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Vista is the Skyline service that enables Skyline to fetch metrics from Graphite and Prometheus servers and populate your Skyline Graphite instance with them or derivatives of those metrics, via Skyline Flux, so they can be pickled from Graphite to Skyline for analysis in near real time and the Skyline related Graphite can be used as the metric source for seasonal analysis and visualisations.

One example use case would be to say that you wanted to monitor some metrics from a partner, another environment or a 3rd party with your own Skyline and Graphite set up. Vista can be used to fetch those metrics and feed directly to your Graphite via Skyline Flux and Graphite will pickle them as normal to Skyline for analysis.

Another example use case is that this allows for Skyline to create new metrics from existing metrics on a remote or the local Graphite instance. There are often some metrics that would suit being analysed by Skyline as sumSeries, average or some function/s applied to a set of metrics. For example say you have a number of servers and you want to monitor some specific metrics like procs_running or cpu.user collectively for the group of servers by applying a function, e.g. sumSeries(stats.*.procs_running). Vista can be used to fetch the metrics with the function/s applied and submit the resulting time series to Graphite as a new metric which Skyline can analyse, for example the settings fetch tuple would take sumSeries(stats.*.procs_running) and create the vista.stats.cumulative.procs_running metric.

..., 'sumSeries(stats.*.procs_running)', 'vista.stats.cumulative.procs_running', ...

This will result in a new metric in Graphite named vista.stats.cumulative.procs_running, that will have its own time series data for seasonal analysis, correlation and visualisation.


If you create a metric from a Graphite function/s on metrics your populate_at_resolutions tuple should be only be set to the duration of the first Graphite retention. A metric created from function/s over metrics from aggregated data retentions will not have the result a user may expect as the function is applied to the aggregated values.

Important note - Intended use

Vista is intended to be used to fetch tens to hundreds of metrics, it is not intended to fetch thousands of metrics. Although theoretically it could probably fetch thousands of metrics, it is not intended for this purpose, that type of implementation would much better suited to a Graphite to Graphite pickle or Prometheus remote_storage_adapter to Graphite.

Very important note - Variations in data and graphs

Variations in the remote and Graphite data SHOULD be expected. This applies to both: - Prometheus <- Vista -> Graphite and; - Graphite <- Vista -> Graphite

Anyone with any experience with Graphite, Prometheus or other time series databases will be aware of a number of slightly confusing concepts that they all uniquely have. Whether that be aggregations, averages used in graphs when there are more data points than pixels, the understanding the step= concept, etc, etc.

When considering populating one time series database from another, all these factors come into play and combine to increase their complexity and as these things normally do, create some confusion as there will be slight mismatches periodically.

Some people may expect that is it data and numbers and computers, so it should be perfect, all of the time. Those people have unrealistic expectations and probably a limited understanding of the time series data stores in question.

There will always be the potential for slight differences. Usefulness outweighs perfection and given the variables, perfection cannot be achieved.

Prometheus vs Graphite graphs and data sets

Be aware that graphs rendered by Prometheus and Graphite may present different values in terms of max and min values. Th raw data points in both Prometheus at step=60s and in Graphite in its first retention for a specific time period should be the same (or very nearly the same, see below). This can be verified by rendering the raw data as json for each over the same time period. The differences in the rendering of graphs is usually because each render data somewhat differently, in terms of how each average the data points to best fit the graph in terms of available pixels, step= averaging, etc.

Considering the small differences between Graphite and Prometheus slight variances in the data should always be expected. However, these differences should always be very slight.

Take for example following two time series snippets, one from Prometheus and the other from Graphite that was populated by Vista from the Prometheus query_range API method.

# Graphite time series
[ [1568691720, 1.28],
  [1568691780, 1.17],
  [1568691840, 1.04],
  [1568691900, 1.04],
  [1568691960, 1.15]]
[skyline@skyline ~] cat /var/log/skyline/flux.log | grep 1568691840 | grep node_load1
2019-09-17 03:46:00 :: 7818 :: listen :: GET request - metric=vista.demo_prometheus.prometheus.node_load1&value=1.04&timestamp=1568691840&key=xxxx
2019-09-17 03:46:00 :: 7818 :: listen :: GET request data added to flux.httpMetricDataQueue - ['vista.demo_prometheus.prometheus.node_load1', 1.04, 1568691840]
[skyline@skyline ~]
# Prometheus time series - called later to verify the data via the query_range API method
[ [1568691720, 1.28],
  [1568691780, 1.17],
  [1568691840, 1.1],
  [1568691900, 1.04],
  [1568691960, 1.15]]

The above example shows that for the 1568691840 data point at the time Vista requested the data point from the Prometheus query_range API method, the result returned was a slight bit different to what the Prometheus result was when the same query_range and time period was issued few hours later.

Another example at 1568693160 shows these artefacts of averages can be expected.

# graphite time series
# [[1568693040, 1.01],
# [1568693100, 1.0],
# [1568693160, 1.02],
# [1568693220, 1.02],
# [1568693280, 1.05]]

# prometheus time series
# [[1568693040, 1.01],
# [1568693100, 1.0],
# [1568693160, 1.05],
# [1568693220, 1.02],
# [1568693280, 1.05]]

Small variations such as these SHOULD be expected, the data sets will probably never be identical, but they should be very similar.

Important note - Graphite aggregations

Be aware that Vista is intended to fetch only the latest data points from the remote endpoint, at their highest resolution or relevant step. In terms of the metric data being aggregated on your Graphite instance, the fetched metrics submitted to your Graphite will be aggregated as per your own Graphite storage-schemas.conf. This is important to understand, should you wish to use the same retentions as the remote host, you will have to specify the same retention configuration for the fetched metric namespaces as the remote host in your Graphite configuration. If you do not know and cannot calculate the remote retentions/aggregations, over time at lower resolutions, you may find that your Graphite data and graphs differ slightly from the remote source.

This also pertains the pre-population of metric data to Graphite, see the below section on Pre-populating metrics with historic data.

How Vista works

A key thing to understand is that metrics fetched by Vista are near real time. Vista will always be submitting data for the previous completed minute and never the current minute, therefore Vista related metrics are always being analysed by the other Skyline apps with some lag of a minute or two. The reasons for this are detailed below.

Vista has a fetcher process and a single or multiple worker processes. The fetcher determines what metrics need to be fetched, fetches them and adds the metric and time series response data as a json object to a queue for the worker/s process.

The worker reads the json items off the queue and processes each. The worker ensures that the metric data points are valid by checking the last timestamp that has been submitted to Graphite via flux. This is done by checking the flux.last.<metric> Redis key, which flux updates when data is submitted to Graphite. This provides de-duplication of data and ensures that data is only submitted to Graphite once.

Vista does not submit any data points to flux that have a timestamp that falls in the current minute period. Vista will only submit data points to flux that have timestamps that are less than that of the end of the last minute. This ensures that no partially populated 60 seconds periods are sent to Graphite and pickled to Skyline, which could result in false positives and result is data points in Graphite being overwritten. So it is important to understand that Skyline will always be analysing Vista based metrics for the previous minute, not the current real time values.

When Vista submits the metric data to flux, the normal Graphite to Skyline pickle will push the data to Skyline for analysis as per usual.

Vista can also pre-populate Graphite with metric data when new metrics are added to Vista, see the below section on Pre-populating metrics with historic data.

Graphite and Prometheus metrics

Although Graphite and Prometheus are somewhat similar in nature, they have subtle differences. Seeing as Skyline is already very tightly integrated with Graphite, in order to integrate the analysis of Prometheus metrics into Skyline, it made sense in the context of Skyline to simply populate Graphite with Prometheus metrics.

Although this may seem somewhat redundant as Skyline could use Prometheus as a data source, there are a number of reasons why initially this method has been implemented.

  • Firstly, Skyline should not be run against #allthethings, it should be run against key metrics. Although there are a number of ways for Prometheus to export metrics to Graphite, given that Skyline is focused on monitoring key metrics, Skyline is not aiming to fetch all Prometheus metrics to Graphite. If you want to write all your Prometheus metrics to Graphite, then Vista is not for you, rather use the Prometheus remote_storage_adapter and send the data from Prometheus directly to Graphite.
  • Secondly, Skyline makes good use of historic data (up to 30 days is useful in most cases) and Prometheus is not aimed at long term storage of time series data. Storing key Prometheus metrics in Graphite gives the user the opportunity to store a much larger data set which is useful for analysis at much greater durations and identifying trends over months and inflection points in the entire life time of the metric.
  • Thirdly, Skyline does not handle labelled/tagged/function based metric namespaces per se, therefore labelled/tagged/function based metric namespaces are converted into and stored as Graphite absolute namespaces for Skyline to analyse.


The Vista configuration variables are in under the Vista settings block and they are all prefixed with VISTA_. All the settings variables have docstrings documenting their use and values, the main user setting is further described below.


The metrics you want Vista to fetch from remote sources are defined in the :mod:`settings.VISTA_FETCH_METRICS` tuple.

The setting consists of a tuple of tuples, like the Analyzer :mod:`settings.ALERTS` tuple.

    # (remote_host, remote_host_type, frequency, remote_target, graphite_target, uri, namespace_prefix, api_key, token, user, password, (populate_at_resolution_1, populate_at_resolution_2, ...)),
    # Example with no authentication
    ('', 'graphite', 60, 'stats.web01.cpu.user', 'stats.web01.cpu.user', '/render/?from=-10minutes&until=-1minutes&format=json&target=', 'vista.graphite_example_org', None, None, None, None, ('90days', '7days', '24hours', '6hours')),
    ('', 'graphite', 60, 'sumSeries(stats.*.cpu.user)', 'stats.cumulative.cpu.user', '/render/?from=-24hours&until=-1minutes&format=json&target=', 'vista.graphite_example_org', None, None, None, None, ('6days')),
    ('', 'graphite', 3600, 'swell.tar.hm0', 'swell.tar.hm0', '/render/?from=-120minutes&format=json&target=', 'graphite_example_org', None, None, None, None, ('90days', '7days', '24hours', '6hours')),
    ('', 'prometheus', 60, 'node_load1', 'node_load1', 'default', 'vista.prometheus_example_org', None, None, None, None, , ('15d')),
    ('', 'prometheus', 60, 'node_network_transmit_bytes_total{device="eth0"}', 'node_network_transmit_bytes_total.eth0', 'default', 'vista.prometheus_example_org', None, None, None, None, , ('15d',)),
    ('', 'prometheus', 60, 'prometheus_http_requests_total{code="200",handler="/api/v1/query_range",instance="",job="prometheus"}', 'prometheus_http_requests_total.code.200.handler.api.v1.query_range', 'default', 'vista.prometheus_example_org', None, None, None, None, , ('15d',)),

Each of the tuple parameters are documented directly in the docstrings documentation (:mod:`settings.VISTA_FETCH_GRAPHITE_METRICS`), however some of these settings are further described below in more detail to clarify how some of them work.


No authentication methods have been added to Vista yet although the they are defined in the fetch tuples.



Only absolute name spaces must be declared in the tuple, wildcard metric name spaces are NOT be handled, unless the wildcard namespace is declared in a function that results in a single time series.


How often to fetch new data from the remote host, under normal circumstances this would generally be 60 seconds, however it can be set to any frequency. It must be noted that the metric in the fetch tuple is bound by frequency. As shown in the example above, there are two fetch tuples for one that specifies metrics at 60 seconds and one for 3600 seconds (hourly).



The uri parameter is currently always applied to Graphite sources. The time frame you use in the uri should be short, this results in less bandwidth and less load on the remote source. Fetching the last 10 minutes of data from the remote Graphite should be reasonable in most cases. It is important to note that Vista will automatically determine if there is missing data and adjust the from or start parameter as appropriate if required.


For Prometheus metrics due to the query_range API method requiring a timestamp for the start and end parameters, the uri 'default' is hard coded and in most cases probably sufficient. The default uri uses the query_range API method and requests the last 5 minutes of data with a step of 60 seconds. Both Vista and the flux/populate_metric endpoint generate the Prometheus URIs dynamically, with url encoding being applied to the remote_target and interpolating the start and end parameters based on the current_unix_timestamp: .. code-block:


Any remote_target metric name that is in a tagged or function format, must have a graphite_target defined in the tuple. As in the example above, metrics that have a function applied to them can be retrieved as well, but they too need to be converted to an absolute graphite_target.

Should you not wish to use the 'default' uri, you can experiment with passing a uri for the metric with the appropriate url encoding of the remote_target, should it require escaping, and url encoding any of the function related strings for example:

('', 'prometheus', 60, 'node_network_receive_bytes_total{device="eth0"}', 'node_network_receive_bytes_total.eth0', '/api/v1/query?query=node_network_transmit_bytes_total%7Bdevice=%22eth0%22%7D%5B5m%5D', 'vista.prometheus_example_org', None, None, None, None, , ('15d',)),

The uri above is passed as:


and declares the query API method and [5m] which is the last 5 minutes of raw data and url encodes the necessary parts. You would not use this, it is just an example.


If you do not want to pass a namespace_prefix for metrics, set this to:


Let us say you want to fetch some metrics from and say the metric name spaces are as follows:


Now let us say you have your own stats name space, in the above example VISTA_FETCH_METRICS fetch tuple we have declared the namespace_prefix as 'graphite_example_org' so Vista would populate the following Graphite name space on your Graphite:


Note the namespace_prefix in the fetch tuple must NOT have a trailing dot, e.g.



You may wish to pre-populate your Graphite with historic data for metrics so that Skyline can immediately begin analysing the metric with historic data and seasonality patterns.

In the :mod:`settings.VISTA_FETCH_METRICS` tuple the final element in the tuple is a tuple referred to as populate_at_resolutions, in this tuple you can define resolutions that you want to pre-populate your Graphite with. If you do not want to pre-populate Graphite then do not use a tuple simply set this to ().

Let us take a look at how this setting looks and works, from the above example

# (remote_host, remote_host_type, frequency, remote_target, graphite_target, uri, namespace_prefix, api_key, token, user, password, (populate_at_resolution_1, populate_at_resolution_2, ...)),
('', 'graphite', 60, 'stats.web01.cpu.user', 'stats.web01.cpu.user', '/render/?from=-10minutes&format=json&target=', 'vista.graphite_example_org', None, None, None, None, ('90days', '7days', '24hours', '6hours')),

Here the final tuple defining populate_at_resolutions is set to ('90days', '7days', '24hours', '6hours')

So in this instance when these metrics are first added to Vista, Vista will submit a request to /flux/populate_metric for the metric to populate the metric at the resolutions defined in the populate_at_resolutions tuple.

NOTE - Prometheus metrics that do not use the default uri parameter but use a custom uri cannot be pre-populated.

It must be noted that the pre-populating of Prometheus metrics is done using a resample of the raw data. In all other instances, Vista uses the Prometheus query_range API method with a step=60s, where Prometheus does the resampling. Unfortunately this API method is limited to 11000 data points, on a period and data set that has more than 11000 data points the query endpoint should be used to get raw data - prometheus/prometheus#2253 (comment)

Therefore to pre-populate Vista needs to do the resampling using the 1Min mean of the raw data, which should return what a Prometheus query_range would return with step=60, an average per minute, but there could be some slight differences.

Taking a default Prometheus example where there is only 15 days of data.

# (remote_host, remote_host_type, frequency, remote_target, graphite_target, uri, namespace_prefix, api_key, token, user, password, (populate_at_resolution_1, populate_at_resolution_2, ...)),
('', 'prometheus', 60, 'node_load1', 'node_load1', 'default', 'vista.prometheus_example_org', None, None, None, None, , ('15d',)),

So in this instance when the Prometheus metrics are first added to Vista, Vista would submit a request to /flux/populate_metric to populate the metric at 15d using the query query and resampling based on the average /api/v1/query?query=<URLENCODED_TARGET>[15d]


If you are only declaring a single resolution in the populate_at_resolution tuple, such as ('15d',) you MUST have a trailing comma behind the resolution to define it as a tuple of tuples. If you fail to add the trailing comma, '15d' will be interpreted as:




Not 15d.

Missing data

Vista makes best effort to retrieve any missing metric data by referring to the last timestamp for data reported by flux. Take for example a case where the Vista service has stopped or there was a network partition between your Skyline server and the remote source, Vista will attempt to backfill any missing data points for metrics it fetches, either itself, if the gap is less than (frequency + 300) seconds or with /flux/populate_metric if the gap is longer. Once again this may result in some small dissimilarities between the data sets, which is better than air gaps.