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Writing native RabbitMQ code for beginners may be quite daunting, with concepts like channels, connections and types of consumers, it is quite easy to get code very wrong or even worse, have performance pitfalls. This library abstracts the inner details and makes it beginner friendly and also helps seasoned developers to be more productive.



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A dead simple library which aims to simplify writing RabbitMQ code in .NET Core.

No need to manually write consumers or manage connections and channels. Each domain event gets its own channel and IHostedService which will consume events using RabbitMQ's AsyncEventingBasicConsumer. Each domain event needs to be configured in a consumer section defined by the client application. Here is an example of a producer and consumer configuration from one of the samples below: -

  "RabbitConsumerConfigurations": [
      "EventType": "EasyMqEvent",
      "QueueName": "easymq_q",
      "ExchangeName": "easymq.tx",
      "ExchangeType": "topic",
      "RoutingKey": "test",
      "IsDurable": false,
      "ShouldDeclareQueue": true,
      "ShouldDeclareExchange": true,
      "IsExclusiveQueue": false,
      "QueueAutoDelete": true,
      "ExchangeAutoDelete": false,
      "Bindings": []
  "RabbitProducerConfigurations": [
      "EventType": "EasyMqEvent",
      "ExchangeName": "easymq.tx",
      "ExchangeType": "topic",
      "ShouldDeclareExchange": true,
      "IsDurable": false,
      "ExchangeAutoDelete": false,
      "RoutingKey": "test"

With the configuration above, an event consumer of type AsyncEventConsumer<EasyMqEvent> with message type of EasyMqEvent will be spawned with the given queue and exchange configuration. Similarly an AsyncEventProducer<EasyMqEvent> will be provisioned with an IEventPublisher<EasyMqEvent> accessible to the client for publishing messages. The corresponding code of a consumer event handler for an event EasyMqEvent is as follows: -

public class EasyMqEvent : IEvent
    public string EventName { get; set; }

public class EasyMqEventHandler : IEventHandler<EasyMqEvent>
    private readonly ILogger<EasyMqEventHandler> _logger;

    public EasyMqEventHandler(ILogger<EasyMqEventHandler> logger)
        _logger = logger;

    public Task BeforeHandle(MessageContext messageContext)
        _logger.LogInformation("Optionally implementing the Before hook, to do preprocessing");
        return Task.CompletedTask;
    public Task Handle(MessageContext messageContext, EasyMqEvent @event)
        _logger.LogInformation("Received a new message, {event}",
            JsonConvert.SerializeObject(@event, Formatting.Indented));
        return Task.CompletedTask;

On the producer side

  private readonly IEventPublisher<EasyMqEvent> _eventPublisher;
  await _eventPublisher.Publish(new EasyMqEvent()
                      EventName = "Hello world"
                  }, new ProducerContext()
                      Mandatory = false,
                      RoutingKey = "test"

In startup, calling the two extension methods AddEasyMq, AddEventConsumer and AddEventProducer is all it takes to configure the event handlers.

await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
    .ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
        services.AddEasyMq(context.Configuration, builder =>
                builder.WithConnectionFactory(factory =>
                    factory.Uri =
                        new Uri(
                    factory.DispatchConsumersAsync = true;
                    factory.TopologyRecoveryEnabled = true;
                    factory.AutomaticRecoveryEnabled = true;
                    return factory;
            .AddEventConsumer<EasyMqEvent, EasyMqEventHandler>()

Pending Action Items

  • Consumer capabilities
    • Consume from Topic Exchanges
    • Consume from Header Exchanges
    • Consume from Fanout Exchanges
    • Consume from Direct Exchanges
    • Consume from Default Exchange
  • Producer capabilities
  • Serialization Options
  • Tracing
  • Error queues and exception flows


Writing native RabbitMQ code for beginners may be quite daunting, with concepts like channels, connections and types of consumers, it is quite easy to get code very wrong or even worse, have performance pitfalls. This library abstracts the inner details and makes it beginner friendly and also helps seasoned developers to be more productive.








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