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=== The Events Calendar ===

Contributors:  ModernTribe, roblagatta, MZAWeb, ryancurban, faction23, jazbek, jbrinley, kyleunzicker, leahkoerper, brook-tribe, ckpicker, WebsiteBakery,, kellykathryn, neillmcshea, peterchester, reid.peifer, shane.pearlman
Tags: events, calendar, event, venue, organizer, dates, date, google maps, conference, workshop, concert, meeting, seminar, summit, class, modern tribe, tribe, widget
Donate link:
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 3.8.1
Stable tag: 3.5.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events. Beautiful. Solid. Awesome.

== Description ==

Create and manage events with ease. Get professional-level quality and features backed by a team you can trust. The Events Calendar will help you kick ass.

The Events Calendar is built and supported by WordPress artisans Modern Tribe. Looking for additional functionality including recurring events, ticket sales, publicly submitted events, new views, Facebook event integration and more? <a href="">Check out the available add-ons.</a>


The Events Calendar is crafted the WordPress way.

The Events Calendar has been audited by many of the industry's WordPress experts including core developer Mark Jaquith for security & plugin review team member Pippin Williamson for best practices and plugin compatibility.

We've poured hundreds of hours into QA by a dedicated support team, monthly usability tests to guarantee that it's easy to use, and numerous user interviews to make sure you get what you want. We care about quality and crafting products that thrive in the wild.

The team at Modern Tribe stands by our work and offers light support every Wednesday to the community via the support forums. Feel free to ask a question if you're having a problem with implementation or if you find bugs. Looking for help NOW or need a deeper level of support? Add the <a href="">premium add-on plugin</a> and you get access to premium support forums with under 24hr response times on weekdays.


The Events Calendar is built to work out of the box: it doesn’t use a shortcode (nor is one available). Just turn it on, configure the settings to match your needs and you'll be making events within less than 5 minutes.

By developers, for's ready to be the foundation for your wildest hack sessions. Complete with a skeleton stylesheet to theme fast and efficiently, loads of tools including partial template overrides, a host of template tags, hooks and filters, <a href="">careful documentation</a>, as well as a <a href="">library of code snippets</a> on GitHub. The Events Calendar is built FOR people who build websites.

Whether your vision is big or small, we have you in mind.

We've scaled The Events Calendar to work on a network with over 25 million unique visitors per month and hundreds of thousands of events. We have it running for Fortune 100 companies. Major universities, government institutions and some seriously bad ass startups push their events with our platform. Thousands of churches, eateries, small businesses, musicians, venues, and non-profits are publishing and promoting their events with The Events Calendar. You're in good company.


Whether you're operating a hyperlocal hub listing thousands of events, a university with many thousands of users, or you're a sole business owner listing your classes, The Events Calendar has your back.

Just getting started? Definitely watch and read through the <a href="">New User Primer</a> before going much further.

* Rapidly create events
* Saved venues & organizers
* Calendar month view with tooltips
* List view
* Event search
* Google maps
* Widget: Upcoming events
* Events Taxonomies (Categories & Tags)
* Completely ajaxified for super smooth browsing
* Completely responsive from mobile to tablet to desktop
* Tested on the major theme frameworks such as Genesis, Woo Themes, Thesis and many more.
* Increase your SEO with Microformats
* Internationalized & Translated
* Multiple stylesheets (Skeleton, Default, Tribe Event Styles) to improve integration
* Extensive Template Tags for Customization
* Hook & Filters up the wazoo
* Caching Support
* Debug Mode for Developers

Looking for something else?

* <a href="">Events PRO</a>: recurring events, a whole range of new views (day / week / map / photo / venue / organizer) & widgets (calendar / featured venue / event countdown), custom event attributes, geolocation search and a lot more.
* Sell tickets with <a href="">WooCommerce</a> or <a href="">Eventbrite</a>
* <a href="">Import events from Facebook</a> or let your <a href="">users submit</a> from right on your website!
* Have so many amazing events that your users get overwhelmed? Drop some filters on them with the <a href="" target="_blank">Filter Bar Plugin</a>.

<a href="" target="_blank">Join us on Facebook</a> to be part of our active community, check us out <a href="" target="_blank">on Twitter</a>, and <a href="">sign up for our newsletter</a> for release announcements and discounts.


Need to hack the plugin or build a new feature for a project? How about making that into an add-on plugin so other people who have been wishing for the same feature can take advantage!

Want to make an add-on? Check out <a href="" target="_blank">Jessica's sample add-on plugin: Agenda View</a>!

Send it to us and we would be <a href="">happy to review it</a> and give you feedback! Then put it up on the .org repo for everyone to appreciate!

== Installation ==

= Install & Activate =

Installing the plugin is easy. Just follow these steps:

1. From the dashboard of your site, navigate to Plugins --> Add New.
2. Select the Upload option and hit "Choose File."
3. When the popup appears select the file from your desktop. (The 'x.x' will change depending on the current version number).
4. Follow the on-screen instructions and wait as the upload completes.
5. When it's finished, activate the plugin via the prompt. A message will show confirming activation was successful. A link to access the calendar directly on the frontend will be presented here as well.

That's it! Just configure your settings as you see fit, and you're on your way to creating events in style. Now that you're all set up and ready to go, how about checking out the <a href="">new user primer</a> to familiarize yourself with what's in store?

If you're unclear about the installation process or get stuck, check out our <a href="">video</a> which walks you through the process. Still having trouble from there? See the [Codex]( for more troubleshooting ideas.

= Requirements =

* PHP 5.2 or above
* WordPress 3.6 or above
* jQuery 1.7 or above

== Screenshots ==

1. Month View
2. List View
3. Single Event
4. Event Category
5. Event Editor
6. Events Admin Listing
7. General Settings
8. Map and Miscellaneous Settings
9. Display Settings
10. Event Menu Items
11. Events Widget
12. Month View with Classic Header
13. Month View with Full Styles

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Is there a shortcode available for The Events Calendar? =

No, this plugin does not use a shortcode nor is one available at the time being. However, you may want to check out the experimental, totally unsupported <a href=““>Event Rocket add-on</a> to see if it accomplishes your shortcode needs.

= Are there any troubleshooting steps you'd suggest I try that might resolve my issue before I post a new thread? =

First, make sure that you're running the latest version of The Events Calendar (3.5.1 as of this release). If you're running Events Calendar PRO it needs to match the version number of The Events Calendar. And if you've got any other add-ons, make sure those are current / running the latest code as well.

The most common issues we see are either plugin or theme conflicts. You can test if a plugin or theme is conflicting by manually deactivating other plugins until just The Events Calendar 3.5.1 is running on your site. If the issue persists from there, revert to the default Twenty Fourteen theme. If the issue is resolved after deactivating a specific plugin or your theme, you'll know that is the source of the conflict.

Note that we aren't going to say "tough luck" if you identify a plugin/theme conflict. While we can't guarantee 100% integration with any plugin or theme out there, we will do our best (and reach out the plugin/theme author as needed) to figure out a solution that benefits everyone.

= I'm still stuck. Where do I go to file a bug or ask a question? =

Users of the free The Events Calendar should post their questions in the plugin's <a href=""> forum</a>, which we hit about once a week (on Wednesdays). Please make sure to read <a href="">our sticky post</a> providing an overview of the support we provide free users BEFORE posting. If you find you're not getting support in as timely a fashion as you wish, you might want to consider purchasing a PRO license.

If you're already a PRO user, you're entitled access to our more actively-monitored <a href="">PRO forums</a> at the website. We can provide a deeper level of support here and hit these forums on a daily basis during the work week. Generally, except in times of increased support loads, we reply to all comments within 24-48 hours during the business week. 

= Events Calendar PRO looks awesome! I'm sold! How can I get my hands on it? =

Events Calendar PRO can be purchased directly at the <a href=""> website.</a> There are three (3) license types available, and all licenses include 1 year of access to support + updates.

= I'm interested in PRO or another add-on, but there are a few questions I've got before making the purchase. Can you help me get those addressed? =

Absolutely. If you're not finding your questions answered on the product pages, hit up our <a href="">pre-sale forum</a> at the site. You can save yourself some time by reviewing the threads first to verify if your question has already been asked. If it hasn't, post a new thread as a guest. We'll get you a reply as quickly as we can, so you can make an informed decision regarding purchase. Keep in mind that the pre-sale forum is available for questions related to any premium product we've got: Events Calendar PRO, Eventbrite Tickets, WooCommerce Tickets, EDD Tickets, Shopp Tickets, WPEC Tickets, Community Events, Facebook Events and Filter Bar.

If your question is simple and can be addressed in 140 characters, you can always ask it <a href="">on Twitter</a>.

= What add-ons are available for The Events Calendar, and where can I read more about them? =

Currently, the following add-ons are available for The Events Calendar/Events Calendar PRO:

* <a href="">Eventbrite Tickets</a>, for selling tickets to your event directly through Eventbrite.
* <a href="">Community Events</a>, for allowing frontend event submission from your readers.
* <a href="">Facebook Events</a>, for importing events directly from an organization or page on Facebook.
* <a href="">WooCommerce Tickets</a>, for harnessing the power of WooCommerce to sell event tickets directly on your site without being subject to fees or relying on a third-party service.
* <a href="">EDD Tickets</a>, for using our ticketing framework to sell tickets on your events through The Events Calendar + Easy Digital Downloads.
* <a href="">WPEC Tickets</a>, for using WP-eCommerce + The Events Calendar to sell event tickets directly from the frontend of your site. 
* <a href="">Shopp Tickets</a>, for harnessing the power of Shopp to sell event tickets on your WordPress site. 
* <a href="">Filter Bar</a>, for adding advanced frontend filtering capabilities to your events calendar.

= I have a feature idea. What's the best way to tell you about it? =

We've got a <a href="">Modern Tribe UserVoice page</a> where we're actively watching for feature ideas from the community. Vote up existing feature requests or add your own, and help us shape the future of the products business in a way that best meets the community's needs.

= I've still got questions. Do you have a bigger FAQ somewhere? =

We do. If you check out our <a href="">Frequently Asked Questions page</a> on the site, we've collected and addressed all of the common questions we see posed by users. In some cases we'll provide a Gist; in other cases we'll direct you to a tutorial; and in some situations we'll unfortunately say a certain capability is simply not possible. But the FAQ is a living, breathing document that we're actively updating based on commonly-seen requests.

== Documentation ==

All of our online documentation can be found on <a href="">our documentation site</a>.

Some docs you may find particularly useful are:

* <a href="">The Events Calendar New User Primer</a>
* <a href="">The Themer's Guide to The Events Calendar</a>
* <a href="">The Events Calendar FAQ</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar Tutorials</a>

For template tags, open the plugin directory and visit /plugins/events/public/template-tags/ where you can find a list of those available.

If you have any questions about this plugin, take look at the forum here on at <a href=""></a>. Please search existing threads before opening a new one.

The <a href="">Modern Tribe PRO support forums</a> are available for you to read. You won't, however, be able to post a message in any forums beyond Pre-Sale Questions unless you have purchase a PRO license.

== Contributors ==

The plugin is produced by <a href="">Modern Tribe Inc</a>.

= Current Contributors =

* <a href="">Jessica Yazbek</a>
* <a href="">Rob La Gatta</a>
* <a href="">Daniel Dvorkin</a>
* <a href="">Barry Hughes</a>
* <a href="">Ryan Urban</a>
* <a href="">Kyle Unzicker</a>
* <a href="">Jonathan Brinley</a>
* <a href="">Samuel Estok</a>
* <a href="">Neill McShea</a>
* <a href="">Kelly Groves</a>
* <a href="”>Brook Harding</a>
* <a href="”>Casey Picker</a>
* <a href="">Leah Koerper</a>
* <a href="">Peter Chester</a>
* <a href="">Reid Peifer</a>
* <a href="">Shane Pearlman</a>

= Past Contributors =

* <a href="">Paul Hughes</a>
* <a href="">Timothy Wood</a>
* <a href="">Jonah West</a>
* <a href="">Joachim Kudish</a>
* <a href="">Nick Ciske</a>
* <a href="">Kelsey Damas</a>
* <a href="">Matt Wiebe</a>
* <a href="">Dan Cameron</a>
* <a href="">John Gadbois</a>
* Justin Endler

= Translators =

* Afrikaans from Liza Welsh
* Arabic from Mamdouh Samy
* Bosnian from Marko Manojlovic
* Brazilian Portuguese by Emerson Marques
* Catalan from Barbara Partegos Rof
* Croatian from Marko Manojlovic
* Czech from Petr Bastan
* Danish from Anonymous
* Dutch from J.F.M. Cornelissen and Frans Pronk
* Finnish by Ari-Pekka Koponen
* French from Laurent Proulx
* German from Dennis Gruebner 
* Greek from Yannis Troullinos
* Icelandic by Baldvin Berndsen
* Italian from Roberto Scano
* Latvian from Raivis Dejus
* Montenegrin from Sasa Vukovic
* Norwegian Bokmål by Morten Ruud
* Norwegian Nynorsk by Torbjørn Lauen
* Polish from Marek Kosina
* Portuguese from Antonio Pratas
* Romanian from Cosmin Vaman
* Serbian from Marko Manojlovic
* Spanish from Hector Gil Rizo
* Swedish from Jonas Reinicke
* Turkish by Derin Korman
* Ukranian by Vasily Vishnyakov

* Previous translators include Maria Tsilimidou, Martin Kristan, Oliver Heinrich, Ben Andersen, Mikhail Michouris, Bastien BC, Dionizio Bonfim Bach, Mihai Burcea, Ed Boon, Rick van Dalen, Jacob Roel Meijering, hristian Andersen, Michael Sebel, Filippo Montanari, David Decker, Kamil Szymanski, Erik Massop, “Terje With Lunndal", Andreas Lorentsen, Sagi Shrieber, Matthew Meyer, Arno Faure, Fanny Heraud, Vincent G from Host1Free, , Petri Kajander, Fran Rosa, Nico (wsMaurik), Panos Efstratiou, Dominique Monhardt, Thomas Butzek, Kjell Vestnes, Luiza Libardi, Diego Meneghetti, Beno Burgener, Burak Pehlevan, and Alexey Fedorov

== Add-Ons ==

But wait: there's more! We've got a whole stable of plugins available to help you kick ass at what you do. Check out a full list of the products below, and over at the <a href="" target="_blank">Modern Tribe website.</a>

Our Free Plugins:

* <a href="" target="_blank">Advanced Post Manager</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">Blog Copier</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">Image Rotation Widget</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">Widget Builder</a>

Our Premium Plugins:

* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar PRO</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: Eventbrite Tickets</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: Community Events</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: Facebook Events</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: WooCommerce Tickets</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: EDD Tickets Tickets</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: WPEC Tickets</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: Shopp Tickets</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: Filter Bar</a>

== Versioning ==

Curious about our versioning process, and how it's changed since The Events Calendar 3.0's launch? Look no further.

As a general practice, version numbers for The Events Calendar, Events Calendar PRO and our other add-ons follows the <a href="">Semantic Versioning guidelines</a> whenever practical.

This means releases will maintain a three-part version number: major version; minor version; and patch. Let's say we're looking at The Events Calendar 3.1, as an example:

Major version = 3
Minor version = 1
Patch = 0

If we deployed a follow-up maintenance build that addressed a couple small bugs, and called it 3.1.1, we'd now have:

Major version = 3
Minor version = 1
Patch = 1

At no point during the 3.0 lifecycle will the major version change. But you can expect that either minor version and/or patch will change with each release. 

== Changelog ==


3.x is a complete overhaul of the plugin, and as a result we're starting the changelog fresh. For release notes from the 2.x lifecycle, see <a href="">our 2.x release notes.</a>

= 3.6 =

* Added updated German translation files courtesy of Dennis Gruebner
* Added updated Swedish translation files courtesy of Jonas Reinicke
* Added new Latvian translation files courtesy of Raivis Dejus
* Added new Afrikaans translation files courtesy of Liza Welsh
* Added updated Czech translation files courtesy of Petr Bastan
* Added updated Greek translation files courtesy of Yannis Troullinos

= 3.5.1 =

* Fixed a bug where default events view dropdown on Settings page did not reflect the actual current default events view
* Addressed poor display issues related to how week view rendered events on sites where the end of the day cutoff was set to midnight (thanks to Andy Fragen on the forums for catching this!)
* Patched a problem where events in both a parent and child category would display multiple times in list view (thanks to Quentin for catching this one!)
* Fixed an issue where tribe-events-full.css caused blog post titles to disappear for some users (thanks to Cynthia on the forums for the original report here!)

= 3.5 =

* Added fully responsive styles and functionality for all Events views! For an overview of the changes, see <a href="">this blog post</a>
* Added javascript templating for use in tooltips and mobile views were needed
* Updated Countdown widget styling to match TwentyEleven/TwentyTwelve/TwentyThirteen/TwentyFourteen theme styling
* Fixed a responsive layout issue with the Classic Tribe Bar 
* Fixed a responsive layout issue with days not lining up properly in the Month view in TwentyFourteen
* Fixed an issue where the address wasn't displaying properly in the single venue view
* Fixed an issue where events can overlap the Date Picker in week view
* Fixed a styling issue with the 'Cancel' button when creating tickets for an event
* Fixed an issue where the 'View Calendar' link wasn't displaying correctly on the Event List page in the admin (thanks to Patti on the forums for reporting this!)
* Fixed an issue where the <select> dropdown wasn't firing events correctly when using Skeleton styles (thanks to jenthomson on the forum for initially catching this!)
* Fixed default view selector sync with available views checkboxes in settings admin
* Removed javascript dependency on wp body class function in month view (big thanks to cooperinstitute at the PRO forums for this report!)
* Fixed various issues with admin settings (with thanks to Grégory Viguier for reporting them!)
* Fixed issue with unnecessary separator symbols in title output (thanks to Patti on the forums for her report here!)
* Implemented various Help screen improvements
* Fixed an issue affecting handling of sticky posts (thanks to bechster on the dot-org forums for the first report of this!)
* Improved handling of categories to automatically include child categories (thanks to materdeiknights for the original report of this at the forums!)
* Removed recurrence-related code unused by core
* Fixed handling of errors when importing malformed CSV files
* Fixed an issue where Venue & Organizer titles could be set to "Unnamed"
* Fixed an issue where using a comma in the event cost field would disable the currency symbol from displaying (thanks to Bernhard for first reporting this over at the forums!)
* Fixed a variety of untranslatable strings
* Updated link to the Filter Bar plugin in the help tab
* Added new Ukranian translation files, courtesy of Vasily Vishnyakov
* Added new Montenegrin translation files, courtesy of Sasa Vukovic
* Added updated Norwegian Bokmål translation files, courtesy of Morten Ruud
* Added new Norwegian Nynorsk translation files, courtesy of Torbjørn Lauen
* Added updated Romanian translation files, courtesy of Cosmin Vaman
* Added updated German translation files by Oliver Heinrich
* Added updated Brazilian Portuguese translation files courtesy of Emerson Marques
* Added updated Dutch translation files courtesy of J.F.M. Cornelissen and Frans Pronk
* Added updated French translation files from Laurent Proulx

= 3.4.1 =

* Fixed an issue where jQuery UI Datepicker could overwrite our datepicker before its noconflict method was called

= 3.4 =

* Complete overhaul and update to new fork of datepicker for all views! Corrects day 31 empty next month bug and adds many new features for future expansion (Thanks to Eric on the forums for the first report on this!)
* Fixed a bug where past events were listed in the incorrect order (Thanks to Alastair on the forums for reporting this one!)
* Number of events that can be imported from CSV in a single batch is now customizable to help avoid timeouts in low powered environments (Thanks to baynature on the forums for the original report here!)
* General compatibility improvements to ensure better integration with WP e-Commerce
* Fixed bug with display of comments for single event pages (Thanks to John on the forums for reporting this bug!)
* Fixed issue with tribe_create_venue() API function, resulting in unnamed venues (Thanks to Oliver for the original report of this!)
* Fixed bug leading to list widget linking to deactivated views
* Added hooks for use in widgets (Thanks to Andy Fragen for the request on this one!)
* Added styles for compatibility with the Twenty Fourteen theme
* Fixed typo in the rel attribute on "Previous Events" links (thanks to Nate on the forums for his report!)
* When the List Widget is set to display events from a particular category, the "View All Events" link will now read "View All Events in Category" (Thanks to WCKG on our UserVoice page for requesting this tweak!)
* Fixed an SQL error that could occur when our queries are mixed with multiple post types and a meta query (Thanks to karen on the forums for the heads up here!)
* Classes that identify the current theme are now echoed by the body_class() function
* Addressed an issue where the admin CSS was referencing non-existent images (thanks to geoz on the dot-org forum for the report here!)
* Fixed a few broken/outdated links on the Help page
* Tweaked the update notice prompts that display to appear more consistently in certain environments
* Updated the admin icon to use a dashicon in 3.8+

= 3.3.1 =

* Fixed a bug where all day events created prior to 3.3 would show as ending on the previous day.

= 3.3 =

* Improved support for international date formats (big props to jeroenjoosen on the forums for the original report on this!)
* Localization improvements for displaying the event cost field (thanks to mastafu on the forums for the heads up!)
* List view will now link to a page of previous events if there are indeed previous events to show (props to oceanfilm on the forums for pointing this out!)
* Fixed an issue with empty category views that could result in a fatal error (thanks to mastafu on the forums for this one, too!)
* Fixed an issue where titles for single events were empty in some installations
* Fixes for the tribe_get_the_day_link_date() function (thanks to @nathanielks on Twitter for catching + patching this one for us!)
* Fixed admin menu highlighting when editing tags for events
* Google maps will now be included properly on pages with https URLs (thanks to bmitchellini on the forums for the first report here!)
* Tag queries that don't specify a post type will no longer be modified to be an events query (thanks to Jason on the forums for reporting this first!)
* Fixed an issue that caused some events not to show on month view when viewing a category (thanks to yorkshiretots on the forum for catching this!)
* All day events are now saved with a start/end time that is determined by the end of day cutoff. This fix will not modify previously created all day events (thanks to wallyglenn on the forums for spotting this!)
* Fixed a lot of strings that were not getting included in our language files and updated our POT file
* Removed an invalid iCal link from the markup to prevent it being indexed by search engines (Thanks to Kevin Lisota for the original report!)
* Fixed an XSS vulnerability in the Tribe Bar (Mega props to Yasser Khan and Chuck Tsang for the research and responsible disclosure!)
* Implemented performance improvements in some queries for large amounts of data
* Fixed a bug that was making our date pickers ignore the start-of-the-week setting in WordPress core (thanks to Katarina for the original report!)
* Added CSS classes to the list widget events (thanks to Andy Fragen for requesting these!)
* Fixed some small CSS bugs
* Incorporated updated German translation files, courtesy of Oliver Heinrich
* Incorporated updated French translation files, courtesy of Bastien BC

= 3.2 =

* Incorporated the much-fabled CSV importer! Import CSV files directly into your The Events Calendar/Events Calendar PRO site (for an overview on how to use it, read this:
* Implemented code requesting that search engines do not index calendar pages that have no events to display
* Addressed a number of Twenty Thirteen theme compatibility fixes
* Improved how date and time are displayed on single event entries for single day events (thanks to Robin for the heads up!)
* Added a suggestion by the Organizer email field to obfuscate email addresses published on your site (thanks, Thea, for requesting this on our UserVoice page!)
* Improved compliance with PHP strict standards (thanks to Bryan in the forums for making this request!)
* Added more flexible formatting options for event schedule details
* Incorporated a fix to improve behaviors of the tribe_is_month() template tag (thanks jhned at the forums for this report!)
* Added a fix for when "show events in main blog loop" option disrupts certain static home pages (thanks to yorkshiretots for reporting this on the forum!)
* Added a fix for when the "show events in main blog loop" option disrupts the product listing on WooCommerce storefront for certain users (thanks to forge for the first report on this!)
* Fixed an issue with broken commenting that appeared on some templates (thanks to Tom for first reporting this at the PRO forums!)
* Added ability to create recurring events that happen every 5th occurence of a day in the month; e.g., every 5th Sunday (thanks to gregwiley for the original report!)
* Fixed an issue where future recurring events displayed as having passed when object caching is enabled (a big thanks to Ray for first bringing this up on the forums!)
* Fixed the calculation used for determining all events in a month, which was causing the last day of multi-day events to be incorrectly left off (thanks to paracleteweb for first reporting this at the forums!)
* Added code to make sure tribe_show_month() won't break any event views that come after it (thanks to our friend Big on the forums for the first report of this!)
* Incorporated a number of enhancements to ease compatibility with Easy Digital Downloads (thanks for all your help, Pippin!)
* Removed a PHP notice that arose when querying from events and other post types at the same time
* Fixed an issue where inaccurate draft counts were appearing on the backend events list (thanks to Neil on the forums for the first report!)
* Incorporated updated Icelandic translation by Baldvin Berndsen

= 3.1 =

* Significant performance improvements to month view (thanks to Grégory for the initial report!)
* Improved compatibility with Canvas and other themes by WooThemes (thanks to Paul Pruneau for the heads up!)
* Fixed several bugs relating to event cutoff times and month view (thanks jadonulrich for the report!)
* The correct default view now applies to event category listings
* Tag cloud links now work on both events and non-events pages (thanks to user 'onelittlemoose' for the report!)
* Days with no events are no longer linked from the month view (thanks to reneeyoxon for the original report!)
* Fixed a bug where the selected category would not apply after you navigate to the next month in Month view (thanks to Kyle for the report!)
* Fixed bug where the comments form would show twice on single events
* Enabled auto-submissions in situations where classic view is present instead of the event bar (thanks to user wiredimpact for getting the discussion started on this!)
* New "System Information" section on the Events > Help page
* Updated translations: Brazilian Portuguese (new), Turkish (new), Norwegian Dutch, Icelandic, Greek, Finnish, French, and German (French courtesy of Rick)
* Fixed some display bugs in IE (thanks to user wiredimpact for bringing up most of these!)
* Various minor bug and security fixes

= 3.0.3 =

* Changed some SQL that could trigger a MySQL bug involving an infinite loop. See
* Fixed some bugs with View As dropdown in Tribe Bar, including a bug in Firefox where you couldn't change the dropdown
* Removed select2 javascript dependency from front-end

= 3.0.2 =

* Fixed bug with queries that included more than one post type. This should resolve issues with "Link to Existing Content" in the WordPress editor, attaching media to posts from the Media Library, and relationship fields in the Advanced Custom Fields plugin (thanks to users KARKS88 and ANDYWILMOT for catching this!)
* Fixed 404 in page title on month view when no events are in the month, and other 404-related tweaks (thanks to CYNTHIA, JOHN and ELLAEARTH for catching these)
* CSS files in the tribe-events directory of your theme are now loaded in addition to TEC css files, instead of replacing them
* Removed Select2 dependency in the Tribe Bar
* Fixed various issues with the Events List widget (thanks to DUVALDEMOCRATS and ZAVASTORONTO for the heads up)
* Tag permalinks are no longer malformed in tag cloud widget and single event pages (thanks to MARC for catching this)
* Addressed some previously non-translatable strings in the Tribe Bar
* Long event costs no longer overflow the designed box in list view
* Various minor bug fixes

= 3.0.1 =

* Added setting for number of events per day on month view (under Events > Settings > Display)
* Fixed an issue with the venue migration tool (thanks to ADAM for the heads up!)
* Fixed bug with events not showing up on past view & related duration issues (thanks to MY-WEB and GOLFDAWGG for the heads up!)
* Fixed bug where subscribers could add events
* Fixed bug when WordPress is installed in a subdirectory (thanks to DAVID for catching this!)
* Fixed display issues with Events Calendar sidebar (thanks to JNORRIS235 for catching this!)
* Miscellaneous widget enhancements
* Miscellaneous bug fixes
* Various security fixes (thanks to HARRY METCALFE for his helpful feedback)

= 3.0 =

3.0 is a complete overhaul of the plugin, and as a result we're starting the changelog fresh. For release notes from the 2.x lifecycle, see <a href="">our 2.x release notes.</a>

== Help ==

Welcome to The Events Calendar, a full-featured events management system for WordPress. Thank you so much for using the labor of our love. We are Modern Tribe and we are here to help you kick ass.

If you aren't familiar with The Events Calendar, check out our <a href="">new user primer.</a> It'll introduce you to the basics of what the plugin has to offer and will have you creating events in no time. From there, the resources below -- extensive template tag documentation, FAQs, video walkthroughs and more -- will give you a leg up as you dig deeper.

Additional resources available include:

* <a href="">Documentation</a>
* <a href="">FAQ</a>
* <a href="">Help Videos</a>
* <a href="">Tutorials</a>
* <a href="">Release Notes</a>
* <a href="">Forums</a>

We hit the <a href="">The Events Calendar forum here on</a> about once a week, assisting users with basic troubleshooting and identifying bugs that have been reported. (If you are looking for more active support, might we suggest buying a PRO license? Our team hits the <a href="">PRO forums</a> daily.)

Some things to consider before posting on the forum:

* Look through existing threads before posting a new one and check that there isn't already a discussion going on your issue.
* Your issue will be solved more quickly if you run a few checks before making a support request. Deactivate your plugins one by one - if the issue is fixed by deactivating a plugin you know you've got a plugin conflict. To test your Theme, revert to the default Twenty Twelve Theme to see if you are still experiencing the problem. If not, your Theme is the issue. Please provide this information when making your supper request.
* Sometimes, just resetting your permalinks can fix the issue. Visit Events -> Settings -> Permalinks, save your permalinks with a different option and then save with your preferred choice again. This can solve events-related problems and can is worth a shot before creating a new thread.

Still not happy? Shoot us an email to or tweet to @moderntribeinc and tell us why. We'll do what we can to make it right.

== Upgrade Notice ==

IMPORTANT NOTICE: 3.x upgrade is a HUGE upgrade from 2.x versions. If you are upgrading from an older version, please test thoroughly before updating on your live website.

= 3.5 =

Please see the changelog for the complete list of changes in this release. Remember to always make a backup of your database and files before updating!

= 3.4 =

Please see the changelog for the complete list of changes in this release. Remember to always make a backup of your database and files before updating!

= 3.3.1 =

Fixed a bug with all day events when event cutoff time is set to be past midnight.

= 3.3 =

Please see the changelog for the complete list of changes in this release. Remember to always make a backup of your database and files before updating!

= 3.2 =

Please see the changelog for the complete list of changes in this release. Remember to always make a backup of your database and files before updating!

= 3.1 =

Please see the changelog for the complete list of changes in this release. Remember to always make a backup of your database and files before updating!

= 3.0 =

1. Version 3.0 is a HUGE upgrade from The Events Calendar 2.0.x! Please back up your data BEFORE upgrading!

2. If you have any Events theme customizations, you should test this upgrade on a development server before updating your live site.

3. If you're upgrading from 1.6.5 or any release between 2.0 and 2.0.10, make sure to upgrade to The Events Calendar 2.0.11 first.

= 2.0.9 =

2.0.9 contains bug patches and new features for 2.0. Are you upgrading from 1.6.5? Events 2.0 is a MAJOR upgrade, please backup your data and plan a little time in case you have to make any theme edits. Check out the upgrade tutorials in support on the website.

= 2.0.8 =

2.0.8 contains bug patches and new features for 2.0. Are you upgrading from 1.6.5? Events 2.0 is a MAJOR upgrade, please backup your data and plan a little time in case you have to make any theme edits. Check out the upgrade tutorials in support on the website.

= 2.0.7 =

2.0.7 contains bug patches and new features for 2.0. Are you upgrading from 1.6.5? Events 2.0 is a MAJOR upgrade, please backup your data and plan a little time in case you have to make any theme edits. Check out the upgrade tutorials in support on the website.

= 2.0.5 =

2.0.5 contains bug patches and new features for 2.0. Are you upgrading from 1.6.5? Events 2.0 is a MAJOR upgrade, please backup your data and plan a little time in case you have to make any theme edits. Check out the upgrade tutorials in support on the website.

= 2.0.4 =

2.0.4 contains bug patches and new features for 2.0. Are you upgrading from 1.6.5? Events 2.0 is a MAJOR upgrade, please backup your data and plan a little time in case you have to make any theme edits. Check out the upgrade tutorials in support on the website.

= 2.0.3 =

2.0.3 is a minor bug patch for 2.0. Are you upgrading from 1.6.5? Events 2.0 is a MAJOR upgrade, please backup your data and plan a little time in case you have to make any theme edits. Check out the upgrade tutorials in support on the website.


The Events Calendar WordPress plugin by Modern Tribe







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