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@eastriverlee eastriverlee released this 27 Jan 15:41
· 36 commits to main since this release


  1. fixed potential history removal error that happens when manually:
// before:

history.removeFirst(min(2, history.count))

this used to be a problem for adding users manually adding odd number of chats to history or if one experiences the race condition issue(#10).

  1. fixed potential race condition issue(#10) by adding actor attribute to concurrent functions which change LLM's properties:
@globalActor public actor InferenceActor {
    static public let shared = InferenceActor()


private func predictNextToken() async -> Token
private func finishResponse(from response: inout [String], to output: borrowing AsyncStream<String>.Continuation) async

public func getCompletion(from input: borrowing String) async -> String

public func respond(to input: String, with makeOutputFrom: @escaping (AsyncStream<String>) async -> String) async