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Chris Delis edited this page Oct 15, 2015 · 1 revision


The $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $g, $k, $l, $m, $n, $o, $p, $q, $r, $s, $t, $v, and $4 subfields’ values are concatenated and added as a manifestation level dcterms:isPartOf element. If the datafield contains a $x subfield, its value is added as a dcterms:ISSN attribute’s value. If the datafield also contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(DLC)”, it adds a workID attribute with a value equal to “lcnaf:n” followed by the remainder of the $0. If the datafield contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(<organization_code>)” where <organization_code> is the organization code in the MST’s configuration file, it adds a workID attribute with a value equal to “xcauth” followed by the remainder of the $0.


The $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $g, $k, $l, $m, $n, $o, $p, $r, $s, $t, $v, and $4 subfields’ values are concatenated and added as a manifestation level dcterms:isPartOf element. If the datafield contains a $x subfield, its value is added as a dcterms:ISSN attribute’s value. If the datafield also contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(DLC)”, it adds a workID attribute with a value equal to “lcnaf:n” followed by the remainder of the $0. If the datafield contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(<organization_code>)” where <organization_code> is the organization code in the MST’s configuration file, it adds a workID attribute with a value equal to “xcauth” followed by the remainder of the $0. 811:

The $a, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $j, $k, $l, $n, $p, $q, $s, $t, $v, and $4 subfields’ values are concatenated and added as a manifestation level dcterms:isPartOf element. If the datafield contains a $x subfield, its value is added as a dcterms:ISSN attribute’s value. If the datafield also contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(DLC)”, it adds a workID attribute with a value equal to “lcnaf:n” followed by the remainder of the $0. If the datafield contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(<organization_code>)” where <organization_code> is the organization code in the MST’s configuration file, it adds a workID attribute with a value equal to “xcauth” followed by the remainder of the $0.


The $a, $d, $f, $g, $k, $l, $m, $n, $o, $p, $r, $s, $t, and $v subfields’ values are concatenated and added as a manifestation level dcterms:isPartOf element. If the datafield contains a $x subfield, its value is added as a dcterms:ISSN attribute’s value. If the datafield also contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(DLC)”, it adds a workID attribute with a value equal to “lcnaf:n” followed by the remainder of the $0. If the datafield contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(<organization_code>)” where <organization_code> is the organization code in the MST’s configuration file, it adds a workID attribute with a value equal to “xcauth” followed by the remainder of the $0.


(Bibliographic and Holdings)

The $a, $b, $c, $e, $f, and $g subfields’ values are concatenated, and the result is added as a holdings level xc:location element. The $h, $i, $j, $k, $l, $m, $p, $q, $s, $t, $z, $2, $3, $6, and $8 subfields’ values are concatenated, and the result is added as a holdings level xc:callNumber element. The xc:location and xc:callNumber elements are added to a unique holdings element based on the 852 datafield which produced them.

856 (Bibliographic and Holdings):

The $a, $b, $c, $d, $f, $h, $i, $j, $k, $l, $m, $n, $o, $p, $q, $r, $s, $t, $u, $v, $w, $x, $y, $z, $2, $3 subfields’ values are concatenated, and the result is added to an element based on the 2nd indicator according to the following table:

2nd indicator value Element FRBR Level
dcterms:identifier Manifestation
0 dcterms:identifier Manifestation
1 dcterms:hasVersion Expression
2 dcterms:relation Expression
8 dcterms:identifier Manifestation

866 (Bibliographic and Holdings):

The $a, $x, and $z subfields’ values are concatenated and the result is added as an xc:textualHoldings element in the holdings element created by the preceding 852 datafield.

867 (Bibliographic and Holdings):

The $a, $x, and $z subfields’ values are concatenated and the result is added as an xc:textualHoldings element in the holdings element created by the preceding 852 datafield.

868 (Bibliographic and Holdings):

The $a, $x, and $z subfields’ values are concatenated and the result is added as an xc:textualHoldings element in the holdings element created by the preceding 852 datafield.

The 9XX fields that follow are generated by the XC MARCXML Normalization Service. The documentation for that service contains a rationale for the definition of each field.

931 (“DCMIType”):

The $a subfield’s value is added as an expression level dcterms:type element with a type attribute of dcterms:DCMIType.

932 (“Leader06Vocab”):

The $a subfield’s value is added as a manifestation level xc:typeLeader06 element.

933 (“007Vocab”):

The $a subfield’s value is added as a manifestation level xc:type007 element.

934 (“007SMDVocab”):

The $a subfield’s value is added as a manifestation level xc:typeSMD element.

935 (“ModeOfIssuance”):

The $a subfield’s value is added as a manifestation level rdvocab:modeOfIssuance element.

937 (“FictionOrNonfiction”):

The $a subfield’s value is added as a work level rdvocab:natureOfContent element.

939 (“008DateRange”):

The $a subfield’s value is added as a manifestation level dcterms:issued element.

943 (“LanguageTerm”):

The $a subfield’s value is added as an expression level dcterms:language element.

945 (“008Audience”):

The $a subfield’s value is added as a work level dcterms:audience element.

947 (“ISBNCleanup”):

The $a subfield’s value is added as a manifestation level dcterms:identifier element with a type attribute of “ISBN”.

959 (“CreatorMatch”):

All the subfields’ values are concatenated, and the result is added as an xc:creator element to the work element created for each subfield $8’s value. If the datafield also contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(DLC)”, it adds an agentID attribute with a value equal to “lcnaf:n” followed by the remainder of the $0. If the datafield contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(<organization_code>)” where <organization_code> is the organization code in the MST’s configuration file, it adds an agentID attribute with a value equal to “xcauth” followed by the remainder of the $0.

963 (“ChronMatch”):

The $a and $y subfields’ values are concatenated with the $y subfields preceded by a dash instead of a space, and the result is added as a work level xc:temporal element. If the datafield also contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(DLC)”, it adds a chronID attribute with a value equal to “lcnaf:sh” followed by the remainder of the $0. If the datafield contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(<organization_code>)” where <organization_code> is the organization code in the MST’s configuration file, it adds a chronID attribute with a value equal to “xcauth” followed by the remainder of the $0.

965 (“TopicMatch”):

The $a and $x subfields’ values are concatenated with the $x subfields preceded by a dash instead of a space, and the result is added as a work level xc:subject element. If the datafield also contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(DLC)”, it adds a subjID attribute with a value equal to “lcnaf:sh” followed by the remainder of the $0. If the datafield contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(<organization_code>)” where <organization_code> is the organization code in the MST’s configuration file, it adds a subjID attribute with a value equal to “xcauth” followed by the remainder of the $0.

967 (“GeogMatch”):

The $a and $z subfields’ values are concatenated with the $z subfields preceded by a dash instead of a space, and the result is added as a work level xc:spacial element. If the datafield also contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(DLC)”, it adds a geoID attribute with a value equal to “lcnaf:sh” followed by the remainder of the $0. If the datafield contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(<organization_code>)” where <organization_code> is the organization code in the MST’s configuration file, it adds a geoID attribute with a value equal to “xcauth” followed by the remainder of the $0.

969 (“GenreMatch”):

The $a and $v subfields’ values are concatenated with the $v subfields preceded by a dash instead of a space, and the result is added as a work level xc:type element. If the datafield also contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(DLC)”, it adds a subjID attribute with a value equal to “lcnaf:sh” followed by the remainder of the $0. If the datafield contains a $0 subfield whose value starts with “(<organization_code>)” where <organization_code> is the organization code in the MST’s configuration file, it adds a subjID attribute with a value equal to “xcauth” followed by the remainder of the $0.

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