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Chris Delis edited this page Oct 15, 2015 · 1 revision
  • my windows laptop
    • install drupal toolkit
    • get solr index from 254 running
    • FAIL turn off OS/FS caching in windows
  • 240 (my CARLI server)
    • install drupal toolkit
    • get solr index from 254 running
    • find a way to turn off caching
    • get DT running with index/db from 254
  • extra laptop
    • install ubuntu
    • get solr index from 254 running
    • install drupal toolkit
    • get DT running with index/db from 254
    • install SSD
  • determine benchmarks
    • define the test
      • determine the solr request
      • determine the drupal request
      • write scripts to issue the tests
      • write script to mine and report simple results
      • use Denise's set of keywords
        • I need to sort through this set.
    • begin filling in MetricsForAssessment page with actual results
  • further breakdown drupal timings. There's a big black box of unknown goings-ons.
  • determine highest potential improvement from IdeasForImprovement list
    • implement and determine improvement
    • repeat
  • determine if creating a smaller index would meet our needs for analyzing potential improvments
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