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@expand expand released this 21 Apr 01:09

GitHub Releases (by Release)

This release is compiled against DevExpress.XAF v18.2.7.
Big thanks for their contribution to:
isatahiri, sheldmandu, apobekiaris, ramos41, disteSp, vimarx,

19.1 Beta is available in our lab


  1. #373 Excelimporter: Support Deffered deletions.
  2. #373 Excelimporter: Declare signals for BeginImprort and CustomTargetObject.
  3. #369 Incorrect case for XafApplicationExtensions.CreateCustomObjectSpaceprovider.
  4. #363 XtraDashboard: DashoardName is not localized.
  5. #364 Integrate Xpand.XAF.Modules
  6. #361 ViewShortCutProccesor: remove XPO dependency.
  7. #354 Make MultiValueDictionary thread safe to support 19.1 async loading.
  8. #344 EnumPropertyEditor throws when flags are used.

The msi installer is replaced with the powershell XpandPosh module.
To install artifacts you can use either the Install-Xpand function or execute the copy paste the next lines in an Admin powershell prompt.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;iex "$(([System.Net.WebClient]::new()).DownloadString(''));Install-Xpand -Assets @('Assemblies','Nuget','VSIX','Source')  #-Version '18.2.704.0'"