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Compiling qimgv from source

easymodo edited this page Apr 2, 2023 · 6 revisions

This will walk you through compiling a standard qimgv package under linux (with opencv, exiv2 and mpv enabled)

1. Install dependencies

We need to have this:

gcc >= 9.0, git, cmake >= 3.13, qt >= 5.12, exiv2, mpv, opencv (core and imgproc)

Below is an example for Ubuntu & Fedora. Other distros may have slightly different package names.

Ubuntu & derivatives

  • 20.04
sudo apt install build-essential git cmake qt5-default libqt5svg5-dev qttools5-dev libexiv2-dev libmpv-dev libopencv-dev kimageformat-plugins gcc g++
  • 21.04 & later
sudo apt install build-essential git cmake qtbase5-dev libqt5svg5-dev qttools5-dev libexiv2-dev libmpv-dev libopencv-dev kimageformat-plugins gcc g++

Optional: libkf5windowsystem-dev for blur support under kde


Enable RPMFusion

It is needed for video playback (mpv), but you also can build without it. See CMake build options at the end.

sudo dnf install git cmake make qt5-qtbase qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtsvg qt5-qtsvg-devel qt5-linguist gcc-c++ mpv mpv-libs-devel exiv2-devel opencv opencv-devel

Optional: kf5-kwindowsystem - for blur support under kde

2. Get qimgv sources

git clone
cd qimgv && mkdir -p build && cd build

3. Configure & compile & install


Note: for kde blur support add -DKDE_SUPPORT=ON at the end ^

sudo make install

That's it!

Possible build issues

  • If you get errors like "/usr/lib64 exists in filesystem" during install:

add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR:PATH=/usr/lib to cmake command.

CMake build options

Option Default value Description
VIDEO_SUPPORT ON Enables video playback via mpv
EXIV2 ON Support reading exif tags via exiv2
OPENCV_SUPPORT ON Enables high quality scaling options
KDE_SUPPORT OFF Use some features from KDE, like background blur

Usage example: