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Linux installation from sources

This section explains how to build Vulcanexus in Ubuntu Jammy. Since Vulcanexus is a ROS 2 all-in-one tool set, certain ROS 2 prerequisites need to be met before building.

ROS 2 prerequisites

First of all, set up a UTF-8 locale as required by ROS 2. Locale settings can be checked and set up with the following commands:

.. literalinclude:: ../../resources/scripts/linux_source_installation.bash
   :language: bash
   :start-after: ##LINUX_SOURCE_LOCALE
   :end-before: ##!

ROS 2 also requires that the Ubuntu Universe repository is enabled. This can be checked and enabled with the following commands:

.. literalinclude:: ../../resources/scripts/linux_source_installation.bash
   :language: bash
   :end-before: ##!

Now download ROS 2 GPG key into the keystore.

.. literalinclude:: ../../resources/scripts/linux_source_installation.bash
   :language: bash
   :start-after: ##LINUX_SOURCE_KEYSTORE
   :end-before: ##!

And then add ROS 2 repository to the repository manager sources list.

.. literalinclude:: ../../resources/scripts/linux_source_installation.bash
   :language: bash
   :end-before: ##!

With the ROS 2 repository properly set up the next step is to install the required dependencies and tools for cloning and testing the ROS 2 packages within the workspace.

.. literalinclude:: ../../resources/scripts/linux_source_installation.bash
   :language: bash
   :start-after: ##LINUX_SOURCE_ROS2_DEPS
   :end-before: ##!

Get ROS 2 code

Create a workspace for Vulcanexus and clone the ROS 2 repositories

.. literalinclude:: ../../resources/scripts/linux_source_installation.bash
   :language: bash
   :start-after: ##LINUX_SOURCE_CLONE_ROS2_REPOS
   :end-before: ##!

Now download the required dependencies for these packages.

.. literalinclude:: ../../resources/scripts/linux_source_installation.bash
   :language: bash
   :start-after: ##LINUX_SOURCE_DOWN_ROS2_DEPS
   :end-before: ##!

Get Vulcanexus code

Add the Vulcanexus repositories and metadata files to the Vulcanexus workspace:

.. literalinclude:: ../../resources/scripts/linux_source_installation.bash
   :language: bash
   :start-after: ##LINUX_SOURCE_CLONE_VULCA
   :end-before: ##!

Install Vulcanexus dependencies

Some additional dependencies which are required for the Vulcanexus distribution must be installed. Install the Vulcanexus required development tools with the following command:

.. literalinclude:: ../../resources/scripts/linux_source_installation.bash
   :language: bash
   :start-after: ##LINUX_SOURCE_VULCA_DEPS
   :end-before: ##!

Build the code in the workspace

If any other Vulcanexus or ROS 2 distribution has been installed from binaries, please ensure that the build is done in a fresh environment (previous installation is not sourced). This can be checked running the following command:

printenv | grep 'VULCANEXUS\|ROS'

The output should be empty. Please, be aware that in case the environment sourcing has been added to .bashrc, it must be removed in order to get a fresh environment.

Build Fast DDS-Gen (Optional)

Fast DDS-Gen is a Java application that generates source code using the data types defined in an IDL file. This tool must be built separately following the instructions below. Please, refer to Fast DDS-Gen documentation for more information about this tool.

cd src/eProsima/Fast-DDS-Gen
./gradlew assemble

The generated Java application can be found in src/eProsima/Fast-DDS-Gen/share/fastddsgen. However, the scripts folder provides some user friendly scripts that are recommended to be used. This scripts can be made accessible to the session adding the scripts folder path to the PATH environment variable.

export PATH=~/vulcanexus_iron/src/eProsima/Fast-DDS-Gen/scripts:$PATH

Build workspace

In order to build the workspace, the command line tool colcon is used. This tool is based on CMake and it is aimed at building sets of software packages, handling ordering and setting up the environment to use them.

.. literalinclude:: ../../resources/scripts/linux_source_installation.bash
   :language: bash
   :end-before: ##!


In case that only a set of packages are going to be built, please ensure to include always vulcanexus_base package in the set. E.g.:

colcon build --packages-up-to demo_nodes_cpp vulcanexus_base

This auxiliary package is required to set several environment variables required by the distribution such as VULCANEXUS_DISTRO and VULCANEXUS_HOME.

Environment setup

In order to use the Vulcanexus installation, the environment must be set up sourcing the following file:

source ~/vulcanexus_iron/install/setup.bash

Try some examples

In one terminal, source the setup file and then run a C++ talker:

. ~/vulcanexus_iron/install/local_setup.bash
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker

In another terminal source the setup file and then run a Python listener:

. ~/vulcanexus_iron/install/local_setup.bash
ros2 run demo_nodes_py listener

At this point, the talker should prompt Publishing: Hello World: <id> messages while the listener echoes I heard: [Hello World: <id>]. This verifies both the C++ and Python APIs are working properly. Hooray!