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New topic or area of content
Something isn't working
This contains additions, changes, and/or removals of code
👎conduct violation
👎conduct violation
This violates the code of conduct
This issue or pull request already exists
📝edit or correction
📝edit or correction
Change to existing content for clarity or accuracy
Improvement to existing content or features
💻feature request
💻feature request
Request new technical features
This contains additions, changes, and/or removals of figures, graphics, and visualizations
🤝help wanted
🤝help wanted
Extra attention is needed
👩🏽‍🔬index of scientists
👩🏽‍🔬index of scientists
Pertains to the index of scientists
This contains additions, changes, and/or removals in the instruments
This doesn't seem right
This contains additions, changes, and/or removals in the paper
A question about the project, content, or technical aspects
🧭recommended practices
🧭recommended practices
Pertains to the recommended practices
This will not be worked on
This contains changes to structure, policies, and/or other items pertaining to repo maintenance
📚terminology glossary
📚terminology glossary
Pertains to the terminology glossary
This contains additions, changes, and/or removals of written content