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Gibberish Rails 0.1

An extension to Gibberish and Rails to use it to create a multilingual
web site using the around filter and Gibberish.

The latest version of gibberish_rails can be found here:

Other info can be found here:

This is an alpha release.   Tests are not written yet.   I expected
this plugin to be radically rewritten (simplified?) once Rails core
is fixed to allow for localization of messages.   The issue for
Rails core tracking this is here:
I probably didn't find and fix all the messages in validates let
alone rails but this should be useful to anyone trying to use
Gibberish to run a multi-lingual web site.

This plugin:

1. Adds the method Gibberish.supported? to Gibberish::Localize to use it's map of languages to determine if a locale is supported.  For example Gibberish.supported?(:en) returns true.  It can be passed a string or a symbol.   The previous Gibberish API returned an array of languages, but it was just so much more efficient to use the hash Gibberish had already built I added my method to the api.  My Helper (6) below needs this method.

2. Redefines the Rails core method ActionView::Helpers::ActiveRecordHelper.error_message_for so messages are translates with Gibberish.

3. Overrides default error messages in ActiveReccord:Errors to include a Gibberish key.  The key is blank (i.e. the entire string) so they can be automatically re-Gibberished in step 4. (next).

4. The method "add" in ActiveRecord::Errors has been overridden retranslate messages during the around filter.   This become necessary because Rails 2.0.2 caches parts of messages at the class load time.

5. Redefines the method Validations.ClassMethods.validates_length_of to retranslate the messages it caches at class load up time.

6. Adds a helper method "GibberishRails.best_guess_locale" that can be used in an around filter to determine the "best guess" locale the application should be using.   The highest priority is given to a parameter, followed by HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, and finally the Gibberish default.   Also, if the user wants es-mx and we support es, it will return a local of es.   Here is an example usage that uses the session to cache the locale so if you are using the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE (instead of RESTful routes), it will cache in the session instead of parsing headers every time:

      class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
        # ...
        around_filter :use_best_guess_locale
        # ...
        # Set's the best guess language Giberish's around filter
        def use_best_guess_locale
          session[:locale] = GibberishRails.best_guess_locale(params[:locale], request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) if ( ! session[:locale] || params[:locale] || RAILS_ENV == 'development' )

          Gibberish.use_language(session[:locale]) { 


If you are using Peter Marklund's gibberish_translate
(, the you should change
the directories it search to include this one.   Also Peter's plugin
doesn't pick up the Gibberish String "foo"[] (which is another way
of saying "foo"[:foo]).  Redefine Gibberish::Extractor methods in
his plugin to be:

      def dirs_to_search
        %w(app config lib vendor/plugins/gibberish_rails).map { |dir| "#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{dir}" }

      def message_pattern(start_token, end_token)

      def add_messages(contents, start_token, end_token)
        contents.scan(message_pattern(start_token, end_token)).each do |text, key|
          key ='[   ]', '_').downcase if ( key == '' )
          add_message(key, remove_quotes(text, end_token))

Known Issue:

  When the fields in a form are translated and validated, the div's
  that created the red boxes aren't working...have to look into
  that at some point.

Copyright (c) 2008 MyUtil(tm), released under the MIT license

Portions of code above Copyright (c) 2007 Peter Marklund:


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