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Money Tracker Backend

Cargo Setups Conventional Commits

WIP project to store costs and payments of accounts to figure out who has to pay what and how much money is spent at different places.

data model

  • Account: central thing to be linked to (e.g. a person who has costs and owes others)
  • Cost: data of something that was already payed and needs to be payed back by others (e.g. shopping cost)
  • Debt: shows the distribution for parts of costs (e.g. person A needs to pay 40% of cost A to person B)
  • Payment: repayment of cost/debt between persons (e.g. payment of 10 Euro from person A to person B)
Account {}
Payment {
    uuid payer_aid FK
    uuid lender_aid FK
Cost {
    uuid aid FK
Debt {
    uuid aid FK
    uuid cid FK
Account ||--o{ Payment : has
Account ||--o{ Cost : has
Cost ||--|{ Debt : contains
Debt }o--|| Account : has

production environment

Currently it is running via and uses discord to handle auth tokens.

  • it exists a production and testing env


Generally there are a few things needed for production (and probably others) to run. These can be found in the .env.example file

run entirely in docker

  • run docker compose up
    • for: db (will run migration), adminer, backend (rust env)
  • seeding script can be found in ./seeding/<FILES>
  • url and swagger url will be shown in the output

run with local rust env

  • copy .env.example to .env
    • and update/insert invalid/missing envs
  • run make setup
    • starts db, adminer
    • runs migration (as it checks the local db instead)
  • start server with cargo run
  • (optional) run the seeding script to populate the db (while the service is running)
    • ./seeding/<FILES>

add new migration

  • add migrations (up/down) with cargo install sqlx-cli
    • sqlx migrate add -r <name>
    • insert SQL in the up/down files
  • updates of database needs to be regenerated
    • so that sqlx can be run in offline mode
    • cargo sqlx prepare
    • and commit the sqlx-data.json