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npm install utils-igor

### Example

  "name": "test_util",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "license": "UNLICENSED",
  "dependencies" : {
    "express" : "*",
    "async": "1.4.2",
    "utils-igor" : "*"


 * Created by igor on 30.05.16.
/* globals process, require */

var express = require('express');
var app     = express();
var port    = process.env.PORT || 3000;

app.get('/', function (req, res) {

	// include all blocks
	var utils = require('utils-igor')();

	var arr = [2,3,4,4,4,4,5];
	var obj = {};

	res.send( 200,{
		objEmpty   : utils.obj.isEmpty(obj),
		isFunction : utils.type.isFn(obj),
		arr        : utils.arr.unique(arr)


app.listen(port, function () {
	console.log('Example app listening on port '+ port + '!');



To include one block change

	- var utils = require('utils-igor')();
	+ var utils = require('utils-igor')('obj');

To include more than one block change

	- var utils = require('utils-igor')();
	+ var utils = require('utils-igor')(['obj', 'arr']);



Function for array


Function for date


Function for object


Function for string


Working with types


Function for array


Kind: static class of arr

new exports.mvVal(arr, value)

Delete all elements whith specified value

Param Type Description
arr Array массив для очистки
value * значение


Check parameter be array. if not return empty array

Kind: static method of arr

Param Type
arr *

arr.sortNumber(a, b) ⇒ number

By default the sort method sorts elements alphabetically. To sort numerically just add a new method which handles numeric sorts e.g. [11, 1, 2].sort(utils.sortNumber);

Kind: static method of arr

Param Type
a Number
b Number

arr.share(arr1, arr2) ⇒ Array

Return share part of the array

Kind: static method of arr


arr.diff(arr1, arr2) ⇒ Array

Return different part of the array

Kind: static method of arr

Param Type
arr1 Array
arr2 Array


Clear repeat values

Kind: static method of arr

Param Type
arr Array

arr.sum() ⇒ Number

Sum of array elements

Kind: static method of arr

arr.avg(a) ⇒ number

Return average elements array

Kind: static method of arr

Param Type
a Array

arr.urls(arr) ⇒ Array

Return array. When element is url collect from specified array

Kind: static method of arr

Param Type
arr Array


Function for date

date.ts : Object

Time constant in milliseconds

Kind: static property of date


Get time string

Kind: static method of date

Param Type
ts Number | null | undefined


'11:40:46', ts, format) ⇒ string

Get date string

Kind: static method of date

Param Type
shiftDays Number | null
ts Number | null | undefined
format string | null | undefined


date() => '2014-11-30'


date(null, null, 'd-m-y') => '30-11-2014'

date.dateTime(shiftDays, ts, format)

  • Get date time string

Kind: static method of date

Param Type
shiftDays Number | null | undefined
ts Number | null | undefined
format String | null | undefined


'2014-11-30 11:40:46'


dateTime() this work

date.tsToSec(ts, up)

unix-time to seconds

Kind: static method of date

Param Type
ts Number | null | undefined
up boolean | null



date.tsToMin(ts, up)

unix-time to minutes

Kind: static method of date

Param Type
ts Number | null | undefined
up boolean | null




seconds to unix-time

Kind: static method of date

Param Type
sec Number




minutes to unix-time

Kind: static method of date

Param Type
min Number




Return date (now or by unixTime).

Kind: inner method of date

Param Type
ts Number | null | undefined

date~round(number, up)

Be round up or down

Kind: inner method of date

Param Type
number Number
up boolean | null


Function for object

obj.arrToObjByKey(arr, prop, fnIterProp) ⇒ Object

Return object. When keys is specified property, value is object from array objects

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
arr Array
prop String
fnIterProp function

obj.keysChange(obj, keys) ⇒ Object

Get properties from obj by keys

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type Description
obj object
keys * [{keyOld : keyNew,...}]

obj.sort(obj, down) ⇒ Object

Return new object when keys be sort

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
obj Object
down Boolean

obj.propInc(obj, prop, byVal)

Increment object property to the specified value

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
obj Object
prop String
byVal Number

obj.beInObj(ob, prop, def)

Check is set object. If not, it creates it with the specified value

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
ob Object
prop String
def Object

obj.pathCreate(obj, path, def)

Create path in object

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
obj Object | Array | String
path Array | String | null | undefined
def *

obj.isPathExist(obj, path) ⇒ Boolean

Check exist path in object

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
obj Object
path *

obj.pathVal(obj, path) ⇒ *

Get element by path in object

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
obj Object
path String

obj.pathMv(obj, path) ⇒ *

Delete element by path in object

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
obj Object
path String

obj.urlParams(obj) ⇒ string

Serialize object to url params

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
obj Object

obj.ext(obj, add) ⇒ *

Properties in add object adding to obj or if properties not exits create him

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
obj Object
add Object

obj.getPropToArr(arObj, prop) ⇒ Array

Get property from array objects

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
arObj Array
prop String

obj.propToArr(obj) ⇒ Array

Collect object property to array

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
obj Object

obj.each(obj, fn, fnSort)

ForEach for Object fn(key, val) and sort keys by fnSort

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
obj Object
fn function
fnSort function

obj.isEmpty(obj) ⇒ boolean

if o is object return true else false

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
obj Object

obj.beRound(ob, prop, round)

If the object property exists, its rounded

Kind: static method of obj

Param Type
ob Object
prop String
round Number

obj~isObj(obj) ⇒ boolean

Check is object

Kind: inner method of obj

Param Type
obj Object


Check v be no undefined or null

Kind: inner method of obj

Param Type
v *


Function for string

str.base64(str, decode) ⇒ string

Return string encode/decode in base64

Kind: static method of str

Param Type
decode boolean

str.salt(len) ⇒ String

Return salt

Kind: static method of str
Returns: String - salt

Param Type
len Number | null | undefined

str.hash(str, salt, secret, method) ⇒ *

Return string hash

Kind: static method of str

Param Type
str String
salt String | null | undefined
secret String | null | undefined
method 'md5' | 'sha512' | 'sha256' | null | undefined

str.up1stChar(s) ⇒ string

Return string, fist char in upper case.

Kind: static method of str

Param Type
s string


Escapes special characters for RegExp

Kind: static method of str

Param Type
text String

str.fullReplace(str, find, replace)

Replace all find word to replace word

Kind: static method of str

Param Type
str String
find String
replace String

str.htmlEscape(str, maxLength) ⇒ *

Escapes special characters for html and trim unnecessary

Kind: static method of str

Param Type
str String
maxLength Number | null | undefined

str.oneSpace(str) ⇒ String

Replace spaces to only one space

Kind: static method of str
Returns: String - Output string

Param Type Description
str String string

str.removeSpecSymbols(str) ⇒ String

Replace all spacial symbols to space

Kind: static method of str
Returns: String - Output string

Param Type Description
str String string

str.makeKey(accept, n) ⇒ string

It generates key specified length. Used accept symbols

Kind: static method of str

Param Type
accept String | null | undefined
n Number | null | undefined

str.decodeURIUniversal(str) ⇒ String

Decoding URI by all methods

Kind: static method of str

Param Type
str String

str.boolString(vl) ⇒ Boolean

Return value after convert string boolean to boolean. if vl === 'true' then vl = true. Other vl = false

Kind: static method of str

Param Type
vl String


Working with types

type.isString(s) ⇒ boolean

Check s is string

Kind: static method of type

Param Type
s Mixed

type.isSet(v) ⇒ boolean

Check v is not null or undefined

Kind: static method of type

Param Type
v Mixed


Empty function

Kind: static method of type

type.isFn(f) ⇒ boolean

if f is function return true else false

Kind: static method of type

Param Type
f function


Check parameter is object

Kind: static method of type

Param Type
o Mixed

type.beFn(fn) ⇒ *

if fn is not function change to empty function

Kind: static method of type

Param Type
fn function

type.cloneVar(v) ⇒ string

Return new instance variable v

Kind: static method of type

Param Type
v Mixed


Check this value is number

Kind: static method of type

Param Type
n Number


2.0.0 What is new ? - Used "use strict" mode. - Used minification js files. - Attach unit test - Maximum use ESMA6 within Node 4.x.x - Change : Remove function obj.clone him be in type.cloneVar Remove function date.showTime add parameter format in Add new function arr.check And etc... 2.0.2 Adding time constant in date module 2.0.3 Correct function arr.mvVal


Author and developer is Igor Stcherbina



Free Software


utils for nodeJs






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