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2021 05 27 Eclipse iceoryx developer meetup

Michael Pöhnl edited this page May 27, 2021 · 4 revisions

Eclipse iceoryx developer meetup

Date: 2021/05/27

Time: 17:00 CET



  • Michael Pöhnl, Apex.AI
  • Indramani Arora, Avin Systems
  • Dietrich Krönke, Apex.AI
  • Mathias Kraus, Apex.AI
  • Marika Lehmann, Apex.AI
  • Christian Eltzschig, Apex.AI
  • Matthias Killat, Apex.AI
  • Akbar Mirkar, Avin Systems


  1. General: Are there other agenda points?, 2 mins
  2. Demo: ROS2 with Cyclone + iceoryx, Killat, 15 min
  3. How to continue with vector that supports size 0, Kraus, 5 min
  4. Status request/response feature and Q&A, Kraus, 10 min


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