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The TenantManager integrates cloud authentication with dedicated datastore Organizations over a certainly controlled management;


This is a Blazor module, to use it you need:

  1. An Organization and a User BO in your solution
  2. A dependency between them. A possible implementation is:
   public class ApplicationUser : PermissionPolicyUser, IObjectSpaceLink, ISecurityUserWithLoginInfo {

       public XPCollection<ApplicationOrganization> ApplicationOrganizations => GetCollection<ApplicationOrganization>(nameof(ApplicationOrganizations));

   public class ApplicationOrganization:BaseObject{

       public XPCollection<ApplicationUser> ApplicationUsers => GetCollection<ApplicationUser>(nameof(ApplicationUsers));

       ApplicationUser _owner;

       public ApplicationUser Owner{
           get => _owner;
           set => SetPropertyValue(nameof(Owner), ref _owner, value);
  1. A ConnectionString property on your Organization.
 public class ApplicationOrganization:BaseObject{

     string _connectionString;

     public string ConnectionString{
         get => _connectionString;
         set => SetPropertyValue(nameof(ConnectionString), ref _connectionString, value);
  1. A non persistent object to display the Organization lookup.
 public class SelectOrganization:NonPersistentBaseObject{
     public string Message{ get; } = "To get a <b>licence</b> contact Sales.";
     ApplicationOrganization _organization;

     public ApplicationOrganization Organization{
         get => _organization;
         set => SetPropertyValue(nameof(Organization), ref _organization, value);
  1. Register the Organization type using the Model Editor and if the design is similar, the rest auto fill (see screencast).



  • The Manager database controls the User-Organization relationship. The Manager admin can assign 1 ownership to a user thus making him Administrator in his own Organization or he can simply allow participation as a DefaultRole. if the user is Owner he can create new users without help of a Manager Admin. For each new Organization UserEmail a new user is created in the Manager DB and is link to the Organization, so the user is ready for login.
  • The user can use for e.g. a B2C flow for authentication, registration etc. Once a new user is authenticated you are responsible for creating him in the manager db as per Solution Wizard sample code.
  • The module will create an Organization user, using the same email stored in the Manager DB on user first authentication in the Organization database. A new user in the Manager database is created when a new Organization user is committed. The DefaultRoleCriteria, AdminRoleCriteria model attributes will be used to query and link with a role. On each authentication in an Organization if the user owns then the AdminRole will be linked else the DefaultRole
  • It is your responsibility to create initial data for all datastore. The ModuleUpdater will be called for all datastores. There are cases e.g. you want to create Organization only in the Manager db that you may need to differentiate base on the database name.
      if (ObjectSpace.Connection().Database.StartsWith("OrganizationManager")){
  • The module assumes that the Organization type is used only from the Manager DB so it hides it from all possible places while an Organization.
  • The Organization holds its ConnectionString in a property configured from the model. To override it mark the property NonBrowsable, NonPersistent and use a snippet like the next one.
    public override void Setup(ApplicationModulesManager moduleManager){
      moduleManager.WhenApplication(xafApplication => 
              xafApplication.WhenCustomizeConnectionString<ApplicationOrganization>(organization => organization.ConnectionString))


In the screencast:

  1. I modify the project's ApplicationOrganization, ApplicationUser declaring a dependecy with each other.
  2. I create SelectOrganization prompt BO/view.
  3. I make the TenantManager package aware of my classes with the ModelEditor.
  4. I start the app.
  5. I attempt to login with my GitHub account and the system responds with To get a license please contact sales markup.
  6. A Manager DB login and makes me Owner of Org.
  7. I attempt login again with my GitHub account, the system prompts me to choose Organization.
  8. I login and confirm that I am Admin and can create users without the need of a Manager Admin.

Xpand XAF Modules TenantManager


Possible future improvements:

  1. Any other need you may have.

Let me know if you want me to implement them for you.


  1. First you need the nuget package so issue this command to the VS Nuget package console

    Install-Package Xpand.XAF.Modules.TenantManager.

    The above only references the dependencies and nexts steps are mandatory.

  2. Ways to Register a Module or simply add the next call to your module constructor



The module is not bound to DevExpress versioning, which means you can use the latest version with your old DevExpress projects Read more.

The module follows the Nuget Version Basics.


.NetFramework: net6.0

DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security Any
DevExpress.Persistent.Base Any
DevExpress.ExpressApp.Xpo Any
DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor Any
Xpand.VersionConverter 4.232.3
Xpand.Extensions.Reactive 4.232.3
Xpand.Extensions 4.232.3
Xpand.Extensions.XAF 4.232.3
Xpand.Extensions.XAF.Xpo 4.232.3
Xpand.XAF.Modules.Reactive 4.232.3
Xpand.XAF.Modules.Blazor 4.232.3
Xpand.Extensions.Blazor 4.232.3
Xpand.Patcher 3.0.24
System.Reactive 6.0.0
Fasterflect.Xpand 2.0.7
System.Text.Json 7.0.2
Xpand.Collections 1.0.4
System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow 7.0.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components 6.0.0
Xpand.VersionConverter 4.232.3


To Step in the source code you need to enable Source Server support in your Visual Studio/Tools/Options/Debugging/Enable Source Server Support. See also How to boost your DevExpress Debugging Experience.

If the package is installed in a way that you do not have access to uninstall it, then you can unload it with the next call at the constructor of your module.



The module is tested on Azure for each build with these tests. All Tests run as per our Compatibility Matrix