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2.3 Advanced (developer) Configurations

Matthew edited this page Nov 25, 2015 · 1 revision

Easy Updates Manager has some features that are friendly to developers.

Exclude Users

If you are working on a client site, and would like to disable updates, but exclude one or two users, you may do this on the Advanced tab.

When you are on Multisite, you can only select Network Admins to exclude.

On Single Site, however, it's hard to predict which role you would like to use. The default role is administrator.

If you have created a new role, such as developer, you can use a filter to query just those users.

Filter: mpsum_admin_role

Here's an example of returning the role of developer.

add_filter( 'mpsum_admin_role', 'unique_prefix_return_mpsum_role' );
function unique_prefix_return_mpsum_role( $role ) {
	return 'developer';	

Hide the Plugin

So you've configured the plugin exactly how you want it, and don't want another user to change your settings.

We have created a wp-config constant that you can use to hide the plugin after you are done configuring it.

In your wp-config.php file, simply add:

define( 'MPSUM_DISABLE_ADMIN', true );

Please Note

Although you may want to disable all your WordPress updates on your website, we (along with WordPress) highly recommend that you keep up to date with your plugins, themes, and WordPress core update to avoid potential bugs and stay more secure. If you don't want to update your WordPress install completely then please take the time to at least make sure that you are using safe a secure version of WordPress that does not have any security vulnerabilities.

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