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Golo features Python-like decorators.


Decorators are similar in syntax and purpose to Java annotations. However, the concepts behind them are very different. Indeed, whereas Java annotations are compiler or VM directives, decorators are actually plain functions, more precisely higher order functions.

Higher order functions (HOF) are functions that process functions, i.e. that take a function as parameter, and may return a new function.

A decorator is thus a function that take the function to decorate as parameter, and return a new function, generally a wrapper that do some stuffs before or after calling the original function.

The name can remind the well known GoF Pattern, with good reason. This pattern describe a design that allow an object to be augmented by wrapping it in an other object with the same interface, delegating operations to the wrapped object. This is exactly what a decorator does here, the interface being “function” (more precisely a gololang.FunctionReference).

Principles and syntax

As in Python, and similarly to Java annotations, a decorator is used with a @ prefix before the function definition. As an example, the decorator deco1 only prints its name before returning the result unchanged

function deco1 = |fun| {
  return |args...| {
    return "deco1 + " + fun: invoke(args)

It can be used as:

function foo = |a| {
  return "foo: " + a

Here, calling println(foo(1)) will print deco1 + foo: 1.

To be the most generic, the function created by a decorator should be a variable arity function, and thus call the decorated function with invoke, such that it can be applied to any function, regardless of its arity, as in the previous example.

Indeed, suppose you what to a decorator dec (that does nothing) used like:

function add = |a,b| -> a + b

Such a decorator can be implemented as:

function dec = |func| -> |a, b| -> func(a, b)

But in that case, it will be applicable to two parameters functions only. On the other hand, you cannot do:

function dec = |func| -> |args...| -> func(args)

Indeed, this will throw an exception because func is not a variable arity function (just a reference on add function) and thus cannot take an array as parameter. In this case, the decorator have to invoke the original function like this:

function dec = |func| -> |args...| -> func(args: get(0), args: get(1))

which is equivalent to the first form, but is not generic. The more generic decorator is thus:

function dec = |func| -> |args...| -> func: invoke(args)

which can deal with any function.

As illustrated, the decorator is just a wrapper (closure) around the decorated function. The @ syntax is just syntactic sugar. Indeed, it can also be used as such:

function bar = |a| -> "bar: " + a

function main = |args| {

  let decobar = deco1(^bar)

  println(deco1(|a| -> "bar: "+a)(1))

prints all deco1 + bar: 1.

Decorators can also be stacked. For instance:

function deco2 = |fun| {
  return |args...| {
    return "deco2 + " + fun: invoke(args)

function baz = |a| -> "baz: " + a

println(baz(1)) will print deco2 + deco1 + baz: 1

This result can also be achieved by composing decorators, as in:

let deco3 = ^deco1: andThen(^deco2)

function spam = |a| -> "spam: " + a

Again, println(spam(1)) will print deco2 + deco1 + spam: 1

Moreover, since decorator are just higher order functions, they can be closure on a first argument, i.e. parametrized decorators, as illustrated in the following listing:

module tests.LogDeco

function log = |msg| -> |fun| -> |args...| {
  return fun: invoke(args)

@log("calling foo")
function foo = |a| {
  println("foo got a " + a)

@log("I'am a bar")
function bar = |a| -> 2*a

function main = |args| {

will print

calling foo
foo got a bar
I'am a bar

Here, log create a closure on the message, and return the decorator function. Thus, log("hello") is a function that take a function as parameter, and return a new function printing the message (hello) before delegating to the inner function.

Again, since all of this are just functions, you can create shortcuts:

let sayHello = log("Hello")

function baz = -> "Goodbye"

A call to println(baz()) will print


The only requirement is that the effective decorator (the expression following the @) is eventually a HOF returning a closure on the decorated function. As an example, it can be as elaborated as:

function log = |msgBefore| -> |msgAfter| -> |func| -> |args...| {
  let res = func: invoke(args)
  return res

@log("enter foo")("exit foo")
function foo = |a| {
  println("foo: " + a)

where a call foo("bar") will print

enter foo
foo: bar
exit foo

and with

function logEnterExit = |name| -> log("# enter " + name)("# exit " + name)

function bar = { println("doing something...") }

calling bar() will print

# enter bar
doing something...
# exit bar

or even, without decorator syntax:

function main = |args| {
  let strange_use = log("hello")("goodbye")({println(":p")})


A last thing (but not the least), the function returned by the decorator can have a different arity than the original one:

function curry = |f| -> |a| -> |b| -> f(a, b)

function add = |a,b| -> a + b

function main = |args| {

The @curry decorator transform the add function that takes two arguments, into a function that takes only one argument and returns a function that takes the second argument and finally return the result of the addition.

A more refined version of this curry decorator is available in the gololang.Functions standard module
A decorator is applied only if the decorated function is called from Golo code. For example if you try to call a decorated Golo function from Java code it will not be the decorated function that will be called but the original one.
It is possible to create decorator and decorated functions in pure Java:
package decorators;

import gololang.annotations.DecoratedBy;
import gololang.FunctionReference;

public class Decorators {

  public static Object decorator(Object original) {
    FunctionReference reference = (FunctionReference) original;
    // do some transformations
    return reference;

  public static int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;


Let’s call this from Golo:

import decorators.Decorators

function main = |args| {

will print:


Let’s now illustrate with some use cases and examples, with a presentation of some decorators of the standard module gololang.Decorators.

Use cases and examples

Use cases are at least the same as aspect oriented programming (AOP) and the Decorator design pattern, but your imagination is your limit. Some are presented here for illustration.


Logging is a classical example use case of AOP. See the Principles and syntax section for an example.

Pre/post conditions checking

Decorators can be used to check pre-conditions, that is conditions that must hold for arguments, and post-conditions, that is conditions that must hold for returned values, of a function.

Indeed, a decorated can execute code before delegating to the decorated function, of after the delegation.

The module gololang.Decorators provides two decorators and several utility functions to check pre and post conditions.

checkResult is a parametrized decorator taking a checker as parameter. It checks that the result of the decorated function is valid.

checkArguments is a variable arity function, taking as much checkers as the decorated function arguments. It checks that the arguments of the decorated function are valid according to the corresponding checker (1st argument checked by 1st checker, and so on).

A checker is a function that raises an exception if its argument is not valid (e.g. using require) or returns it unchanged, allowing checkers to be chained using the andThen method.

As an example, one can check that the arguments and result of a function are integers with:

let isInteger = |v| {
  require(v oftype Integer.class, v + "is not an Integer")
  return v

@checkArguments(isInteger, isInteger)
function add = |a, b| -> a + b

or that the argument is a positive integer:

let isPositive = |v| {
  require(v > 0, v + "is not > 0")
  return v

@checkArguments(isInteger: andThen(isPositive))
function inv = |v| -> 1.0 / v

Of course, again, you can take shortcuts:

let isPositiveInt = isInteger: andThen(isPositive)

function double = |v| -> 2 * v

or even

let myCheck = checkArguments(isInteger: andThen(isPositive))

function inv = |v| -> 1.0 / v

function mul = |v| -> 10 * v

Several factory functions are available in gololang.Decorators to ease the creation of checkers:

  • any is a void checker that does nothing. It can used when you need to check only some arguments of a n-ary function.

  • asChecker is a factory that takes a boolean function and an error message and returns the corresponding checker. For instance:

let isPositive = asChecker(|v| -> v > 0, "is not positive")
  • isOfType is a factory function that returns a function checking types, e.g.

let isInteger = isOfType(Integer.class)

The full set of standard checkers is documented in the generated golodoc.


As seen, decorator can be used to wrap a function call between checking operation, but also between a lock/unlock in a concurrent context:

import java.util.concurrent.locks

function withLock = |lock| -> |fun| -> |args...| {
  lock: lock()
  try {
    return fun: invoke(args)
  } finally {
    lock: unlock()

let myLock = ReentrantLock()

function foo = |a, b| {
  return a + b


Memoization is the optimization technique that stores the results of a expensive computation to return them directly on subsequent calls. It is quite easy, using decorators, to transform a function into a memoized one. The decorator creates a closure on a hashmap, and check the existence of the results before delegating to the decorated function, and storing the result in the hashmap if needed.

Such a decorator is provided in the gololang.Decorators module, presented here as an example:

function memoizer = {
  var cache = map[]
  return |fun| {
    return |args...| {
      let key = [fun: hashCode(), Tuple(args)]
      if (not cache: containsKey(key)) {
        cache: add(key, fun: invoke(args))
      return cache: get(key)

The cache key is the decorated function and its call arguments, thus the decorator can be used for every module functions. It must however be put in a module-level state, since in the current implementation, the decoration is invoked at each call. For instance:

let memo = memoizer()

function fib = |n| {
  if n <= 1 {
    return n
  } else {
    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

function fact = |n| {
  if n == 0 {
    return 1
  } else {
    return n * fact(n - 1)

Generic context

Decorators can be used to define a generic wrapper around a function, that extends the previous example (and can be used to implement most of them). This functionality is provided by the gololang.Decorators::withContext standard decorator. This decorator take a context, such as the one returned by gololang.Decorators::defaultContext function.

A context is an object with 4 defined methods:

  • entry, that takes and returns the function arguments. This method can be used to check arguments or apply transformation to them;

  • exit, that takes and returns the result of the function. This method can be used to check conditions or transform the result;

  • catcher, that deal with exceptions that occurs during function execution. It takes the exception as parameter;

  • finallizer, that is called in a finally clause after function execution.

The context returned by gololang.Decorators::defaultContext is a void one, that is entry and exit return their parameters unchanged, catcher rethrow the exception and finallizer does nothing.

The workflow of this decorator is as follow:

  1. the context entry method is called on the function arguments;

  2. the decorated function is called with arguments returned by entry;

    1. if an exception is raised, catcher is called with it as parameter;

    2. else the result is passed to exit and the returned value is returned

  3. the finallizer method is called.

Any of theses methods can modify the context internal state.

Here is an usage example:


which prints

Hard computation
do some cleanup
do some cleanup
Hard computation
Caught java.lang.AssertionError: wrong value
do some cleanup

Since the context is here shared between decorations, the count attribute is incremented by each call to every decorated function, thus the output.

This generic decorator can be used to easily implement condition checking, logging, locking, and so on. It can be more interesting if you want to provide several functionalities, instead of stacking more specific decorators, since stacking, or decorator composition, adds indirection levels and deepen the call stack.