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600 lines (489 loc) · 29.7 KB

Publisher-Subscriber Layer

eProsima Fast RTPS provides a high-level Publisher-Subscriber Layer, which is a simple to use abstraction over the RTPS protocol. By using this layer, you can code a straight-to-the-point application while letting the library take care of the lower level configuration.

How to use the Publisher-Subscriber Layer

We are going to use the example built in the previous section to explain how this layer works.

The first step is to create a :class:`Participant` instance, which will act as a container for the Publishers and Subscribers our application needs. For this we use :class:`Domain`, a static class that manages RTPS entities. We also need to pass a configuration structure for the Participant, which can be left in its default configuration for now:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :end-before: //!--

The default configuration provides a basic working set of options with predefined ports for communications. During this tutorial, you will learn to tune eProsima Fast RTPS.

In order to use our topic, we have to register it within the :class:`Participant` using the code generated with fastrtpsgen (see :ref:`fastrtpsgen-intro`. Once again, this is done by using the :class:`Domain` class:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :start-after: //PUBSUB_API_REGISTER_TYPE
    :end-before: //!--

Once set up, we instantiate a :class:`Publisher` within our :class:`Participant`:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :end-before: //!--

Once the :class:`Publisher` is functional, posting data is a simple process:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :start-after: //PUBSUB_API_WRITE_SAMPLE
    :end-before: //!--

The :class:`Publisher` has a set of optional callback functions that are triggered when events happen. An example is when a :class:`Subscriber` starts listening to our topic.

To implement these callbacks we create the class :class:`PubListener`, which inherits from the base class :class:`PublisherListener`. We pass an instance to this class during the creation of the :class:`Publisher`.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :end-before: //!--

The :class:`Subscriber` creation and implementation are symmetric.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :end-before: //!--

Incoming messages are processed within the callback that is called when a new message is received:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :end-before: //!--


eProsima Fast RTPS entities can be configured through the code or XML profiles. This section will show both alternatives.

Participant configuration

The :class:`Participant` can be configured via the :class:`ParticipantAttributes` structure. createParticipant function accepts an instance of this structure.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :end-before: //!--

Also, it can be configured through an XML profile. createParticipant function accepts a name of an XML profile.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :end-before: //!--

About XML profiles you can learn more in :ref:`xml-profiles`. This is an example of a participant XML profile.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
    :language: xml
    :start-after: <!-->PUBSUB_API_CONF_PARTICIPANT
    :end-before: <!--><-->

We will now go over the most common configuration options.

  • Participant name: the name of the :class:`Participant` forms part of the meta-data of the RTPS protocol.


    .. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
       :language: c++
       :end-before: //!--


    .. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
       :language: xml
       :start-after: <!-->PUBSUB_API_CONF_PARTICIPANT_NAME
       :end-before: <!--><-->
  • DomainId: Publishers and Subscribers can only talk to each other if their Participants belong to the same DomainId.


    .. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
       :language: c++
       :end-before: //!--


    .. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
       :language: xml
       :start-after: <!-->PUBSUB_API_CONF_PARTICIPANT_DOMAIN
       :end-before: <!--><-->
  • Mutation Tries: The reader's physical port could be already bound. In that case, the Participant uses its mutation_tries attribute to determine how many different ports must try before failing. These mutated ports will modify the locator's information. By default, its value is 100.


    .. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
       :language: c++
       :end-before: //!--


    .. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
       :language: xml
       :end-before: <!--><-->

Publisher and Subscriber configuration

The :class:`Publisher` can be configured via the :class:`PublisherAttributes` structure and createPublisher function accepts an instance of this structure. The :class:`Subscriber` can be configured via the :class:`SubscriberAttributes` structure and createSubscriber function accepts an instance of this structure.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :end-before: //!--

Also, these entities can be configured through an XML profile. createPublisher and createSubscriber functions accept the name of an XML profile.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
    :language: c++
    :end-before: //!--

We will now go over the most common configuration options.

Topic information

The topic name and data type are used as meta-data to determine whether Publishers and Subscribers can exchange messages.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->PUBSUB_API_CONF_PUBSUB_TOPIC
   :end-before: <!--><-->


The RTPS standard defines two behavior modes for message delivery:

  • Best-Effort (default): Messages are sent without arrival confirmation from the receiver (subscriber). It is fast, but messages can be lost.
  • Reliable: The sender agent (publisher) expects arrival confirmation from the receiver (subscriber). It is slower but prevents data loss.
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Some reliability combinations make a publisher and a subscriber incompatible and unable to talk to each other. Next table shows the incompatibilities.

Publisher \ Subscriber Best Effort Reliable
Best Effort


There are two policies for sample storage:

  • Keep-All: Store all samples in memory.
  • Keep-Last (Default): Store samples up to a maximum depth. When this limit is reached, they start to become overwritten.
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :start-after: <!-->PUBSUB_API_CONF_PUBSUB_HISTORY
   :end-before: <!--><-->


Durability configuration of the endpoint defines how it behaves regarding samples that existed on the topic before a subscriber joins

  • Volatile: Past samples are ignored, a joining subscriber receives samples generated after the moment it matches.
  • Transient Local (Default): When a new subscriber joins, its History is filled with past samples.
  • Transient: When a new subscriber joins, its History is filled with past samples, which are stored on persistent storage (see :ref:`persistence`).
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->


The deadline QoS raises an alarm when the frequency of new samples falls below a certain threshold. It is useful for cases where data is expected to be updated periodically, requiring that each instance is updated periodically for topics with key.

On the publishing side, the deadline QoS defines the maximum period in which the application is expected to supply a new sample. On the subscribing side, it defines the maximum period in which new samples should be received. For publishers and subscribers to match, the offered deadline period must be less than or equal to the requested deadline period, otherwise the entities are considered to be incompatible.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->


Specifies the maximum duration of validity of the data written by the publisher. When the lifespan period expires, data is removed from the history.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->


Liveliness is a quality of service that can be used to ensure that particular entities on the network are "alive". There are different settings that allow distinguishing between applications where data is updated periodically and applications where data is changed sporadically. It also allows customizing the application regarding the kind of failures that should be detected by the liveliness mechanism.

The AUTOMATIC liveliness kind is suitable for applications that only need to detect whether a remote application is still running. Therefore, as long as the local process where the participant is running and the link connecting it to remote participants exists, the entities within the remote participant will be considered alive.

The two manual settings require that liveliness is asserted periodically on the publishing side to consider that remote entities are alive. Liveliness can be asserted explicitly by calling the assert_liveliness operations on the publisher, or implicitly by writing data. The MANUAL_BY_PARTICIPANT setting only requires that one entity in the publishing side asserts liveliness to deduce that all other entities within that participant are also alive. The MANUAL_BY_TOPIC mode is more restrictive and requires that at least one instance within the publisher is asserted to consider that the publisher is alive.

Besides the liveliness kind, two additional parameters allow defining the application behavior. They are all listed in the table below.

Name Description Values Default
<kind> Specifies how to manage liveliness. :class:`AUTOMATIC`, :class:`MANUAL_BY_TOPIC`, :class:`MANUAL_BY_TOPIC` :class:`AUTOMATIC`
<lease_duration> Amount of time to wait since the last message from a writer to consider that it is no longer alive. :ref:`DurationType` :class:`c_TimeInfinite`
<announcement_period> Amount of time between consecutive liveliness messages sent by the publisher. Only used for AUTOMATIC and MANUAL_BY_PARTICIPANT liveliness kinds. :ref:`DurationType` :class:`c_TimeInfinite`
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Resource limits

Allow controlling the maximum size of the History and other resources.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Disable positive acks

This is an additional QoS that allows reducing network traffic when strict reliable communication is not required and bandwidth is limited. It consists in changing the default behavior by which positive acks are sent from readers to writers. Instead, only negative acks will be sent when a reader is missing a sample, but writers will keep data for a sufficient keep duration before considering it as acknowledged. A writer and a reader are incompatible (i.e. they will not match) if the latter is using this QoS but the former is not.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Unicast locators

They are network endpoints where the entity will receive data. For more information about the network, see :ref:`comm-transports-configuration`. Publishers and subscribers inherit unicast locators from the participant. You can set a different set of locators through this attribute.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Multicast locators

They are network endpoints where the entity will receive data. For more information about network configuration, see :ref:`comm-transports-configuration`. By default publishers and subscribers don't use any multicast locator. This attribute is useful when you have a lot of entities and you want to reduce the network usage.

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
.. literalinclude:: ../code/XMLTester.xml
   :language: xml
   :end-before: <!--><-->

Additional Concepts

Using message meta-data

When a message is taken from the Subscriber, an auxiliary :class:`SampleInfo_t` structure instance is also returned.

Static types
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--
Dynamic types
.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--

This :class:`SampleInfo_t` structure contains meta-data on the incoming message:

  • sampleKind: type of the sample, as defined by the RTPS Standard. Healthy messages from a topic are always ALIVE.
  • WriterGUID: Signature of the sender (Publisher) the message comes from.
  • OwnershipStrength: When several senders are writing the same data, this field can be used to determine which data is more reliable.
  • SourceTimestamp: A timestamp on the sender side that indicates the moment the sample was encapsulated and sent.

This meta-data can be used to implement filters:

.. literalinclude:: ../code/CodeTester.cpp
   :language: c++
   :end-before: //!--

Defining callbacks

As we saw in the example, both the :class:`Publisher` and :class:`Subscriber` have a set of callbacks you can use in your application. These callbacks are to be implemented within classes that derive from :class:`SubscriberListener` or :class:`PublisherListener`. The following table gathers information about the possible callbacks that can be implemented in both cases:

Callback Publisher Subscriber
onNewDataMessage N Y
onSubscriptionMatched N Y
onPublicationMatched Y N
on_offered_deadline_missed Y N
on_requested_deadline_missed N Y
on_liveliness_lost Y N
on_liveliness_changed N Y