whether they are receiving messages from the right server, as each standard RTPS message contains this piece of information.
    • The GuidPrefix is used because the server's IP address may not be a reliable enough server identifier, since several servers can be hosted in the same machine, thus having the same IP, and also because multicast addresses are acceptable addresses.
  • Servers do not require any beforehand knowledge of their clients, but their GuidPrefix and locator list (where they are listening) must match the one provided to the clients.

    In order to gather client discovery info the following handshake strategy is followed:

    • Clients send hailing messages to the servers at regular intervals (ping period) until they receive message reception acknowledgement.
    • Servers receive the hailing messages but they don't start at once to share publishers or subscribers info with the newcomers. They only trigger this process at regular intervals (match period). Tuning this period is possible to bundle the discovery info and deliver it more efficiently.

In order to clarify this discovery setup either on compile time (sources) or runtime (XML files) we are going to split it into two sections: one focusing on the main concepts (:ref:`setup by concept <DS_setup_concepts>`) and the other on the main attribute structures and XML tags (:ref:`setup by attribute<DS_setup_attributes>`).

Server-client setup by concept

Concept Description
:ref:`Discovery protocol <DS_discovery_protocol>` how to make a participant a client or a server.
:ref:`Server unique id <DS_guidPrefx>` how to link a clients to servers.
:ref:`Seting up transport <DS_locators>` how to specify which transport to use and make servers reachable.
:ref:`Pinging period <DS_ping_period>` how to fine tune server-client handshake.
:ref:`Matching period <DS_match_period>` how to fine tune server deliver efficiency.
Choosing between client and server

It's set by the :ref:`Discovery Protocol <discovery_protocol>` general attribute. A participant can only play a role (despite the fact that a server may act as a client of other server). It's mandatory to fill this value because it defaults to simple. The values associated with the Server-client discovery are specified in :ref:`discovery settings section <DS_DiscoverySettings>`. The examples below show how to manage the corresponding enum attribute and XML tag:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-SERVER-DISCOVERY-PROTOCOL<-->
   :end-before: <!--><-->
The server unique identifier GuidPrefix

This belongs to the RTPS specification and univocally identifies each DDS participant. It consists on 12 bytes and is a key in the DDS domain. In the server-client discovery, it has the purpose to link a server to its clients. Note that there is an auxiliary ReadguidPrefix method to populate the GuidPrefix using a string. It must be mandatorily specified in: server side and client side setups.

Server side setup

The examples below show how to manage the corresponding enum attribute and XML tag:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-SERVER-SERVER-PREFIX<-->
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Note that a server can act as a client of other servers. Thus, the following section may also apply.

Client side setup

Each client must keep a list of the servers it wants to link to. Each single element represents an individual server and a GuidPrefix must be provided. The server list is the attribute:


and must be populated with RemoteServerAttributes objects with a valid guidPrefix member. In XML the server list and its elements are simultaneously specified. Note that prefix is an attribute of the RemoteServer tag.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-SERVER-CLIENT-PREFIX<-->
   :end-before: <!--><-->
The server locator list

Each server must specify valid locators where it can be reached. Any client must be given proper locators to reach each of its servers. As in the :ref:`above section <DS_guidPrefx>`, here there is a server and a client side setup.

Server side setup

The examples below show how to setup the locator list attribute (note that discovery strategy only deals with metatraffic attributes) and XML tag:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-SERVER-SERVER-LOCATORS<-->
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Note that a server can act as a client of other servers, thus, the following section may also apply.

Client side setup

Each client must keep a list of locators associated to the servers it wants to link to. Each server specifies its own locators. The locator list is the attribute:


and must be populated with RemoteServerAttributes objects with a valid metatrafficUnicastLocatorList or metatrafficMulticastLocatorList member. In XML the server list and its elements are simultaneously specified. Note the metatrafficUnicastLocatorList or metatrafficMulticastLocatorList attributes of the RemoteServer tag.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-SERVER-CLIENT-LOCATORS<-->
   :end-before: <!--><-->
Client ping period

As explained :ref:`above <DS_key_concepts>` the clients send hailing messages to the servers at regular intervals (ping period) until they receive message reception acknowledgement. This period is specified in the member:


or the XML tag:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF_SERVER_CLIENT_PING
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-SERVER-CLIENT-PING<-->
   :end-before: <!--><-->
Server match period

As explained :ref:`above <DS_key_concepts>` the Servers received the hailing messages but they don't start at once to share publishers or subscribers info with the newcomers. They only trigger this process at regular intervals (match period). Note that this member is shared with the client setup but its name references solely the client functionality. This period is specified in the member:


or the XML tag:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF_SERVER_SERVER_PING
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-SERVER-SERVER-PING<-->
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Server-client setup by attribute

The settings related with server-client discovery are:

Name Description
:ref:`RTPSParticipantAttributes <DS_RTPSParticipantAttributes>` Specifies general participant settings. Some of them must be modified in order to properly configure a Server like the GuidPrefix.
:ref:`BuiltinAttributes <DS_BuiltinAttributes>` It's a member of the above RTPSParticipantAttributes structure. Allows to specify some mandatory server discovery settings like the
addresses were it listens for clients discovery info.
:ref:`DiscoverySettings <DS_DiscoverySettings>` It's a member of the above BuiltinAttributes structure. Allows to specify some mandatory client an optional server settings like the:
whether it is a client or a server or the list of servers it is linked to or the client-ping, server-match frequencies.

A GuidPrefix_t guidPrefix member specifies the server's identity. This member has only significance if discovery_config.discoveryProtocol is SERVER or BACKUP. There is a ReadguidPrefix method to easily fill in this member from a string formatted like "4D." (note that each byte must be a valid hexadecimal figure).

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-SERVER-CLIENT-PREFIX
   :end-before: <!--><-->

All discovery related info is gathered in a DiscoverySettings discovery_config member.

In order to receive client metatraffic, metatrafficUnicastLocatorList or metatrafficMulticastLocatorList must be populated with the addresses that were given to the clients.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

A discovery_protocol discoveryProtocol member specifies the participant's discovery kind. As was explained before to setup a server-client discovery it may be:

enum value Description
CLIENT Generates a client participant, which relies on a server (or servers) to be notified of other clients presence.
This participant can create publishers and subscribers of any topic (static or dynamic) as ordinary participants do.
SERVER Generates a server participant, which receives, manages and spreads its linked client's metatraffic assuring any single one is aware of the others.
This participant can create publishers and subscribers of any topic (static or dynamic) as ordinary participants do.
Servers can link to other servers in order to share its clients information.
BACKUP Generates a server participant with additional functionality over SERVER.
Specifically, it uses a database to backup its client information, so that if for whatever reason it disappears, it can be automatically restored and
continue spreading metatraffic to late joiners. A SERVER in the same scenario ought to collect client information again, introducing a recovery delay.

A RemoteServerList_t m_DiscoveryServers that lists the servers linked to a client participant. This member has only significance if discovery_protocol is CLIENT, SERVER or BACKUP. These member elements are RemoteServerAttributes objects that identify each server and report where the servers can be reached:

Attribute Description
GuidPrefix_t guidPrefix Is the RTPS unique identifier of the server participant we want to link to. There is a ReadguidPrefix
method to easily fill in this member from a string formatted like "4D."
(note that each octet must be a valid hexadecimal figure).
metatrafficUnicastLocatorList and metatrafficMulticastLocatorList Are ordinary LocatorList_t (see :ref:`LocatorListType`) where the server's locators must be specified.
At least one of them should be populated.
Duration_t discoveryServer_client_syncperiod Has only significance if discovery_protocol is CLIENT, SERVER or BACKUP.
For a client it specifies the pinging period as explained in :ref:`key concepts <DS_key_concepts>`.
When a client has not yet established a reliable connection to a server it pings until the server notices
him and establishes the connection.
For a server it specifies the match period as explained in :ref:`key concepts <DS_key_concepts>`.
When a server discovers new clients it only starts exchanging info with them at regular
intervals as a mechanism to bundle discovery info and optimize delivery.
The default value is half a second.
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //CONF_SERVER_PING
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->CONF-SERVER-PING
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Subscribing to Discovery Topics

As specified in the :ref:`discovery` section, the Participant or RTPS Participant has a series of meta-data endpoints for use during the discovery process. The participant listener interface includes methods which are called each time a Publisher or a Subscriber is discovered. This allows you to create your own network analysis tools.

Implementation of custom listener
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
Setting the custom listener
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :start-after: //API-DISCOVERY-TOPICS-SET
   :end-before: //!--

The callbacks defined in the ReaderListener you attach to the EDP will execute for each data message after the built-in protocols have processed it.


Taking advantage of multicast

For topics with several subscribers, it is recommendable to configure them to use multicast instead of unicast. By doing so, only one network package will be sent for each sample. This will improve both CPU and network usage. Multicast configuration is explained in :ref:`multicast-locators`.

Increasing socket buffers size

In high rate scenarios or large data scenarios, the bottleneck could be the size of the socket buffers. Network packages could be dropped because there is no space in the socket buffer. Using Reliable :ref:`reliability` Fast RTPS will try to recover lost samples, but with the penalty of retransmission. Using Best-Effort :ref:`reliability` samples will be definitely lost.

By default eProsima Fast RTPS creates socket buffers with the system default size, but you can modify it. sendSocketBufferSize attribute helps to increase the socket buffer used to send data. listenSocketBufferSize attribute helps to increase the socket buffer used to read data.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :lines: 1-2
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :lines: 1-6

Finding out system maximum values

Linux operating system sets a maximum value for socket buffer sizes. When you set in Fast RTPS a socket buffer size, your value cannot exceed the maximum value of the system.

To get these values you can use the command sysctl. Maximum buffer size value of socket buffers used to send data could be retrieved using this command:

$> sudo sysctl -a | grep net.core.wmem_max
net.core.wmem_max = 1048576

For socket buffers used to receive data the command is:

$> sudo sysctl -a | grep net.core.rmem_max
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304

If these default maximum values are not enough for you, you can also increase them.

$> echo 'net.core.wmem_max=12582912' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
$> echo 'net.core.rmem_max=12582912' >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Tuning Reliable mode

RTPS protocol can maintain reliable communication using special messages (Heartbeat and Ack/Nack messages). RTPS protocol can detect which samples are lost and re-sent them again.

You can modify the frequency these special submessages are exchanged by specifying a custom heartbeat period. The heartbeat period in the Publisher-Subscriber level is configured as part of the :class:`ParticipantAttributes`:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--

In the Writer-Reader layer, this belongs to the :class:`WriterAttributes`:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--

A smaller heartbeat period increases the number of overhead messages in the network, but speeds up the system response when a piece of data is lost.

Non-strict reliability

Using a strict reliability, configuring :ref:`history-qos` kind as KEEP_ALL, determines all samples have to be received by all subscribers. This implicates a performance decrease in case a lot of samples are dropped. If you don't need this strictness, use a non-strict reliability, i.e. configure :ref:`history-qos` kind as KEEP_LAST.

Slow down sample rate

Sometimes publishers could send data in a too high rate for subscribers. This can end dropping samples. To avoid this you can slow down the rate using :ref:`flow-controllers`.

Additional Quality of Service options

As a user, you can implement your own quality of service (QoS) restrictions in your application. eProsima Fast RTPS comes bundled with a set of examples of how to implement common client-wise QoS settings:

  • Ownership Strength: When multiple data sources come online, filter duplicates by focusing on the higher priority sources.
  • Filtering: Filter incoming messages based on content, time, or both.

These examples come with their own Readme.txt that explains how the implementations work.


Fast RTPS includes an extensible logging system with the following class hierarchy:


:class:`Log` is the entry point of the Logging system. It exposes three macro definitions to ease its usage:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :start-after: //LOG_USAGE_PRINT
    :end-before: //!--

In all cases, :class:`INFO_MSG`, :class:`WARN_MSG` and :class:`ERROR_MSG` will be used as category for the log entry as a preprocessor string, so you can use define any category inline.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :start-after: //LOG_USAGE_INFO
    :end-before: //!--

You can control the verbosity of the log system and filter it by category:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :start-after: //LOG_USAGE_VERBOSITY
    :end-before: //!--

The possible verbosity levels are :class:`Log::Kind::Info`, :class:`Log::Kind::Warning` and :class:`Log::Kind::Error`.

When selecting one of them, you also select the ones with more priority.

To filter by category, you must provide a valid :class:`std::regex` expression that will be applied to the category. The categories that matches the expression, will be logged.

By default, the verbosity is set to :class:`Log::Kind::Error` and without category filtering.

There are some others configurable parameters:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :start-after: //LOG_USAGE_API
    :end-before: //!--


LogConsumers are classes that implement how to manage the log information. They must be registered into the Log system to be called with the log messages (after filtering).

Currently there are two LogConsumer implementations:

If you want to add a consumer to manage the logs, you must call the :class:`RegisterConsumer` method of the Log. To remove all consumers, including the default one, you should call the :class:`ClearConsumers` method. If you want to reset the Log configuration to its defaults, including recovering the default consumer, you can call to its :class:`Reset` method.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :start-after: //LOG-CONFIG
    :end-before: //!--

XML Log configuration

You can configure the logging system through xml with the tag :class:`<log>` under the :class:`<dds>` tag, or as an standalone file (without the :class:`<dds>` tag, just :class:`<log>` as root). You can set :class:`<use_default>` and a set of :class:`<consumer>`. Each :class:`<consumer>` is defined by its :class:`<class>` and a set of :class:`<property>`.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
    :language: xml
    :start-after: <!-->LOG-CONFIG<-->
    :end-before: <!--><-->

:class:`<use_default>` indicates if we want to use the default consumer :class:`StdoutConsumer`.

Each :class:`<consumer>` defines a consumer that will be added to the consumers list of the Log. :class:`<class>` indicates which consumer class to instantiate and the set of :class:`<property>` configures it. :class:`StdoutConsumer` has no properties to be configured, but :class:`FileConsumer` has :class:`filename` and :class:`append`.

This marks the end of this document. We recommend you to take a look at the Doxygen API reference and the embedded examples that come with the distribution. If you need more help, send us an email to